Olive or iMod

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Olive or iMod
« on: 12 Dec 2006, 02:44 am »
Hi folks,

Long time lurker, first time poster.   I've decided to take the plunge and purchase one of Vinnie's modded front ends.  I'm trying to choose between an iMod and a modded Olive Symphony. 

Which one is going to give me better sound?  I know the Olive is many times the price, but it's not totally clear to me that I'd be paying for improved sound quality rather than increased functionality and hard drive size.  I'm probably wrong though.  Has anyone compared?

If I bought the Olive, I'd have to live with the stock unit for a few months before scrounging up the cash for the mod.  Can anyone compare the iMod to the stock Olive?  I know that's probably a bit much to ask, but maybe someone has some insights. 

My plan is to move to a complete Red Wine/Omega system within the next six months or so, but it's going to be a long process.  For now, I'm "stuck" with Silverline monitors, a Unison Unico hybrid integrated, and a Goldring turntable.  Could be worse!!

Thanks, all, for your help.



Re: Olive or iMod
« Reply #1 on: 12 Dec 2006, 02:46 am »
By the way, input from the man himself would be much appreciated here!  Vinnie, if you were a bit strapped for cash, would you go for the iMod or save up for the modded Olive?  Thanks!

Vinnie R.

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 4910
    • http://www.vinnierossi.com
Re: Olive or iMod
« Reply #2 on: 12 Dec 2006, 01:49 pm »
Hi lousyreeds1,

Welcome to Audiocircle and the Red Wine forum!  It is always nice to see long-time "lurkers" dive into the pool!

Which one is going to give me better sound?  I know the Olive is many times the price, but it's not totally clear to me that I'd be paying for improved sound quality rather than increased functionality and hard drive size.  I'm probably wrong though.  Has anyone compared?

Let me first say that the following comments are based on only using Lossless encoding (FLAC or Apple Lossless..... no "lossy" formats):

The modded Olive is what I consider as my reference source, and it does have the edge over the iMod.  I find the modded Olive to offer more resolution in the top-end, some more transparency, and a little bit more control in the bottom... but they are actually pretty close.

Both units work very well with RWA amplifiers and result in a system off-the-grid (assuming you don't use an active preamp in between) that will give you an engaging listening experience every time you listen (using a good pair of speakers).

Can anyone compare the iMod to the stock Olive?

IMO, iMod wins vs stock Olive.  The iMod is warmer, sweeter and more natural sounding, has a blacker background, is more fleshed out and less "etchy."

Vinnie, if you were a bit strapped for cash, would you go for the iMod or save up for the modded Olive?  Thanks!

If you are strapped for cash and are not looking for all the extra functionality that the Olive offers vs. the iMod, I would go with the iMod.  You won't find a better sounding source for the money.  8)

Thanks for posting,



Re: Olive or iMod
« Reply #3 on: 12 Dec 2006, 02:18 pm »
Hi Vinnie,

Thanks for the response!  I don't think most manufacturers would have responded with that kind of candor and helpfulness, and so quickly!  I appreciate it. I'll be putting in an order for one or the other in the near future.


Vinnie R.

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 4910
    • http://www.vinnierossi.com
Re: Olive or iMod
« Reply #4 on: 15 Dec 2006, 02:47 pm »
Hi Vinnie,

Thanks for the response!  I don't think most manufacturers would have responded with that kind of candor and helpfulness, and so quickly!  I appreciate it. I'll be putting in an order for one or the other in the near future.


Hi Oliver,

You are very welcome, and feel free to post any other questions that you may have. 

