The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”

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Aether Audio

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“Well ya know…we all want the best there is.”

OK, that was lame – but I’ll bet it got your attention.


Rumor has it that our Revelation MR-1s deliver the best bass folks have ever heard in their lives.  Then again, we all know how much stock you can put in a rumor – right?  The only way to really know is to hear them for yourself.  But there are those that will say they can’t afford them anyway…and others that are happy with the midrange sound from the open baffle or single-driver speakers they already have.  Few would argue that they would like to have the bass performance that the Revelations offer, but for one reason or another, they’re just not an option.

Well…maybe…maybe not.  We got to thinking.  (uh, ohh :o) that there might be more than a few folks out there that would “like their cake and be able to eat it too.”  So… we came up with a solution.  In fact…..A KILLER ONE!!!

Would a 118 dB Max SPL (or more, depending on placement) from 22Hz on up do?  Oh yeah, would a –3dB point at 19Hz (anechoic  – no room gain factored in) and second order roll-off (like a sealed box) below that be OK?  Would that be enough bass for you?  Would the best bass transient response you’ve ever heard be to your liking?  Would you like to actually “feel” a bass wave-front “roll” past you? Would it be acceptable if such a product could be had for a mere $1,500.00?

If you can answer yes to all the above, then the new SP Technology “Infra-Wave” Subwoofer may be in your future.  It is based on the renowned T-Line technology incorporated in our Revelation MR-1’s, but at a greater level of implementation and optimization.  As great as they are, there is a catch though.  You may be forced to deal with a pretty big box that’s actually easier to place and hide in a room than many other “cube shaped” boxes that the rest of the market continues to peddle.  More details including pictures will be forthcoming next week, but I can tell you the dimensions.

The Infra-Wave will be a square, 12.5 inches on each side…by 7.5 feet long…and it ships in 2 pieces – very minimal assembly required.  For best results it should be placed against the wall somewhere.  A great spot is behind your equipment rack.  You can get even more SPL if you tuck the end with the drivers into one of the corners of the room.  It can also be stood upright and secured to the wall in a corner.  You could paint it to match the room or even cover it with thick acoustic foam and then you’d have a standing wave absorber for the mid-bass region too.  As you can imagine, you’re only limited by your imagination  HA. :lol:

Now, if you have intentions of demolishing your home and collecting on the insurance…buy 2 and put one in each corner…then let ‘er rip!  That punk with the car sized “boom box” that rattles the windows of your home from 2 blocks away will be green with envy.  Heck, before too long I expect those screwballs will be buying them and putting them in the bed of their trucks.  C’mon Dad…the ol’ man needs to show those youngsters how its done – and we’re here to help.

Oh, and you commercial guys that are poking around out there… imagine these puppies in a world class HT setup.  Paint them to match the wall, cover them in fabric or even hide them behind a Romanesque column.  No matter what though, you’ll have the happiest customers on the planet.  Or…bigger yet…stack a half dozen or so on each side of a movie theater screen.  Paint them black and cover them with fabric…now you have an invisible wall of bass creating explosions – not just the sound of them!  Tomlinson Holman would have to make a quick visit to the men’s room.

Yeah, if you haven’t figured it out by now, I’ve gotten tired of seeing all those puny little “toys” that only go down to 30Hz (maybe) being pawned off as “subwoofers.”  They behave more like “normal” woofers except they’re dis-attached from the rest of the drivers and screw up more things than they fix. You know the ones I’m talking about…the ones that sound like a wet fart when you try to push them and don’t integrate worth a darn with you mains.

So do you want a REAL subwoofer?  Something that’s meant to be crossed over no higher than 60Hz (preferably 30 – 40Hz) and integrates like a sub is supposed to?  Well friends…we’ve got the ticket for you.  If you get an Infra-Wave sub, it will be the last sub you’ll ever get (unless you have a screw loose and want to buy a second one).

One final note.  We have to have a little disclaimer here – and I’m serious as a heart attack.  In the owner’s manual there will be included the following text:

SP Technology assumes no responsibility for the use of this product and/or any consequential damages to the domicile or facility in which it is installed, or any damage to any persons or their hearing that may result from the excessive sound pressure levels produced by the operation of said device beyond safe and reasonable levels.

…or something to that effect.  Basically, energy at or near 120dB and at 20 –50Hz…could break windows and/or crack plaster walls, etc.  It’s not good for the bones of your middle ear either.  Of course, if you have any common sense, you know you don’t need to play it that loud to get the results you’re looking for.  Just like a Ferrari, you may never drive it at break-neck speed, but it’s nice to know the muscle’s under the hood if you need it or ever want to.

