To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan

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Re: To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan
« Reply #60 on: 30 Oct 2007, 09:06 pm »
Hi Klaus,
when it comes to SS power amps you are the MAN, the best bang for the money.  are you sure you can
keep up with the demand?  folks you are going to wait longer for your amps.  but it is worth the wait.
would it be better to offer fewer products ( a lot to choose from ) ?  a bigger operation brings bigger
No, the answer to me is not fewer products. I still want Klaus to manufacture a preamp w/headphone outs, plus I have a native interest in what else he may have up his sleeve (more tubes? separate vinyl product? DAC? etc).

Jim N.

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Re: To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan
« Reply #61 on: 30 Oct 2007, 10:12 pm »
The response was vintage Klaus: direct and from the heart. Ain't many places that you are going to find that anymore.


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Re: To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan
« Reply #62 on: 31 Oct 2007, 10:47 am »
I'm glad that things apparently,for now,have worked out between you and Klaus.
You took one hell of a chance with your posting,and you must know Klaus pretty well because he responded and all is well. But is it really?
This has been the most interesting thread I've ever responded to,on any forum anywhere.
I took you to task on (to me) one obvious slip of decorum,admitted that I didn't know the whole story,and have had to suffer P.M.s telling me to "stop stirring things up!",and that I didn't know half the story behind Odyssey's customer service record.

You have every right,as a paying customer,to be satisfied. I wonder if you actually know how large the undercurrent of misinformation and (apparent)hate against Klaus is,that you stirred up?

I wasn't either. Perhaps one or more fools are playing games here,and I'm over reacting.
I certainly hope so,I can handle being laughed at.
Being threatened to "shut up or else" is entirely something else.

Something very ugly is circling quietly beneath the Odyssey circle.
I hope it stays there,in the dark,where cowards collect and mutter to themselves,jealous of Klaus's accomplishments. Or where hypocrites send threatening P.M.s and then kiss Klaus's ass publicly(you know who you are)

Vr3,I hope all your future transactions with Klaus go smoothly,and are very satisfying.

You swung for the bleachers,and made it. Please be circumspect next time,you might not be so lucky,or have the ability to stop what you've started.


Re: To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan
« Reply #63 on: 31 Oct 2007, 11:43 am »
Well Kirby, you sure know how to stir a pot.
It must be Halloween...


Re: To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan
« Reply #64 on: 31 Oct 2007, 11:49 am »
Please be circumspect next time,you might not be so lucky,or have the ability to stop what you've started.

Words one should possibly follow... hmmm Could get interesting at this point?   :o :o :o :o :o


Re: To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan
« Reply #65 on: 31 Oct 2007, 01:49 pm »
I'm glad that things apparently,for now,have worked out between you and Klaus.
You took one hell of a chance with your posting,and you must know Klaus pretty well because he responded and all is well. But is it really?
This has been the most interesting thread I've ever responded to,on any forum anywhere.
I took you to task on (to me) one obvious slip of decorum,admitted that I didn't know the whole story,and have had to suffer P.M.s telling me to "stop stirring things up!",and that I didn't know half the story behind Odyssey's customer service record.

You have every right,as a paying customer,to be satisfied. I wonder if you actually know how large the undercurrent of misinformation and (apparent)hate against Klaus is,that you stirred up?

I wasn't either. Perhaps one or more fools are playing games here,and I'm over reacting.
I certainly hope so,I can handle being laughed at.
Being threatened to "shut up or else" is entirely something else.

Something very ugly is circling quietly beneath the Odyssey circle.
I hope it stays there,in the dark,where cowards collect and mutter to themselves,jealous of Klaus's accomplishments. Or where hypocrites send threatening P.M.s and then kiss Klaus's ass publicly(you know who you are)

Vr3,I hope all your future transactions with Klaus go smoothly,and are very satisfying.

You swung for the bleachers,and made it. Please be circumspect next time,you might not be so lucky,or have the ability to stop what you've started.

Let me see if I have this right.   

