New system (Yes, yet another thread)

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New system (Yes, yet another thread)
« on: 1 Oct 2007, 08:51 pm »
So, it's time for another thread about new system.

Some of my initial thoughts:

Ideally, I'd like to go with a full Channel Islands setup (DAC/pre/dual mono) plus Von Schweikert speakers. This will be quite expensive, and as I fully expect to be doing upgrades over the next few years, I could start out with "temporary" components before I end up with something.

So, some of my choice components include

  Rotel 1070 CD
  Oppo CD/CI VDA
  Naim CD5i

Integrated Amp
  Rotel 1062
  Naim Nait 5i
  Musical Fidelity A3.5

  CI Audio PLC-1

  Rotel RB 1070
  CI D-100
  CI D-200

  Quad 22L
  Spendor S5e/S8e
  Paradigm Studio Monitor 20 v4
  Dynaudio 52 SE
  Von Schweikert VR2
  Revel M20

Too many choices
For now, I am _slightly_ leaning towards Oppo/CI VDA for front end, CI Audio PLC-1 for pre,
Rotel RB 1070 for power amp and a Paradigm Studio Monitor 20 with stands. ($150, $600, $900, $700, $800, $400 ~$3,550) Cables extra.

Maybe a used power amp, instead of a new Rotel RB1070 as I plan on selling or reuse when I move on. I was thinking I could hang on to the Monitor/20s for some secondary system. Can a passive preamp like the PLC-1 work with the Rotel?

Help me get my thinking straight here: Am I skimping on the right items at this stage (power amp and speakers). Am I setting myself up for a sound growth path (by starting with good transport+DAC, and good preamp)?

I'm planning on moving to D-200 monos as soon as situation allows, possibly move into the next set of speakers even before the amp upgrade.

Maybe I'm in over my head already, maybe I should just get a Naim CD/Amp combo and Spendor S8e speakers? That will be quite good, maybe even good enough.

Let rip...


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Re: New system (Yes, yet another thread)
« Reply #1 on: 4 Oct 2007, 07:26 pm »
Compared to some I might be called a basshead, but one good way to get sound now and divert some of the cost until later would be to buy small speakers now and a powered sub later.  This would also lend itself to using a poorly dampened tube power amp for the smaller speakers, better sound in a smaller room, better bass control from the separate subs.

Likewise you could live with an Oppo universal player and add the DAC later.  If all you'll be doing is spinning discs, a pre-amp is very optional as the Oppo has a volume control built right into the remote.  Another option to the Oppo is a Squeeze Box (audio/computer interface, likewise it also has volume control in the remote).  For a bit more it adds internet radio and has no moving parts to wear out, but it requires a computer and hard drive space.

I own and like Channel Island Audio stuff, but if all you're doing is digital inputs a Benchmark UBS is a nice piece and would additionally allow direct computer access with volume control.

Your choices are all over the map.  Rotel is a plow horse, well built but not very accurate/musical.  Paradigm is about the same, no major vices but no soul.  Both on hi-fi entry level stuff.  Oppo sounds killer for the money, but is only built to the level you'd expect for the price.  Channel Island stuff is American hand built, great sound, common sense design/construction.

Pick the speakers first, then find an amp that synergizes with them.


Re: New system (Yes, yet another thread)
« Reply #2 on: 4 Oct 2007, 08:34 pm »
Even though the front end is very important, if you cheap out on the speakers then you will never hear the quality you paid for, with good speakers every change to the front end will be more noticeable and enjoyable. A system is "tuned" by selecting components that compliment each other, with speakers that are just OK you will be constantly changing components upstream but never achieving a musical result.

A friend had a Rotel/Paradigm system a few years ago and it was not a setup that made you want to sit down and listen, it was good to have on while doing housework and vacuuming though.

The VR2's are discontinued, though used ones come up for sale often. I would not pay more than $1500 (what I paid new for mine) and are a great speaker, especially after adding internal cabinet bracing, and there is no need for a sub-woofer. Try to pick up locally if possible, they were originally shipped double boxed in huge padded boxes and I would worry if the seller would take as much care in packing.



Re: New system (Yes, yet another thread)
« Reply #3 on: 4 Oct 2007, 10:07 pm »
Your choices are all over the map.  Rotel is a plow horse, well built but not very accurate/musical.  Paradigm is about the same, no major vices but no soul.  Both on hi-fi entry level stuff.  Oppo sounds killer for the money, but is only built to the level you'd expect for the price.  Channel Island stuff is American hand built, great sound, common sense design/construction.

Yep, there's simply too many choices. Rotel and Paradigm are reasonably well known and resellable.
The idea is to get off the ground, get the right high-end pieces now, delay some other pieces while settling temporarily for "good enough".
I can see that there are other/better choices than Rotel, and I'm open to most anything.
The end state, is Channel Island Audio DAC/pre/power plus VR4-JR speakers.
I would rather not spend 2 years without ANYTHING while saving for that


Re: New system (Yes, yet another thread)
« Reply #4 on: 4 Oct 2007, 11:34 pm »
I am biased towards Bryston so here's what I would do.
Get a Bryston 2B-SST if you can swing it, this will be the foundation to great sound regardless of anything else. Or if the sst is out of your price range a used 2B-LP will suffice. These are very neutral sounding amps that will add no sound of its own to the music.
A good mid-priced cd player, your looking for build quality and reliablity here. The difference between hi and mid priced cd's source sound are minimal. And money spent here is not the best bang for the buck when starting out.
Pre-amp, I'm not familiar with other than my av/reciever. You may want something with tone controls, as some people don't like the clean sounding bass you will get with the Bryston amp. Add some bass tone maybe the only tweak you need.
Speakers of your choice,  Paradigm studio 20's give a neutral sound. You may find this too sterile with the Bryston combo. You may want a speaker that adds some warmth or coloration if you don't like the neutral sound. So listen carefully when demo-ing speakers for the sound that you like best. The problem here is that what sounds good initially may become fatiguing to you at home a month or two later.
This will give you excellent 2 channel sound which you can live with, and is a very good foundation when/if you want to upgrade down the road.


Re: New system (Yes, yet another thread)
« Reply #5 on: 5 Oct 2007, 01:02 am »
just an FYI... I owned the 22ls and they were a good speaker, I found the top end a little flat though. I also had the monitor audio silver re 6 and think they are an excellent value, neutral and well balanced... If you are looking for Brit speakers.