Well, that’s enough hype for now.  We’ll provide more info in the next few days.  Hope we’ve piqued your curiosity. aa


« Last Edit: 20 Apr 2007, 12:29 pm by SP Pres »

Russell Dawkins

Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #1 on: 22 Mar 2007, 05:28 am »
 :D  Well, that's an intriguing development! Took me competely by surprise.


Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #2 on: 22 Mar 2007, 11:43 am »

Aether Audio

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Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #3 on: 22 Mar 2007, 12:56 pm »

The quoted price of $1.5K doesn't include a power amp, but one could be added for a pretty reasonable cost.  We anticipated that the placement against a wall or in a corner would make supplying AC power a bit problematic (although surely not impossible) so the first incarnation didn't include being powered.  If folks want that though, it can easily be added.  There are a number of good plate amps available at modest cost these days.  Since the Infra-Wave's Max output level only requires 225 watts of juice to achieve, the driving amp doesn't need to be a real big/expensive one.


Double Ugly

Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #4 on: 22 Mar 2007, 05:41 pm »
You realize, of course, that I'll have to have at least one of these with my Revelations.

Probably two...   aa


Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #5 on: 22 Mar 2007, 05:45 pm »
Hey Bob, here's a hypothetical - [Revelation MR-1] vs. [Continuum + 1(or 2) Infra-Wave]?


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Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #6 on: 22 Mar 2007, 06:09 pm »
You realize, of course, that I'll have to have at least one of these with my Revelations.

Probably two...   aa

Do you want me to feel which song you are playing all the way up in Boston?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


Double Ugly

Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #7 on: 22 Mar 2007, 06:16 pm »
You realize, of course, that I'll have to have at least one of these with my Revelations.

Probably two...   aa

Do you want me to feel which song you are playing all the way up in Boston?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


You say that like it's a bad thing...  :D

Double Ugly

Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #8 on: 22 Mar 2007, 06:22 pm »
Hey Bob, here's a hypothetical - [Revelation MR-1] vs. [Continuum + 1(or 2) Infra-Wave]?

Good question, and one I look forward to seeing Bob address.

Aside from whatever (if any) difference exists in a [T-line bass to T-line bass] vs. a ['conventional' bass to T-line bass] hand-off, I wouldn't think there would be any difference.

Double Ugly

Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #9 on: 22 Mar 2007, 06:28 pm »
Depends on what music you are playing...   aa

That goes without saying, my friend. 

I will endeavor to keep you and the rest of the Eastern Seaboard in mind when making my selections.  :wink:  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:


Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #10 on: 22 Mar 2007, 08:55 pm »
... and to think Jim, I always thought your name came from flying ... not from a pair of foundation-shakers ... that really could be "DU!"

Now that I own the Revs, I just cannot even imagine ... an SP TECH subwoofer ... YIKES!?!?!?!?!  :o

Congratulations Bob ... this should be spectacular.

Depends on what music you are playing...   aa

That goes without saying, my friend. 

I will endeavor to keep you and the rest of the Eastern Seaboard in mind when making my selections.  :wink:  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: 22 Mar 2007, 11:03 pm by Freejazz »


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Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #11 on: 22 Mar 2007, 09:09 pm »
Sounds like an awesome subwoofer.  What is the price of the Revelation speaker, I can't get the price list pdf file on the website to open? 


Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #12 on: 22 Mar 2007, 09:15 pm »
Sounds like an awesome subwoofer.  What is the price of the Revelation speaker, I can't get the price list pdf file on the website to open? 

You'll find the prices here:



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Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #13 on: 22 Mar 2007, 10:46 pm »

Very exciting news!

One question comes to mind though:

Can you make the crossover point around 80Hz so that people can use this sub in a HT environment more easily? 

If you can do that, you will greatly increase the potential customer base.

Just a thought...


Aether Audio

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Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #14 on: 22 Mar 2007, 11:05 pm »

Hey Bob, here's a hypothetical - [Revelation MR-1] vs. [Continuum + 1(or 2) Infra-Wave]?

Actually, I poked fun at the hypothetical person that would purchase 2 of these monsters, but in all actuality...I think 2 would be the ticket - for stereo reasons - not VOLUME!  Yikes :o

The difference between a pair of Revelations & 2 Continuums and 1 or 2 I-W's would be:

Price - $250 less to $3.5K more (retail - depending on whether you bought 1 or 2 I-Ws)

I hadn't listed it yet, but the retail price will ultimately be about $3,750.00 each.  That of course, is to accomodate the traditional dealer chain.  But for starters, you guys benefit from the fact that we're going to sell them factory direct for a while before we let any US dealers have them.

