MAC Palladium Sound Pipes: A Personal Journey to Success

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The project was to “bring up” the sound quality of our CDP to that of our vinyl.  Big order after our vinyl was sorted and resorted with a tonearm rewire, Bent Audio transformers, and other continuing tweaks on the TT.  This resulted in a wide, spacious, detailed sound presentation.  Individual instruments in a symphonic orchestra became distinguishable in not only their placement in a holographic sense, but also remarkably their individual character.  Mixed quality of course depending upon the that particular chunk of vinyl.  Acceptable, we got it.                                                         

Back to the CDP.  Typically flat and “digital” on most symphonic, some jazz good soundstage…but overall little life or excitement to the sound.  The music presentation was good, non fatiguing,  with very few bad digital habits, but without the “life” and “vitality” that we seek.  Sometimes a bowl of canned soup tastes good, but the carrots don’t crunch and taste like the peas, that taste like the potatoes….all sort of homogenized into one.  A fresh soup has many characters, all individual, all distinct brought together to make a whole.   Unique textures and flavors are what bring excitement and vitality to our experience.  That is what our music brings to us.  Get it if you can.

We had been using MAC AgQs(silver) with silver Eichmanns  on the CDP.  An email to Steve Hallick at MAC detailing the problem, actually more of a complaint brought on a set of the MAC Palladium ICs with Eichmann silvers to the doorstep a few days later.  On the cooker for about 125 hours then into the system.  We did not expect what we heard.

Selecting a few of the most non-descript classical CDs in the box without concern, we frumped down in our chairs to have a quick listen.   Holy Batman !!! What’s this !!!  Without exaggeration those proletariat, flat, digital, boring CDs came alive.  There was now a full blown symphony orchestra presented in a world class symphony hall.  Yes, there is a difference in symphony halls.  The soundstage was there with the instruments distinctly where the belonged.  The sound was both sweet and dramatic.  Even the character and volume of individual instruments were apparent.  The textures, subtle nuisances along with the drama was there…..sometimes more than the vinyl.
no edginess , no mush, no color, just a pure sweet believable realism that took our breath away. Now this was a fresh delectable soup with crunch where it should be, with individual delicate flavors  properly blended to be savored and enjoyed, excitement and vitality.

Yet another dimension.  No matter what we were listening to, there came a musical surprise.  A triangle, the slam of a bass drum, the shimmer of a cymbal came across dramatically with purpose.  Separate, distinct, with a realistic character that became a “where did that come from”.  A goose bumps “surprise” in the musical presentation.  Now that’s power.

Bottom line how did it compare to the vinyl.  Actually very well,  sometimes better, sometimes not quite as good. A better explanation would be apples to oranges.  Both very good, but with a different character.  Most important we can now delightfully experience our digital media.

So, if this my fellow audio junkies is what you savor I highly recommend you give the MAC palladiums a try.  I do believe that if your system has the potential, these MAC cables will make it happen.
Push the envelope, it can be quite an experience.  And besides Steve Hallick is one of the “good guys” out there.

This is fun!!
The System:  unassuming, maybe overachieving

Fresh modded Jolida JD100A CDP with a tube roll
Rega 3, highly modded
RB 300 Arm modded w/ Incognito Re-wire w/ Eichmann silvers
Benz Micro L2 cart.
Bent Audio SU Transformers w/ Eichmann silvers                                                             
TAD 150 Sig preamp, modded phono stage
Odyssey Stratos power amp, modded
Von Schweikert VR-1’s paired with big Rectilinear III’s
Copper Luminous Audio cables to the VR-1’s
Silver Luminous Audio cables to the Rectilinear’s
MAC Palladium ICs w/ Eichmann silvers
MAC AgQ ICs w/ Eichmann silvers
Power cords various Flavors/ VHAudio
All but power amp behind a BrickWall


Re: MAC Palladium Sound Pipes: A Personal Journey to Success
« Reply #1 on: 12 Feb 2007, 09:37 pm »
Nice review, I have a few questions, 1. how do these cables stack up against other manufacturers? I'm not talking about monster or anything like that, maybe some smaller vendors? I find with cables the handmade small guys are the best.  2. have you tried the cables with any other system? Any result that you get from your system will probably be the same on another system, but sometimes there's a stark difference. Any way just curious.   :thumb:


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  • Posts: 35
Re: MAC Palladium Sound Pipes: A Personal Journey to Success
« Reply #2 on: 13 Feb 2007, 02:34 pm »
Hi Pez, thanks for the compliment.  I was inspired. 

1.  I did a direct comparison with MAC AgQ silver with Eichmann silvers. The
MAC Palladium's blew them away.

2.  I did a direct comparison with the MAC AgQ's and Guerrilla Audio's silver IC's.
Both with Eichmann silvers.  The MAC AgQ's eventually became the choice.  Simply more resolving without an edge.

3.  I replaced Luminous Audio's Syncs (copper)  from pre to amp with MAC Palladium's
and the result was astounding !!!  This completed the IC Palladium chain from CDP through to the power amp, all with Eichmann silvers.  Conclusion: copper does have a "flavor" that covers the sound.

4.  There have been further comments on Audiogon do a search for "palladium".  Other's comments seem to coincide with my experience.  I'll be posting a follow-up in a few days.  I can't imagine at better IC for the cost.  Hope this helps.


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Re: MAC Palladium Sound Pipes: A Personal Journey to Success
« Reply #3 on: 16 May 2007, 09:24 pm »
Lets bring this back to life.  Any other feedback on these cables?

I recently added vinyl to my system so I was short cables.  Up until now I've been using Eichmann stuff exclusively in this system.  I only had 2 eXpress6s so I was using 2 parts express Daytons I had on hand.  I've been watching Audiogon for more Eichmanns, but I wasn't finding them.  I've recently been kicking myself that I didn't buy more when TheMusic had them on sale last year.  Since I hadn't found any Eichmanns, I've been watching for other cables in that same price range.

I picked up a couple of pairs of these the other day for a bit less $ than I could find the Eichmanns.  Since I only had 2 pairs of either cable I've done all my testing with digital since I only needed 2 pairs for that chain.

I switched my system around to use both eichmanns in the digital chain and listened for a few days.  Then one morning after an hour of listening to the Eichmanns I replaced them with the MAC palladium cables.  I didn't really feel like they gave ANY ground to the Eichmanns and they have much better openness.  The highs have a wonderful sparkle without being harsh.  When I first was trying to decide what cabling to use I did try some unshielded silver/gold alloy cables that had a very similar sparkle and clarity, but they mangled other parts (male vocals sounded unnatural).  These palladium cables don't mangle the rest of the sound, but still give that air.  I'm not going to say that they blow the Eichmann eXpress 6 cables away, but these are clearly better for less and to me the Eichmanns are overperformers for their price range.

I've very impressed with these cables and am very seriously considering picking up another 2 pair to cable the whole system.  I'm actually listening to vinyl right now and after hearing the MACs on digital for the past few days and this morning, the vinyl seems so closed in now.  Its amazing how fast I've gotten addicted to that openness the palladium was giving me because until a few days ago I prefered my vinyl chain over my digital chain.