Signature 70s powering Maggie MMGs

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Re: Signature 70s powering Maggie MMGs
« Reply #20 on: 8 Nov 2006, 03:25 pm »

Also, if you are interested in the A8s, definitely consider saving for the Revolutions.  These are one of the best Omega's I've heard.  Once the new 8" Omega High Qts hemp driver comes out, they will replace the B200 and will be named the Hemp Revolutions. 

Ah, all great to hear.  I'm ready for the Revolution to begin in my living room, and then there's the Hemp Revolution... which also sounds really interesting (although it still looks like it will be a while coming in Colorado :). )

-- Jim

Vinnie R.

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Re: Signature 70s powering Maggie MMGs
« Reply #21 on: 9 Nov 2006, 09:10 pm »
Hi Jim,

I'm waiting ever so patiently for the 8" Hi-Q Hemps (for my OB), and I need to hear them in the Omega Revolution cabinet too!

Best regards,



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Re: Signature 70s powering Maggie MMGs
« Reply #22 on: 9 Nov 2006, 10:19 pm »

I'm waiting ever so patiently for the 8" Hi-Q Hemps (for my OB), and I need to hear them in the Omega Revolution cabinet too!


Yeah, but in all honesty I can wait a bit for the hemps as I'd truly like to give myself a full experience with the B200s before swapping drivers, and at this point there is just no telling which one is going to sound right with my room and other components, and I'd especially like to have a goodly number of hours on the Sig 70s to really evaluate things properly.

As appealing as the hemp is to me (for any number of reasons) the other thing about these new drivers that really intrigues me is that they are made with underhung voice coils -- something which just surprises the hell out of me that nobody seems to care that much about.

Once you've heard a good underhung coil driver (and preferrably without a metal cone, unless that kind of sound appeals) you'll never want to go back, especially if you like full scale listening.

Ah, but there's been so much good said about the ?Visatons that I'm really wanting to hear them for myself... and really hoping that this is going to be the magic ticket for single-driver sound -- as opposed to the two past experiences with horn-loaded designs based on other drivers (which were fine, but always left me feeling like I wasn't getting everything I wanted.)

Well, Louis says I'll have them within 2 weeks, and the waiting is getting hard :).

-- Jim