Anybody with ST-70 experience??

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Anybody with ST-70 experience??
« on: 1 Oct 2006, 12:08 am »
I keep meaning to ask all y'all about this Dynaco amp, and if anyone had one, straight, modified or cloned...
I'd been thinking of one of these for a while now, looking for a little more 'ass' to pump into the Altec 19's.  With Scott recently commenting on the sound of 20+watts of tubes into Odyssey Epiphony's, it made me think again enough to actually post the question.
Had actually been thinking of selling the Epiphony's, but now I'm curious to hear.
Y'know, I joked about being an 'ampaholic' before, but I'm seriously beginning to think I have an issue.
I know Steve's VTL's really have this hallowed, perhaps infatuated memory in my head, when I heard them on the 19's, so I know more watts is more sound for 'em.
Even if you don't have one now, if you have experience in the past, please chirp up as it might embellish what I read in my internet searches, and I know y'all tastes a lot better than strangers.

Thanks folks!


Scott F.

Re: Anybody with ST-70 experience??
« Reply #1 on: 1 Oct 2006, 12:21 am »
Hiya Bill,

I think Sturgus has a Dynaco that he just got back up and running again. Not sure if he did the Musical Concepts mods or not.

...and yup, I'm sitting here typing about that little JoLida amp listening to the Epiphony's behind it. 20 watts is doin just fine, TYVM. G-d I love these little speakers. They just kick ass with anything you put in from of them.  :thumb: They are just so easy to listen to. Oh, in the JoLida article I'm making reference to your Bolero's and MerRevs Meadowlarks.


Re: Anybody with ST-70 experience??
« Reply #2 on: 1 Oct 2006, 12:36 am »
Oh, in the JoLida article I'm making reference to your Bolero's and MerRevs Meadowlarks.

Try to be kind!  :wink: :D

As good as the Bolero's sounded, I bet that JoLida would do the Altecs fairly proud as well!  That is a sweet little amp for the money, from what I heard.

Yeah, I want one of EVERYthing!   aa  Maybe then I could figure out a favorite....



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Re: Anybody with ST-70 experience??
« Reply #3 on: 1 Oct 2006, 03:57 am »
Hi,  I have a Prima Luna Prologue Two KT 88 integegrated amp that might be a good match, if you want a little more power.  I think it is rated at 40 watts and have driven my old Rogers LS7s with no problems.  I also have a vintage Scott 299 we could use.    We could also compare them to Steve K's much touted $45 pair of Paradigm speakers I bought at the well know hi fi emporium Best Buy.  I live just west of Forest Park and would love to hear the Epiphony's.  I have a six week old so we couldn't turn the sound up too loud.    Alex


Re: Anybody with ST-70 experience??
« Reply #4 on: 2 Oct 2006, 09:46 pm »
Hey Alex!
Thanks for the offer!
I'll tell you what, would love to come over, but I'm kinda stacked up for the next few weeks.  If you are interested, maybe we can work something out after I get back from RMAF towards the end of the month.
Were those the Insignia (I think) speakers Steve got from Best Buy you were refering to?  (Don't remember Paradigms...)  Yah, I bought a pair of the Insignias last week when they were $40 again.  I've only about 3 hours on them, but they were impressive in my 13' square room with 60watts of Bryston sand behind them. Hadn't tried them yet on tubes, but sounds like something maybe I'm gonna have to try as well.
Thanks again!



Re: Anybody with ST-70 experience??
« Reply #5 on: 3 Oct 2006, 12:42 am »
Bill I have the Dynaco MK3's if you would like to play with them. They are close to stock except for the Triode Electronics power supply board I put in. Let me know if you would like to try them.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 64
Re: Anybody with ST-70 experience??
« Reply #6 on: 3 Oct 2006, 03:48 am »
Hi,  oops, I meant Insignias.  The Insignias sound much better through my tube equipment Ah! CD and Prima Luna than my solid state second system.  A cousin just gave me a California Audio Labs Aria tube CD player that sounds very good compared to the Ah!.  I am about to replace the old Rotel in the solid state system with the Aria and see what difference it makes.  Let me know when you get back and maybe we can have a mini get together.  Is anyone familiar with the Aria with any ideas about upgrades?    Alex


Re: Anybody with ST-70 experience??
« Reply #7 on: 3 Oct 2006, 09:31 pm »
Would be gratified to try the MK III units, Sturgus! 
Again, I have to put off serious listening and 'roadtrips' off for the next few weeks, but expect to hear from me when the end of the month rolls around, if Fate doesn't have me plumetting from the sky to or from Denver.  *(yes, it looks like I must face my fears again, if I am to glimpse nirvana!)*
No info from me on the Aria, Alex, but expect to hear from me as well, if reports of my demise are overrated.

