Listened to any Proacs lately?

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Listened to any Proacs lately?
« on: 13 Jul 2006, 03:19 pm »
Anyone listened to any proac speakers lately?
If so which models and what did you think.


Re: Listened to any Proacs lately?
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jul 2006, 03:56 am »
I've only heard ProAc speakers once, and it was over at AudioConcepts in North Dallas.  It was well over a year ago and I was just casually browsing through the store to see what they carried, so I honestly don't remember many details.  I do recall having a generally favorable impression of the speakers, however.  The shop seemed pretty good to... dedicated listening areas with a variety of speakers and even a headphone area.  The one salesman I talked to was know ledgable, didn't pressure me at all, and encouraged me to listen to my own CDs on the systems as much as I liked.

Sorry that isn't more help.


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Re: Listened to any Proacs lately?
« Reply #2 on: 14 Jul 2006, 05:39 pm »
I had the Studio 100's for a while. Proac is a good line of speakers and I don't mean to knock them in any way- but listen before you buy. Some models seem to be 'voiced' differently than others, so hearing one model and buying a different model could lead to disappointment.

The Studio 100's like an amplifier that is in the 'classic' tube camp.



Re: Listened to any Proacs lately?
« Reply #3 on: 14 Jul 2006, 06:58 pm »
Might want to check with audiojerry.  I thought he had some at one point.


Re: Listened to any Proacs lately?
« Reply #4 on: 14 Jul 2006, 07:01 pm »
I've never heard this brand.  I'm curious about impressions as well.


Re: Listened to any Proacs lately?
« Reply #5 on: 14 Jul 2006, 08:20 pm »
I've never heard this brand.  I'm curious about impressions as well.

When I was in the UK (7 years ago), I went to a dealer that sell ProAc, B&W, Wharfedale and Quad, I asked him to picked one pair of tower speakers from each brand in the price ranging from $2000 to $3000, place them side by side and let me A/B them.

I must say one thing, while ProAc speakers looked unimpressive compared to the other three, it sounded most neutral among them. It's kind of obvious when you listen to them side by side. The B&W sound is coloured in the mid to high frequency, Quad sounded too warm for me, Wharfedale sounded too polite, ProAc had it just about right.

It was too long ago.. so my experience doesn't anser the question of the original poster.. I haven't listen to ProAc lately, especially after I've got my HT3.. but if someone put a gun on my head and ask me to buy a British speakers now, based on my impression, I will go ProAc any time. :green:

By the way, "Art Kyle" of Ecoustics forum recently bought a ProAc Studio 110, replacing his Paradigm Sudio 20 v3.

Russell Dawkins

Re: Listened to any Proacs lately?
« Reply #6 on: 15 Jul 2006, 04:33 am »
Apparently, Paul Simon's "Graceland" was mixed (and mastered?) on ProAcs, or maybe it was his next one - can't recall the name.

Nordic Bob

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Re: Listened to any Proacs lately?
« Reply #7 on: 21 Aug 2006, 02:00 am »
I am a fan of ProAc speakers.  I currently own the ProAc Response D80 speaker from their new Response line and have owned Response 3.8, 3.5, and 2s in the  past.  All the ProAcs that I've owned have similiar voicing but I have found an improvement with each revision.  They sound wonderful with tubes and I have used an Audio Research VT100 tubed amp and Audio Research Reference 2 preamp which has worked quite well and has given a very life-like midrange and sweat top end with the ProAcs that I've owned.  However this last year I auditioned and bought a Class D amp (the H20) which has actually given me an improvement in the sound of my present D80s.  Of course you would need to audition one of their speakers; ideally in your own system to make a judgement and I highly recommend that you attempt to listen to one of their models in the near future.


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Re: Listened to any Proacs lately?
« Reply #8 on: 28 Aug 2006, 12:35 pm »
Just happened to notice your topic.

I am a long time ProAc advocate. I currently own an older Response 2.5, and I'm very satisfied with it. While on my audio quest to build the best system possible within my means, I owned and auditioned at least 50 pairs of speakers. I made most of my purchases on A'gon buying low and selling high, which enabled me to enjoy as many speakers as I wanted. My quest ended about a year ago, and now I just enjoy listening to music, and don't have much interest in changing components these days. I've actually scaled back quite a bit from components I used to own.   

I purchased at least a half dozen ProAc's, and liked them all, except ironically the most expensive pair - the 3.8. For a stand mounted speaker, the Response 1SC was my favorite, followed closely by the Tablette Signature. A real benefit of ProAc is they really hold their value. The 10 year old 1SC still goes for about $1200 on A'gon, and the 10 year old Response 2.5 generally goes anywhere between 2,000 and 2,500 depending on condition. I prefer the sound of the older ProAc's to the newer, but that's just a matter of personal taste.

All ProAc's have excellent bass when you consider the size of the drivers. The drivers are some of the best out there using ScanSpeak midbass and Vifa tweeters. I believe a big reason why they are so musical and enjoyed by so many folks is their use of just 2 drivers and a very simple first order crossover. Their method of vibration control is also simple but extremely effective.   

They do seem to be a very good match for tube amplification. It might be due to their benign impedance load. I have mine mated with an Audio Research VT200, and a tubed SAS Audio Labs 10b preamp.

Having said all that, I still think the Dynaudio Special 25 was the best speaker I've ever owned, and I'm very interested in the new Focus 140. I'm hoping  to audition it soon. At $1800, it may be one terrific bargain.

Let us know how your search turns out.