Prototype EVS100S amp......only $550.....incredible bargain!!!!

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Ric Schultz

This amp is exactly the same as the production EVS 100S amp except that it is in a larger chassis (the only ones I had when I was prototyping).  The chassis is 16X12x4.  It is black and the faceplate is grained and anodized with either "200S" engraved in the middle or you could use the other side and have it blank.  The chassis is the one I used when I was making amps with UCD modules.  Since the amp puts out 200 watts into 4 ohms (300 watt peaks) calling it a 200S is perfectly cool.....In fact, PS Audio and Bel-Canto refer to their stock versions of these ICE modules as 300 watters.  Only one at this price....all others are $800.  The usual 30 day unconditional money back gaurantee.  I take Visa, MC and Paypal.  The chassis has a slight mark on the cover....only seen up close.

Ric Schultz
831-338-2896.....Pacific Time.....start to leave a message...I monitor the phone.

I don't know how to add a picture....any I just added a link to my website with the pic.
« Last Edit: 3 Nov 2007, 07:07 pm by Ric Schultz »

I don't know how to add a picture....any I just added a link to my website with the pic.

Ric - here's instructions...better than a hint, but not quite as good as having someone do it for you  :wink: :icon_lol:




How does this amp compare to the 500M amp reviewed by 10audio?

Ric Schultz

The 500M is no longer available....but here goes.  The 100S has better high frequency extension, depth, imaging, air and openness....the 500M has better bass, bass weight (maybe too full?), slam and power.  I prefer the 100S.  I have a new mod to the 100M amp where I add some extra capacitance to the main supply.  I have not listened to it but I am sure it would help the bass.  Will have more to report later when I have more time to listen....lots of projects going now.  By the way, the amp is sold.....actually about 4 times over already.