Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's

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  • Jr. Member
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Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's
« on: 8 May 2007, 05:21 am »
I have been talking to a friend I met on the VMPS forum, also an RM 40 owner.
We talked about all the things we love about our RM 40's, and the area's we felt there could be some improvement in.

He told me of the wonderful success he has had by using all midwoofers in the RM 40's.
He even offered to send me a pair to try, and they are on the way as I write this.

Of course, I could not wait for them to arrive, and so tnis evening, here is what I did.

I made one of my RM 40's an "All Midwoofer" speaker, and simply placed all Megawoofers in the other one.

Of course, the all Megawoofer sounded bad, and I expected it to.
But, the all midwoofer RM 40 sounded marvelous!

It had a much fuller sound, and imaged better.

It also allowed me to run my mids up in level w/o sounding thin.

In MY room, I have never been able to run my mids past 12 o'clock, and they sound better at about 10 to 10.30.

The problem with running them down there in MY room is the image jumps up to the top 10 inch woofer.

One might try this experiment ?
Simply turn your mids and tweeters all the way off, and listen ?

The top woofer is making a VITAL area of your frequency range, all by itself!

The bottom Megawoofer rolls off, and does not help the top woofer reproduce midrange.

IMHO, this is a LOT to ask of one 10 inch driver to keep up with a stack of ribbons ?

Because of trhe sheer height of the top midwoofer, it is way off the vertical axis of the bottom ribbon stack.

No wonder Jim Romeyn suggested swapping the woofers ?

This will place the midwoofer at the bottom of the ribbon stack, and allow a quick floor bounce to better "fill in" the vertical distance to the top stack.

Still, no matter what, there is an unbalance in the radiation pattern with the stock arrangement.

This works in many rooms, and I have heard it work too because two local people I know have the same spiral RM 40's I do, without problems.
But, it does not work in MY room.

Fortunately, I have found what does!

It sounds MUCH better, in MY room, with TWO woofers playing the same thing!

This is the direction I wish to go with my speakers, but I wonder IF the passive will still tune the woofers correctly ?

Maybe the "hot ticket" for me ultimately will be to buy 4 NEW Midwoofers from Brian, and take advantage of the better driver ?

Perhaps Brian can offer a special passive for those of us wishing to add symmetry to our image, and more fullness to our speakers in this fashion ?

I know I am SOLD on this mod, w/o a doubt.

Jay said there is a slight loss of bass by giving up the megawoofer, but the midbass becomes so full and rich I didn't miss it.

Of course, I have subwoofers.

This mod may not be right for every room, and listening taste, but it dropped my jaw.

Thank You Jay!


« Last Edit: 8 May 2007, 05:33 am by ka7niq »


Re: Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's
« Reply #1 on: 10 May 2007, 02:56 am »
You are quite welcome Chris, and thank you for showing me how to get better deep bass out of mine by removing all the fiberglass and foam lining them instead. The bass really growls now with electric bass and defines stand up perfectly. I hear everything now with no blur and feel the woofers blend with the Neos seamlessly. I also bypassed the low pass coil on my Neos to let them go all the way up and I love the transparency and greater power in gongs and cymbals. I have the FST, but am not sold on it as it is all finese and too dainty to keep up with 4 Neos. The clarity can crunch at times.
I just got some used ESP Concert Grands to play with and they image well, but just can't compare with the sheer clarity of those Neos. The RM 40's are giant killers in many ways. Now we just need a wider version with 12's! :>)   JAY


  • Jr. Member
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Re: Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's
« Reply #2 on: 10 May 2007, 05:19 am »
Lest anyone reading this THINK Brian does not know what he is doing, think again!
By using ONLY midwoofers to our RM 40's, we are going into "uncharted waters"
The fiberglass Brian has in the STOCK RM 40's is designed to tune the stock woofers.
We are using different woofers, and found they tune best w/o as much of the fiberglass.

Of course, we still have some behind the woofers for midrange damping!

IF we had a different Passive Radiator, this might be different, but we only have the passive that came in our speakers.

Maybe, Brian will someday make an RM 40 FSA for those of us in rooms where the electrically symmetrical woofers work better.

FSA stands for "Fully Symmetric Array"

Until then, we are venturing into what we believe to be uncharted waters, and both Jay and I are pleased with the results we are getting so far.

And, to NO Surprise to me, Brian has actually encouraged us to experiment!

I find this to be a very refreshing attitude from a speaker manufacturer.

It is a far cry from the "I am GOD and you shall listen to me even if you don't like it attitude we sometimes get from self appointed experts.

Jay and I are grown men, and VMPS Owners.
We have done no irreversible damage to our speakers, and can quite easily put em back just like stock.

Jay and I are having fun, sharing our discoveries and disappointments with each other.

Some people might buy a 2007 Vette, and keep it stock.
For the truly obsessed, 400 HP isn't enough, and those people change induction systems, alter the chip,  and add Nitrous Oxide.
Some go even farther, and add Twin Turbochargers, etc, etc.

Jay and I fall into the "truly obsessed" camp, and BOTH desperately in need of a good 12 Step Program for Audio Addiction.

Please, allow us our madness ?