You took Vr3 to task for his decorum in discussing this publicly in the forums.  But then you go on to call others cowards,  because they are not airing it out publicly,  rather,  privately through e-mails?

So what approach would you aprove of? 

No critical criticism at all?  Only positive circle jerks?   :roll: :roll:

How do you know if these people addressed and discussed their issues with Klaus,  or not? 

Decorum works both ways.  One does a huge diservice to the community by being a "Fan-Boy" cheerleader and not discussing the negative aspects of of any given subject matter.   Klaus is obviouslty a guy who sincerely takes the negative criticism and experiences to heart and tries to correct problems.  Which shows integrity on his part,  even if it may have been lacking priviously.  It sems he evaluates what he's done and tries to improve and correct it.  Which is probably more than I can say for others in this business.  No,  it doesn't excuse his previous behavior,  but it goes a long way to mending bridges.  No one is perfect.  Not me,  not Klaus,  not you.  We all make mistakes or do things that we should have not done.  Sometimes the circumstances of our individual lives get in the way of us fullfilling all promises and commitments.  But if we make an honest attempt down the road to correct that and mend bridges;  that shows character and integrity.

The criticism is always important.  And anyone with a subjective and unbiased mind,  could make a distinction between the people who just want to be malicious,  and the people who had honest problems.  Usually by asking a few questions in the thread and digging a little deeper.

People sent you " threatening P.M.s " in an attempt to shut you up in defending Klaus?  Wow,  I guess that balances out the "threatening P.M.s" I got from people trying to shut me up,  when I discussed the problems I had with the Tempest;  in the Tempest thread.  :lol: :lol:


Re: To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan
« Reply #66 on: 31 Oct 2007, 01:59 pm »
Please be circumspect next time,you might not be so lucky,or have the ability to stop what you've started.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have to be kidding me. 

I would encourage everyone and anyone who has had a problem or who currently has problem,  to start their own threads.......right now!!!!  Air it all out :lol:

Almost makes me think....that's exactly what you want :roll:


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Re: To Klaus, From A Very Concerned Fan
« Reply #67 on: 1 Nov 2007, 05:23 am »
Alrighty then.
First off,I probably shouldn't have posted while tired and pissed about messages from someone. I certainly could've been more clear in my wording.   :|

Vr3- The only thing I had differences with was the public cancellation of an order. I thought it uncool then,and if that was your intention,uncool now. I was neutral about anything else,because I didn't know the facts. However,it then seemed to me that you didn't want to cancel the order,just trying a different tact to get a response from Klaus. Which it did.
In the end,only you can decide if it was worth it. I hope it was,but you had to know you were going to take some initial heat. Would it have been better to keep trying those two months? Who knows?

TjMV3- some good points there.
Publicly or private? I think an individual should exhaust all avenues of communication before airing publicly. When is that point? Everyone has to decide when enough's enough for themselves. That will always be a matter of disagreement,hence discussions like this one.

So let me see here,anybody that sticks up for a Manufacturer is a "fanboy"? I'm getting a little tired of names being automatically stuck to someone of an opposing view. We all hopefully want to know the facts,and to get to the solution to a problem. Sticking names and labels to those of differing views is popular in this country now,doesn't help a darn thing.
We can't solve things without gathering all pertinent facts. At least in the start of that process,there's going to be some varying amounts of distrust and perhaps some things said or flames brought. Trick is to try to keep emotions out of it,obviously difficult. We don't seem to disagree there.

I'm sorry you received those messages. I had my first experience with it here,and it took me out of my game a bit. I don't see the need for it,seems rather cowardly really and doesn't solve anything.

Should anyone with a problem air them out or start threads? In short,yes. If it'll help solve some of the apparent lingering complaints. Would you rather that the unhappy just continue to send notes in private back and forth? This helps how? Bringing problems into the light makes for accountability on both sides. Maybe that's something some people want to avoid. If you have a beef,bring it up. Maybe someone can put a different angle on it,or ask a previously unthought of question. Seems to me better to at least try,rather than just whining in private.