Then the other question is always integration.  The I-Ws will integrate better than virtually any other sub on the planet but...they're still subs.  As such, they are physically displaced from the other drivers in the system.  If you crossed them over low at about 32 Hz as I recommend (for the Continuum A.D.s), then that would make them virtually seamless.  But again, without adding some digital delay to the mains, they would never be as seamless as the Revs.  In fact, nothing would.  But boy are we splitting hairs on that one.

If you were willing to accept that tradeoff though...I shudder to think of the end result.  All you pipe organ lovers out there - welcome to:

As a side note, just so you know...the Infra-Wave isn't much to look at.  In fact, most would want to hide it.  We are providing it unpainted so you can paint them to match your walls.  Or... you could carpet it or...use your imagination.  We'll paint them for you if you want, but that will cost a little more and for the life of me I can't imagine why anyone would want us to. 

One may need to change their "revolving door speaker" attitude before they buy them though.  If not, they will soon after.  These things will essentially be a permanent installation in most homes.  Yeah, you could take them with you when you move but while your there, you aren't going to be moving them around and you sure as heck won't ever want to replace them with anything else. Uh...there's nothing else as good, let alone any better to replace them with (I know, that's arogant but it's the truth).  Well, after you break the wife's fine china you may be forced to get rid of them, but other than that I expect these puppies will virtually never see light on Audiogon, etc.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.  Hold tight...we'll have pictures soon.  In the meantime, keep dreaming. :D


PS. - George,

You can cross them as high as you want below about 1KHz.  My recommendation was for 2 channel, since that's what AC folks are all about.  As many of you guys that might want them for 2-channel, how many do you actually think we'll sell in that market?  SP Tech is going to "own" the high-end AV sub market with these things (maybe).  That's what they were really designed for from a sales perspective.  2-channel is the test bed.  If they kick ass in that application (and boy will they ever) then AV is a slam dunk.  2-channels is fun and more of a challenge, but A/V is where the $$$ is.  If they couldn't do 80Hz or higher, I wouldn't have bothered.  Gotta pay the bills ya know.


Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #15 on: 22 Mar 2007, 11:59 pm »
If this beastie was mounted vertically in the corner of a room w/ 8' ceilings, would the sound be compromised due to lack of space?

I gotta see this thing.



Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #16 on: 23 Mar 2007, 12:00 am »
Or, what about basement mounting with a hole into the listening room?

Aether Audio

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Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #17 on: 23 Mar 2007, 01:50 am »

If this beastie was mounted vertically in the corner of a room w/ 8' ceilings, would the sound be compromised due to lack of space?

Quite the opposite.  The driver and port are both on the same surface and in a more "standard" placement, would fire down one wall.  In a somewhat more specialized placement, the I-W could be fired directly into the corner.  This would place it at a 45 degree angle with respect to either adjacent wall and requires exact spacing such that the sound emanates out into the room from around its sides.  That arrangement would give the most acoustic gain and hence, produce the greatest possible SPL.

In fact, for all intents and purposes, the thing is a "bass only" equivalent of a Klipschorn.  I'm giving away the farm here to the competition, but the I-W is not like most traditional T-Lines.  Actually, it's a back-loaded bass horn that uses T-Line treatments.  Considering this, in the above mentioned diagonal placement it would produce tremendous bass as the K-Horn was known for, but it will go well over an octave lower.

So...the Infra-Wave was designed for corner placement and uses the corner as an extension of the horn just as the Klipschorn did/does.  As long as the driver and port are not obstructed (by placing them face into the wall without appropriate spacing), there is no compromise whatsoever.  As I said, a more "standard" placement would have the driver and port facing into the room.  In that case there would be no obstruction.

Or, what about basement mounting with a hole into the listening room?

Nope. Won't work.  The driver and port are spaced a ways apart.  Well, I suppose you could mount it between the joists and cut 2 hole, but that seems like a lot of work.

I gotta see this thing.

You will. :wink:



Re: The Beatles: “Well You Say You Want A Revelation….”
« Reply #18 on: 23 Mar 2007, 11:46 pm »
Ok, how about two? That'll be for my truck -but I'll need them set up in the Mobile Hip-Hop Noise Canceling configuration -which I know you haven't anounced yet, but.. aa