Apology to Ben at Kennedy Hi-Fi

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Apology to Ben at Kennedy Hi-Fi
« on: 12 May 2007, 01:33 am »
If you have been reading the thread about my attempts to buy OB1's from Kennedy Hi-Fi in Toronto.  Please follow the thread to its conclusion-where I apologize to Ben.  It was NOT Ben, nor Kennedy Hi-Fi that dropped the ball.  There is some blame to allocate-but the quick resolution and the remarkable swiftness of BOTH Bryston and KHF,s response to the problem is what quality service is all about.  Sometimes problems are GOOD-it allows a customer to test the customer service of both the distribution and retail end of a business. 


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Re: Apology to Ben at Kennedy Hi-Fi
« Reply #1 on: 12 May 2007, 07:45 am »
2Br (I'll not use your real name, for your privacy's sake),

Thank you very much for your heartfelt retraction. We all get anxious at moments in our lives, and when there are thousands of dollars in the mix, it is perfectly understandable. I will be in communication with James on Monday to confirm the delivery time of the black units to our store, at which point I will call you at home.

The way you have concluded this matter epitomizes dignity and gentlemanly conduct. I look forward to delivering your OB1's to you, and wish you and your wife the best of life to come.

Have a good weekend,

Kennedy Hi-Fi