Are you experiencing uneven power?

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Kevin Haskins

Re: Are you experiencing uneven power?
« Reply #20 on: 3 Aug 2006, 04:43 am »
Hey Kevin! Whats up! Long time !   Yeah today it got up to 99 and Super High humidity as well, it was a scorcher! I live in the warmest part of the state of Michigan. We were lucky to only get about 3-4 good snowfalls last winter and the average temp. was around 30 and your body seems to adjust and it doesnt feel that cold in essence.. People tend to think we get snowed out here, and I think the least time I had that type of snow it was back in the early 90's, however the big snow is up north!! 

Thanks again and please take care!!

I have friends in Ann Arbor and I used to live 15 minutes from SW Michigan.   We would get the lake effect in winter but it seems like we used to get a lot more snow when I was a kid.   Fairly sparse in the last decade or so...

Give me a call sometime and don't be a stranger.

Kevin Haskins

Re: Are you experiencing uneven power?
« Reply #21 on: 3 Aug 2006, 04:48 am »
Nice cool temperature you have there.  How is it during January?

Not much cooler.... we rarely see freezing temps.  I'd say mid-40s much of the winter.   The Ocean moderates the temp to a great degree.   Winter is the rainy season though.   It doesn't really rain here though.  You get steady mist and drizzle but nothing like the buckets that drop in a Georgia.   It just doesn't stop for four months straight.  :-)  I love it though... let it rain!


Re: Are you experiencing uneven power?
« Reply #22 on: 4 Aug 2006, 08:23 pm »
This week was a cooker up here in the great white north. Tues. was 97 and Wed. was 95. With the humidex it was 114 and 110. A/c has been running full bore for days, (shuts of briefly and over night for longer periods). Finally, the humidity broke yesterday after a Major T-storm Wed. night. I've been checking my voltage daily here north of Toronto, (basically in the country about 40 miles north), and it dipped as low as 102 volts! That just can't be good for motors. I don't even bother to turn on the stereo when the power is that bad. Now it's back up to about 112 volts - still shitty. :(


Re: Are you experiencing uneven power?
« Reply #23 on: 5 Aug 2006, 03:26 am »
Voltage is back to 120 volts +/- in Jackson Heights, NY according to my Monster AVS2000 Automatic Voltage Regulator.  Cooler weather helps here 82 degrees. 

I am really sold on my Automatic Voltage Regulator.  Imagine 105 volts was converted to 120 volts+/- for pristine picture and sound. 


Re: Are you experiencing uneven power?
« Reply #24 on: 5 Aug 2006, 03:36 am »
Over the last five days or so I had two series of quick dips over a ten or fifteen second period each that caused my tube pre to send some nasty cracking to the speakers.  Never had that happen before...  :?


Re: Are you experiencing uneven power?
« Reply #25 on: 5 Aug 2006, 04:00 am »

    Finally there is some relieved with the heatwave here in NYC! Still not a picnic kindna temp but a bit better.

     I'm very lucky that the section of Queens that I'm in Elmhurst a few blocks from Levi did not have any black out. I just stick multi meter prob in to AC socket and it reads 121V.

As for the AC voltage swing. I'm not worry about it much because I have PS audio P600. :wink:

    Still I have not listen to any music since Tuesday. Not because of the power dripping but becaue my 5000btu window ac unit can't keep up with my tubed amp and pre on plus the heat outside. :( Oh! and the PS Audio P600 generate quite a bit of heat too. :? Well, I guess I did my part on conserving energy to prevent the black out by not using my system :lol:

Well, the temp is down a bit now so I had a good listening session tonight. Man! it was great! :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


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Re: Are you experiencing uneven power?
« Reply #26 on: 5 Aug 2006, 08:25 pm »
I have to believe all you guys have heard of Red Wine Audio. Battery powered equipment. Great sounding. You need efficient speakers but that doesn't really call for any kind of compromise. RWA stuff generates no heat and runs on constant DC power. Plus it's not particularly expensive to buy. Many of you may have power cords or AC conditioners that cost more than any of the RWA components and if you use Red Wine you won't need them.
I live in the desert of Western Colorado and we see 105 with some regularity in July. But there never seems to be any power shortage. I'm guessing that is due to our relatively scant population. Mesa county is about 42% of the land area of N.J. and it houses only 125,000 people. By contrast, N.J. has what, maybe 7 or 8 million. Perhaps you would have fewer power supply problems if you lived in a less congested area. Of course, if you did that then you would have live with less crime, shorter lines and lower prices. And rednecks.
On second thought, maybe the city is the place to be.