Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...

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So you don't miss what's after the credits.

Just got back from a private screening of Reloaded.

All I've got to say is

 :thumb: :thumb:

Oh, and I'll be seeing it again Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and maybe Sunday as well. :mrgreen:


Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #1 on: 14 May 2003, 01:57 pm »
Thanks for the tip. I am still trying to get tickets. It starts screening in NL on the 15th.



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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #2 on: 15 May 2003, 05:18 am »
Dammit bubba!  I just got back from it and find this out! :evil:   I might go see it again.  I thought it was good.  One of my buddies hated it but their is no accounting for his taste on anything.  

Two things that I have to say about it for those who havn't seen it:

A) Its not a fish out of water story like the first one.  So don't expect it.  And if it was why would you want to see a movie you have already seen but with a different name.

B) It is only half a movie.  The writers have said this and you will understand it once you have seen it.


Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #3 on: 15 May 2003, 09:16 am »
Well Bob, you shoulda stopped by here before hand to see if I'd said anything about Reloaded. Bad you!... :lol:

And what's up with bailing before the credits end? :nono: :shake: Never leave before the credits are done. You miss all of the tags after the credits then.

Quote from: bob82274
I might go see it again.

MIGHT? You been doin' any of this :smoke: ?

You need to see it again just to catch what you missed after the credits...

brotherman-5th floor

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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #4 on: 17 May 2003, 04:54 pm »
I watch Relo last night and it was interesting to see technical people get fascinated and non-technical people get bored by it (in my party of eight). I will try my best to be vague enough not to spoil it for anyone.

Some of the ladies said they hated it and how it "had no plot" while some (evidently techies) in the crowd where heard commenting out loud how "the Matrix is using TCP/IP v4?" to "bullshit... is not routable" pertaining to Trinity's hack. Another guy was comparing the KeyMaker to a "root shell" - his exact words being "yeah, like when you SU - in Linux you Windoze fool!" All this stuff while the movie was playing. Funny stuff guys-love it or hate it, it's not a movie anymore, it's a social phenomenon.


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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #5 on: 17 May 2003, 08:22 pm »
My take - the original Matrix was a self contained movie with a fairly clear dileneation of good guys/bad guys and more crossover appeal because it was smaller in scale.  Reloaded was a LOT less clear on who exactly were the good guys and bad guys (or even if there was such a thing) and is definitely NOT a self contained movie experience.  Reloaded can't really be judged without seeing Revolutions.  I don't see the entire matrix series as a "trilogy", but actually as a 2 parter - the first part was the Matrix, and the 2nd part is Revolutions/Reloaded.

Also, mainly action fans (to whom the movie was marketed) seemed to roll their eyes and blank out during the areas with heavy dialogue, while the "plot is everything" people seemed to think the action was superfluous.  The only people I know that really liked the movie were techies, who tend to like both types of movies.

I also think it is particularly funny that so many critics are saying they are "disappointed" with the Revolutions - if memory serves, The Matrix was pretty well dismissed the first time around as derivative pop-art that happened to look cool w/out much real substance or originality.  Love how they have all changed their tune, calling the Matrix "incredibly original" and "hugely influential", and that revolutions is a let down.  Dumbasses.


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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #6 on: 19 May 2003, 07:01 pm »
Yup.... I saw this over the weekend, and I thought...

.... it sucked.

The directors were very wise to bring Revolutions around very quickly because this is not a self-contained movie.

Overall, I was incredibly disappointed.  My list of nitpicks and gripes is huge, but I can't really get into detail without spoiler tags.  The short version:

No character development, non-believable relationship between Trinity and Neo, too much kung-fu (some scenes included this just as an excuse to include a fight scene), very little focus on the plot, the pace of the film and action sequences was not to my liking, and many many many confusing and silly items that distracted from the story.  I came out feeling like technical excellence was definitely prioritized over good storytelling.  Oh, and I forgot to mention that this movie was just far "dirtier" than the first with the "kiss me" scene, the "let them eat cake" scene, and the Zion "orgy" scene.  I felt like I needed a shower after the movie to wash off some of the vampire movie "grime."


As a huge fan of the first movie who loves both cerebral and action movies, I really felt like this movies wasted my time.

Well, maybe it'll grow on me.  I hope it does.  But I am not sure how it'll get the chance since I probably couldn't sit through this painful mess again.

John G


Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #7 on: 19 May 2003, 10:04 pm »
My wife & I thought X2 was better.  Seems like most fall into this camp in the people's rating on the Yahoo film website.

X2 was better told.  

The Matrix world design was phenemonal, but the story was cut and pasted.  Very lacking in streamlined editing.   No viewer empathy for new characters or Neo even (he's too powerful--you know he'll be just fine in the Matrix fights).  Too contrived in the sex/love and kung-fu confrontations.  

SPOILER: ------------------------>

I predict that the story is in for another "fish out of water" revelation in the 3rd movie.  I believe Neo's reality is still "Matrixed."


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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #8 on: 20 May 2003, 12:22 am »
What a mess.  I won't write a review but randomly point out what I thought sucked.

1) Morpheus:  He looked and sounded like he's consumed too many hash brownies.  In the first film he was an enigmatic character who's sermon's were used sparingly to good effect.  In reloaded I wanted to see his fat ass fed to the matrix.

2) Pseudo-intellectual-hippy-mulch dialog.  I guess you have to be a real smart guy on some real good drugs to figure out what the hell anybody was talking about.

3) Boring action scenes.  See below.

Was that a video game that I just watched because thats sure the hell how it felt.  Before they booted up they also decided to hack the game to god mode because not once did I ever feel any suspense or worry that the characters were in danger.

4)  Zion.  Looked like a hippy commune.  I could almost smell the stench.

5)  Why am I rooting for the bad guys (Agent Smith) and the French dude?  Oh yeah because Keanu can't act and Morpheus (see above)

6)  The ship.  What's its name, the neberkennezzer??  What a P.O.S.  I mean it literally looked like something that would come out of my ass after a night of binge drinking.

7) The ending.  To be continued?  Who ends a film like this?  I felt ripped.

I could go on but what's the point.

I'll probably skip the next one.


Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #9 on: 20 May 2003, 10:45 am »
I'm kinda bummed too :( I feel like someone could go in there and re-edit the movie into a shorter, tighter, film that would really rock.

The thing I did really like about the movie was the evolution of the Matrix into a much more complex system. The existence of rogue (and competing) programs, and the endless cycle of decay-destroy-rebirth needed to keep humans under control. But, it sure took a long time getting there and too bad they had to resort to the "architect" just sitting there explaining the whole thing.

Well, I'll see it again on DVD, maybe I'll get more out of it next time...


Two and a half stars
« Reply #10 on: 22 May 2003, 02:34 pm »
I think the reason it would be better as a shorter movie because there wasn't enough story to fill a whole one.   I felt the movie attempted to go through all that college Freshman philosophy crap of 'is there a God' and 'do you believe', 'free will', 'choice', destiny... yaddah yaddah!

I was kind of tired of them trying to drill that point home to me.  Overall, I didn't think the movie sucked.  Mainly because of the interstate scene.  There was enough of a plot to make half a movie, in half the time.  It reminded me of Metallica's 'reloaded' album... overdone and forgettable.

The first movie paralleled the Bible fairly well... the second was as if they took a closer look into the personal life of Jesus and His followers/non followers for the sake of eye candy.  The fact that the next part is called "Revolutions" and not "Revelations" is beyond me.  

Who knows what wacky plot will be next?!


Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #11 on: 30 May 2003, 10:13 pm »
Can somebody PM and tell me what I missed by not staying through the credits?  I've seen it twice and don't think I'll see it a third just to see the credits roll.


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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #12 on: 31 May 2003, 02:16 am »
I've seen "The Matrix" about a thousand times.  Every time a speaker was re-positioned or a component moved in/out or a piece of furniture moved, I had to replay The Matrix to confirm that everything was working.  

I for one was delighted completely with "Reloaded".   I don't really understand the griping except that it's the nature of the audiophile beast to find fault.   It's hard to please this audience whether it's a piece of audio gear or a movie.

COME ON!   "Reloaded" was a good development on "The Matrix".  Well hyped - the visual experience delivered as promised.  The psychology was fun.   It ain't the bible.  The salvation message isn't buried in there if you play it backwards.   So relax, enjoy the innovative fight scenes, give an appreciative tip of the cap to the wet t-shirt moment in Zion (The Matrix could have used a little sex - probably would have if Trinity weren't such an ugly guy), and lighten up.

Certainly there are a lot more movies that are WORSE, than there are that are BETTER.

And please PM me too, or just post it... what happens at the end of the credits?


Rob Babcock

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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #13 on: 31 May 2003, 02:17 am »
Seems like the new gimmick is to add some stuff to try to get you to watch the credits, a la Daredevil.


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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #14 on: 31 May 2003, 02:46 am »
It is the nature of philosophy to be "adolescent" in the sense that most adults feel it's not worth their time to delve too deeply in to it, that most of the answers are obvious and fairly self evident, so anyone who seriously poses philosophical questions is by necessity adolescent.  It is also in the nature of philosophy to be ponderous (ie, making a mountain out of a mole hill).  The fact that the 2 matrix movies thus far can put forth philosophical questions (and answers) while being pretty entertaining and visually very interesting is something of a miracle.  I'd much rather have this type of movie experience over a film of 2 guys (or girls) in a coffee shop discussing Descarte or Schopenhauer over coffee.  Now THAT would be a boring movie.

The fact remains, most adults (and many adolescents) have neither the time nor the patience nor the inclination to do any type of philosophical thinking at all, and quickly get bored when these ideas start getting bandied about.

I find the fight scenes and the Cave Rave play much better and go by much faster the 2nd and 3rd viewing, leading to a better feeling of pace being maintained throughout the movie.  I still don't like the way the last mission was played out, it felt truncated to me, like they ran out of time and/or money and just sorta pasted it together as a pastiche.


Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #15 on: 31 May 2003, 03:06 am »
I luved it despite being the shortcomings (less philosophy, confused set of events, last min patchy ending)...thought they should have made the film more 'slick' & made it  end when Neo opened the "door"- thus keeping us in suspense for the 3rd installment.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.


brotherman-5th floor

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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #16 on: 31 May 2003, 04:13 am »
After the loooooooooooooooooong credits they simply show a short preview of the next one due in November. I think there's already a Revolutions trailer on the net which I recall has Smith laughing hysterically while standing in some very thick rain!


Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #17 on: 31 May 2003, 06:47 am »
Well, I'll ask this one too.  What happened at the end of the DareDevil credits?  I guess I'm going to have to start keeping my butt in the seat.  Of course, it doesn't help when the local theater turns on the lights, and sometimes they go ahead and stop the film before the credits are finished.


Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #18 on: 31 May 2003, 09:35 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
Seems like the new gimmick is to add some stuff to try to get you to watch the credits, a la Daredevil.

And oh my Gawd but Reloaded had LOOOO---OOOONG credits  :o

[Edit: ahem like broman already said :oops: hey it's Sat nite and I've been working in the yard all day]

Rob Babcock

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Be sure to watch the Matrix Reloaded through the credits...
« Reply #19 on: 1 Jun 2003, 02:10 am »
Now Tyson, I could discuss Descartes over coffee with... Rebecca Romainj and that wouldn't be boring!  And in a movie version that's what you get.

At the end of DD we find, incredibly, that Bullseye is still alive after taking the header off the church.  He's in an ICU ward of a hospital bandaged from head to toe.  We see the mummy like figure grab a syringe and throw it at a fly that's bugging him, neatly spearing it out of mid air.

Just what we need; the cheesiest villian in movie history presumably  poised to reprise his nauseating role in the sequel.