Re: Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's
« Reply #3 on: 10 May 2007, 02:46 pm »
Go for it.

I think VMPS attracts those that can't seem to leave well enough alone and I enjoy folllowing everyones' adventures. I've learned a lot and picked up a few ideas. Keep us posted



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 201
    • Roof Cleaning Tampa FL
Re: Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's
« Reply #4 on: 10 May 2007, 04:41 pm »
Go for it.

I think VMPS attracts those that can't seem to leave well enough alone and I enjoy folllowing everyones' adventures. I've learned a lot and picked up a few ideas. Keep us posted

Yes, I think you are correct.
Many of us VMPS owners are "obsessed audiophikles".
That is why we own VMPS speakers in the first place.
We knew there had to be something better then cones and domes.
That is why we own VMPS speakers in the first place!

Jay and I will keep everyone posted.
Thanks for your support!


Re: Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's
« Reply #5 on: 10 May 2007, 07:06 pm »
A while ago when I was very seriously considering the RM-40.  I had some reservations about some bass issues I had read about here and so I had started a thread with a question to the community about basically doing what you have done. 

The twist was that I was asking:

"if a separate subwoofer was part of the system from the beginning of design, would the tower sections be built the same, or would changes be made to optimize them for the frequencies they would be running?  For example:  Would there still be a mid bass and low bass driver, or would two mid bass drivers be used instead?"


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 201
    • Roof Cleaning Tampa FL
Re: Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's
« Reply #6 on: 10 May 2007, 09:40 pm »
A while ago when I was very seriously considering the RM-40.  I had some reservations about some bass issues I had read about here and so I had started a thread with a question to the community about basically doing what you have done. 

The twist was that I was asking:

"if a separate subwoofer was part of the system from the beginning of design, would the tower sections be built the same, or would changes be made to optimize them for the frequencies they would be running?  For example:  Would there still be a mid bass and low bass driver, or would two mid bass drivers be used instead?"

Thanks for the link.
My concern is not with the bass issues of a speaker.
You can always buy bass, it is cheap.

My concerns are the lower midrange of my particular set of older RM 40's.
Design decisions sometime involve compromise.

Brian intentionally placed different woofers in the RM 40's to avoid one note bass.

Fine and good, for bass.

But, this means the two woofers now roll off in their upper range at different frequencies.

This means that only the top woofer is left to play the bottom part of the vital lower midrange of the speaker!

The VMPS woofers are already far less efficient then the ribbon array is.

This forces you to turn the panels down to match the lower efficiency of the woofers.

With two old midwoofers in the RM 40's, instead of one midwoofer and one Megawoofer, the woofers now BOTH play well up into the midrange, solving the lean tonal balance issue, solidifying images, and allowing more panel level, hence more efficiency.

There also seems to be a more Punchy mid bass, although some low bass is lost.

So, it is a trade off, as you can see.

For me, and Jay, we will gladly trade the loss of some low bass for what we feel is better everything else.

Perhaps the new Midwoofer option fixes these issues, and maybe I will eventually buy 4 NEW Midwoofers and slap em in ?

But, I gotta be real here, and say what I feel.

I want both of MY woofer/mids playing the same thing, and I will incur the one note bass Brian has tried to avoid to get it.

BTW, I am not getting any of the one note bass either, at least in my room.

I have emailed Brian suggesting he might consider making an
RM 40 - VHE ?

RM 40 - Very High Efficiency

It is my feeling that many people who use RM 40's will use the  excellent subwoofers anyway.

So, why cripple the RM 40's with the burden of making deep bass.

TANFL is in order here !

TANFL means 'There ain't no free lunch"

IOW, if you want deep bass, either the cabinet must be larger, or efficiency must be sacrificed to get it.

If Brian would instead shoot for a higher frequency bass 3 db down point, say 40 hz instead of 20, efficiency could be gained, and perhaps a lighter, faster woofer could be used to further improve the already excellent midrange ?

This might allow the use of a smaller, less expensive amp, leaving the VMPS customer with more left over money to purchase one of the excellent VMPS subwoofers ?

Based on what I heard, and what Jay is hearing, Brian might also consider a TSA option for the RM 40's ?

TSA of course is "Totally Symmetrical Array".
This would allow the customer to choose his compromise between bass performance or full symmetry by simply adding midwoofers ONLY to the RM 40, instead of one midwoofer and one Megawoofer.

I have not heard a newer RM 40, or even one with a midwoofer update.

But I have heard mine, and two other older RM 40's here locally.

In the older RM 40's w/o midwoofer updates, I prefer the two midwoofers.

It is interesting you also questioned this a long time ago !

Again, thanks for the link!


Re: Using All Midwoofers For The RM 40's
« Reply #7 on: 11 May 2007, 02:25 am »
It is interesting you also questioned this a long time ago !

The little I knew, or thought I knew, I picked up reading posts on this forum.  But, now that I actually own a VMPS system I understand much more of the fever that has swept through this forum over the last few years of my participation here.  In the past, all I had to go on was what I had read here to formulate what I thought I knew about the VMPS sound, and what I might have wanted for myself.  I had been used to 4 piece systems and was thinking in those terms for the RM-40.