Positive Feedback Online Review of the Timepiece 2.1 by Jim Merod

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Aether Audio

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The Full Review:


The Gist:

So, you get the point. SP Tech's "Timepiece 2.1" speakers are unusual because they are gloriously open; effortlessly dynamic; accurate from top to bottom in reproducing sounds and musical capture I feed through them virtually every day (weekends included); utterly engaging to listen to; partners in my work; an unassuming presence on the home front (a domestic plus); instructive because revealing of small audio details that demand exquisite sonic accuracy; fun to spend time with; for me, an unimpeachable ally in the grueling effort to improve my recordings and to enhance BluePort mastering work—which includes the appreciation of my professional partner, Steve McCormack, in such daunting labor and its audible aftermath: e.g., listening to our work on four distinct sets of speakers, one of which is the "Timepieces," which never fail to improve what we know because of sonic clarity and full spectrum audio reproduction taken from their gloriously accurate (and just plain lovely) engineering pedigree.

I'm not teasing or jiving here. All that be the main deal that tugs these heavy (did I mention that before?) speakers close to my heart's warm core. These speakers are among a handful of speakers that literally define the concept of "value" in the high-end audio price/performance ratio. Today that ratio needs supercomputing assistance to unravel hyperbole from fact. When I listen to my Timepiece 2.1 speakers, I am the sound of one hand laughing because, these speakers are among the best I've ever heard at any price. (Remember, tears ago, I reviewed the monstrously large, truly iconoclastic, but disarmingly unique Sean McLaughlan In the presence of this beguiling, instructive sound, I'm aware (sworn upon my mother's Buddhist purity) how irrelevant price is when the issue is truthful sound reproduction. Jim Merod

I could be wrong, but I think he likes them.  I would hope so... seeing that he bought them. :wink:

« Last Edit: 22 Aug 2007, 02:52 pm by SP Pres »

Dave G

Congratulations!.  He does have a way with words, but he likes them a lot.  But what's this Timepiece 3.0 thing he mentions at the end of the review?


eric the red

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  • Posts: 1738
Nice review Bob. I assume that's Steve McCormack of McCormack audio he refers to who probably doesn't have much of an ear :lol:

Double Ugly

But what's this Timepiece 3.0 thing he mentions at the end of the review?

I'll wager they're Timepiece 2.1s replete with the enhancements discussed here.

Nice review Bob. I assume that's Steve McCormack of McCormack audio he refers to who probably doesn't have much of an ear :lol:


(L to R: Greg Weaver, Jim Merod and Steve McCormack)

Aether Audio

  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 775
    • http://www.aetheraudio.com
Dave G ,

But what's this Timepiece 3.0 thing he mentions at the end of the review?

Thanks for the congrats!  As DU pointed out, there are a number of things that will be changing.  The "core" will remain the same, but the new Mundorf crossover parts will be used in place of Sonicap,etc.  Also, there will be cosmetic changes that include the use of solid hardwood as well as a slight change in the baffle edges and enclosure corners.  Even the most economical "Studio Finish" option will look quite elegant.  We will be providing pictures soon.

eric the red,

Thanks!  Yeah, Jim is referring to "the" Steve McCormack - as pictured (thanks to DU) above.  In fact, Steve was present in our room at T.H.E Show 2005 with Jim Merod and Greg Weaver.  We were really honored as these guys all seemed very impressed with our Revelations.  I sure wish we had discovered the crossover issues before then though.  Who knows what effect that would be having now.  After the show Steve contacted me several time and expressed interest in purchasing, but commented that for the time being that $$$ was an issue.  I can imagine the struggle it must be in CA to make ends meet with their cost of living and trying to make a full-time living in audio.  Who knows, once he hears the refinements of the Timepiece 3.0 (which carry over to all the other models as well), he just might "find the means" to get a pair of something for himself.  :wink:
