Favor to ask owner of White Stripes - Elephant CD

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Favor to ask owner of White Stripes - Elephant CD
« on: 8 Apr 2006, 02:11 am »
I have a favor to ask any owner of the White Stripes - Elephant CD who also has a computer audio front end for FLAC playback.

I have ripped and re-ripped track #8 Ball and a Biscuit and FLAC playback, via Squeezebox into DEQX via digital coax, just doesn't sound anywhere near similar to my Sony xa777 into DEQX via digital coax.  The opening guitar build up in the recording is intentionally distorted and thick with harmonics.  Via SB playing FLAC all this harmonic flesh is gone, to the point where some of the notes almost fall undistinguishable into the background.

Played the same FLAC track on my computer speakers, same thing.  Ripped again to just WAV and its better it seems but not there either.  I am wondering if the puny stock PSU is the culprit, my buggy ripping setup or the FLAC settings I have.  

I am not saying FLAC is inferior to WAV, I don't think that is the case, but somewhere the end result isn't working out and I am trying to track down where the missing element is.  

Could one of you who owns this disc compare the FLAC version of track #8 to playing the disc directly and tell me if you hear any difference in the tone of the guitar in particular?


Favor to ask owner of White Stripes - Elephant CD
« Reply #1 on: 8 Apr 2006, 03:37 am »
I tried it out and could not hear a big difference in the guitar tone.  I made a FLAC using XAct and played it through the Squeezebox and then played the CD through the Shanling.  Mostly similar results considering all the variables.  I should probably level-match both sources though.  I use the SB's analog outs, no extra DACs or anything.

I still think their first disc is the most enjoyable but the whole lot of 'em has great sound.    Cool guitar tones too.  It has the audiophile feeling without being excessively purist and spartan like say a Mapleshade recording or something.

Have you tried the technical tap?


Favor to ask owner of White Stripes - Elephant CD
« Reply #2 on: 8 Apr 2006, 03:46 am »
I still think their first disc is the most enjoyable but the whole lot of 'em has great sound. Cool guitar tones too. It has the audiophile feeling without being excessively purist and spartan like say a Mapleshade recording or something.

Yeah, and unlike Mapleshade, it's actually good, urgent music.  I F****** hate audiophile labels.

three quid

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Favor to ask owner of White Stripes - Elephant CD
« Reply #3 on: 8 Apr 2006, 04:15 am »
sound fine too me...

i always have to listen to the whole song.....those solo's are too mezmorizing to listen to just a part of the song...

..my god, jack white.  :o


Favor to ask owner of White Stripes - Elephant CD
« Reply #4 on: 8 Apr 2006, 05:59 am »
Quote from: nathanm
Have you tried the technical tap?

Technical tap??  I am not sure I follow.  Thanks for the reply guys....I know now that it is indeed something with my configuration then.


Favor to ask owner of White Stripes - Elephant CD
« Reply #5 on: 8 Apr 2006, 07:30 am »
Strike the problematic piece of equipment firmly and with purpose.  See if that fixes it. :mrgreen: