Healthy Bevrages

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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #20 on: 18 Feb 2007, 04:23 am »
soy milk


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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #21 on: 18 Feb 2007, 06:10 am »
 "Healthy Bevrages"....why that would be Cabernet Sauvignon....see link...... :thankyou:

Dave G

Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #23 on: 18 Feb 2007, 03:44 pm »
Well, if you want to start out the day right, how about this?

 :beer: :beer: :beer:



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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #24 on: 18 Feb 2007, 03:56 pm »
That 7-eleven coffee concoction won't give you any more energy but it will string you so tight that you'll be operating about two octaves up. Guarana is legal speed.


Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #25 on: 18 Feb 2007, 04:00 pm »
That 7-eleven coffee concoction won't give you any more energy but it will string you so tight that you'll be operating about two octaves up. Guarana is legal speed.

 :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted:


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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #26 on: 18 Feb 2007, 06:33 pm »

No of course itf your eating salt, it is of course noit bad for you and it is most certainly it is bad for you under extreme excerise conditions. Drinking too much relatively pure water can induce physiological shock and kill you, believe or not. It can actually mess your blood chem up (pH/CO2 balance).

Respectfully, I know a whole lot about osmolarity and have grown a number of mamalian cell lines up in culture. So I guess I have spent a fair amount of time with this as a scientific concept. I used to design buffer systems that would remain constant pH 7.00 acrooss a 30 Celcius temperature range with constant osmolarity. I also worked all types of bizzarre cell biology experiments with photoreceptor cells that are notoriously sensitve to salt concentrations. I's not just what I've heard it's what I've seen first hand.

What you've shown is that cells in a test tube don't like pure water.  That has zero bearing on cells in the human body.  I've never seen a single study linking pure water to anything bad in the human body.  Of course, drinking too much water (of any kind) too quickly is bad, but the data you've given us doesn't prove anything about human interaction with such water.

As for soy "milk", I find it hard to believe that this is "good" for people.  There are many studies indicating no or a negative benefit from soy products.  There are also studies (typically paid for by soy producers) indicating some benefit to soy products.  Personally, I stay away from all soy products, unless they're fermented.

As for coffee, the vast majority of studies indicate that coffee consumption is not bad for you.  What is bad for you is excess calories that are drunk in liquid form.  This includes all juices (whether 100% juice or not), all sugared drinks, all soy products, all beer, all alcohol.  Calories and sugar are bad.  Alcohol is also bad, regardless of what some studies say (and note that you don't hear about all the negative studies -- only the positive). 

To the extent possible, avoid any sweetened product. 


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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #27 on: 18 Feb 2007, 07:13 pm »
Did you readthe post that followed that?

Keeping your salt balance is critical and if you excerise and just drink very pure water; you'll eventually get into trouble. Yes babies are the extreme but you can ask my wife if you want.


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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #28 on: 18 Feb 2007, 07:20 pm »
May be they should start serving distilled water at sports games over gatorade? I'm sure that will be a revolution in sports medicine with players passing out all the time. :lol:


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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #29 on: 18 Feb 2007, 07:21 pm »
Soy is very hard to digest. That is why it is better to consume it partially digested (fermented).
In general, it is true that mainstream, commercial food products are compromised by refinement of the foods themselves which are diluted or modified to refine their profitability. All the same principles involved in Bose speakers are applied to your groceries. Every year more goes into the ad campaign and less goes into the product.


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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #30 on: 19 Feb 2007, 07:17 pm »
For me, the thing I want to avoid is sugars. I can get plenty of sugars without drinking extra sugars. Grape juice (new wine) is something I love though, but have to mostly avoid, and I will drink a glass of wine or maybe 2 with a nice meal.

Unfortunately, corn syrup seems to be the basic ingredient of most engineered drinks that are water-based. Also the basic sweetener for anything in a vending machine (check it out).

Fruit juice is actually unnatural when you consider it. Much too high of a concentration of juice, not counting the corn syrup they usually add. Much better to have fruit juice in its natural form- the fruit. I would venture that when someone drinks OJ they drink enough for 5+ oranges. Thats a lot of sugar, fructose is sugar just like sucrose or glucose.

By the way, for diabetics, sugar alcohols are not much better. Anything with an 'ol' on the end on that food label is a sugar alcohol.

I love coffee with a little heavy cream and splenda. This is the lowest-carb way for me to enjoy coffee.

Different types of Black Tea with less cream and less splenda is delicious also, and my stomach seems to do better with it when I drink more than 20 ounces per day.

Water is the best - I can drink it right from the tap, fortunately, in my city.

To me, you could consume many different things in moderation - beer, wine, liquor, coffee, tea, juice as long as you focus on drinking mostly water. Remember that coffee and tea will dehydrate you, and you may need to consume 2-3 times the volume in water to stay hydrated.


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Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #31 on: 19 Feb 2007, 07:40 pm »
I'm gonna tell you guys about a most incredible healthy beverage!
You take non-alcoholic beer, any type really, and you add ca 3 table spoons of twinlab amino fuel liquid.
That's an energy booster that just cant be beaten by any regular type of enegydrink on the market!!!

This stuff contains partially digested amino acids and L-Carnetine and the cocktail works so that the body
will react like it has just gotten a slight dose of ephedrine. But it hasn't of course!
So a non-alcoholic beverage, beer or other + 3 tablespoons of twinlab amino fuel liquid with L-Carnetine.



Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #32 on: 19 Feb 2007, 09:24 pm »
That 7-eleven coffee concoction won't give you any more energy but it will string you so tight that you'll be operating about two octaves up. Guarana is legal speed.

I took a lot of that Guarana, the powered straight stuff, in fruit juice before going to the Carnaval each night when in Brazil.  My friends and I were so freaking wired, we danced 10 hours straight without stopping and were still going when it ended.  They use it in a lot of energy drinks but in much smaller doses.  I brought a couple jars of the powered stuff home and used it a couple times when going out on the town in NYC and noone could keep up with me.  Gives you the shits though if you take too much.


Re: Healthy Bevrages
« Reply #33 on: 20 Feb 2007, 12:00 am »
Hello all , I am a big Soda and Coffee drinker and want to start to TRY and drink something a bit more healthy
something like Juice
But I am sure some of the juice out on the market is loaded with BAD stuff also
any thoughts on

try Acai juice- It's very expensive but really good fot you. Coca-cola has a 'natural' energy drink called 'Mother' it has Acai. if you have it in the states try it but with a Ginseng tablet. it's a very good rush.