Optimum xover freq for sub

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Re: Optimum xover freq for sub
« Reply #20 on: 21 Feb 2007, 10:53 pm »
With a steep LPF slope and LPF frequency set as low as yours this shouldn't happen. It sounds like your main speakers may have sufficient output in the sub/mains overlap range to cause a broad peak in the frequency response. Perhaps room gain is contributing to produce excessive bass in this region too (typically, room gain will be down around the 30hz mark depending on room size). The only way to know for sure is to buy/borrow a Rat Shack SPL meter and measure the response in this area.

If this turns out to be the case, you can reduce output in this area by using HPF's on your main speakers. Unfortunately, bass traps are unlikely to do very much at frequencies this low. If your room is a sealed room (ie. no openings to other room or stairways etc), try listening with all doors open and see if this reduces the problem.

doug s.

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Re: Optimum xover freq for sub
« Reply #21 on: 25 Feb 2007, 03:24 pm »
Hey DSK,

thanks so much for the great info.   

I have an issue for you (or anyone)...

My Hsu sub is connected to the TVC preamp via a single interconnect, so the sub receives a full range signal.   I can't hear high frequency info coming out of the sub per se, when its the only thing turned on, but i can hear tones and music well above the 37Hz cut-off point i've chosen on the x-over...to the point where i could name the song since its beat is audible - if i were standing right next to the port.  Its a Hsu STF-1, pretty basic sub.

I think the sub is integrated mighty well, often i forget its there... BUT, if i concentrate real hard it would not be an issue to blindly pick out its location in the room.  No idea if my ears are real sensitive, but it sounds like heavy bass coming from the corner and not anywhere else (again, only if i'm focused on that though).

Would connecting the sub via speaker cables rather than a single interconnect affect this at all?     I'm happy as hell with the sub the way it is, but i'm new to bass augmentation in the home...so i have beginner issues!

I keep the volume only about 30% of the way up, around 10 - 11 o'clock...not loud.

it just seems like there are sounds well above 37 HZ coming out of it...even when i dial the x-over knob all the way down to 30hz.

my floorstanding Thiel's run full range...


get an outboard x-over.  a good one.  relieved of having to play the lowest frequencies, your thiels will sound better, even if you didn't have room gain issues from running the thiels full range.

doug s. (i am back, duggie is gone.   :wink: )