6" hemp drivers

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vinyl will

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6" hemp drivers
« on: 27 Mar 2006, 12:37 am »
Louis, do you have any idea if these are being made and whether you would carry them? It would be neat for all the Grande 6 owners out there if they could upgrade the drivers.


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6" hemp drivers
« Reply #1 on: 27 Mar 2006, 05:07 pm »
As a Grande 6 owner, a 6"Hemp driver would be wonderful.  But I know how busy Louis is so I'd hate to push that ... so, I'd be happy to pony-up for a Bi-Polar or SuperHemp.  I think I may be due for a trip to Source Omega.  I'm really looking forward to hearing how the Montreal show went.



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6" hemp drivers
« Reply #2 on: 27 Mar 2006, 08:51 pm »

I'm pretty durn stoked on how well my SuperHemps are evolving. These have completely surpassed my expectations, and sound fantastic with any amplifier topology, they sound AMAZING with the little CLariT and 1/2 inch analogue tape source, Samsung (Fostex) PAL VCR player, --->what an unreal music machine, with these Hemp things....stunning.


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6" hemp drivers
« Reply #3 on: 28 Mar 2006, 10:49 pm »
Hi Dmason,

The SuperHemps do sound like a FAB selection.  It's hard for me to tell from Louis' site which one is the SuperHemp.  Is it the HempTone Compact 8?  I'm sure I've missed some posts describing which is the SuperHemp and what will be the design parameters.  I have a smaller room, and that might be a good fit.  Your 1/2 inch tape unit sounds like what I hear the Bottlehead guru's chatting about.  I don't have the space for vinyl.  Of course the Olive CD/Drive unit could be a good fit if it can be tubed.  I'm really itching to hear about Louis' Montreal show.  I wish I could have gone - just bad timing for me.


- Zimka

Ken D

6" hemp drivers
« Reply #4 on: 29 Mar 2006, 05:11 pm »
Quote from: Dmason

I'm pretty durn stoked on how well my SuperHemps are evolving. These have completely surpassed my expectations, and sound fantastic with any amplifier topology, they sound AMAZING with the little CLariT and 1/2 inch analogue tape source, Samsung (Fostex) PAL VCR player, --->what an unreal music machine, with these Hemp things....stunning.

Are you ready to comment how the SuperHemp driver compares to the Visaton 200.  I was leaning towards getting the A8 in the Fall but the SuperHemp is making it an interesting "competition". My primary music type is jazz ( 80% ) .  Classical and pop/rock are other 20%.




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6" hemp drivers
« Reply #5 on: 29 Mar 2006, 08:28 pm »

I couldnt compare the SuperHemp to the A8 because I have NEVER heard the B200 in a box, but I would imagine it would bring the presence band forward, and make for a "tighter" driver. I have only heard the B200 on open baffle, where physics make it abit more relaxed with static air masses on each side of the cone. The closest compari would have to be an A8 in the larger cabinet which would be VERY interesting. I can say this: the critical midband in both drivers is so similar it is interesting, and this is what was observed by Louis from the start. With that in mind, and in my experience, I know for a fact that either way, you simply cannot lose here. Both are astonishingly great and musical drivers, and I love them both equally, for different reasons. If you are a detail freak, go the A8 route. If you are spinning jazz vinyl, SuperHemp. If you have sweet tubes, Hemp. If you have some power, A8.  If you already plan on using a sub, maybe go with the A8. With the SUperHemp it is pretty optional, believe me, these things have some grunt. Both drivers can sink power beyond what seems reasonable. Especially the B200, which can EAT 60 watts easily. I have done this. The B200 can play louder likely, in the box, be more controlled at volume due to braking effect of an aperiodic load.

I would be interested as hell in what the B200 in the larger cabinet, aperiodic load, with subs would be like. THAT is what I possibly would be examining. A Super-B. Hope this stream of consciousness was of at least ~some help.


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6" hemp drivers
« Reply #6 on: 30 Mar 2006, 01:37 am »
Thanks Dan, that was helpful. 8" Hemps should arrive here any day now. I lean toward tubes and vinyl " sound" tho I won't have a tt hooked up for a while, but do have a very analog sounding dac fwiw (Audiosector nos, same as Audio Zone) and gc with tube pre. I think the Hemps will be good mates.
Take care, Don


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6" hemp drivers
« Reply #7 on: 30 Mar 2006, 02:04 am »

After awhile, you should start becoming amazed at the TONE TONE TONE of well recorded stuff. Not overproduced stuff, and not necessarily the things you would expect. Something is different here, trust me. This is why Tone Tubby's business is starting to cause them to lose control. There is a mojo factor at work here Like I havent seen.

I also have a NON OS DAC, the Monica, an Octal tube pre with active (SRPP) the best, and passthru, with NO$ Ken-Rad 6SN7, and with the SET of sweep tubes, Jesus de Marimba, stop the presses, something strange is going on here these days.

With the big BIG flared 3 in ports, whose terminus is likely at least a R=2.5" they are like 7" DIA, and they do more than vent the box. ALOT comes out the back, and when I listen in the next room, there is a very dense Tone Cloud. The SuperHemps I hereby declare, are: Serious Shit. AND micro powering is zero problem, turns out, depending on room size of course. B200 wants some juice. I would say it excels with SS, ideally the T amp situation, that got the whole ball rolling earlier. Take some time to beat the crap out of the Hemps, and they will reward with a far more relaxed presentation, and increased SPL. Clearly sensitivity has increased a couple db thru ~5KHz.

To be perfectly honest here, I am thinking about trading in my SuperHemps for even BIGGER SuperHemps. A 3.5ft^3 cabinet. I have already played around with the tunings...Mmmmmmm  :smoke:

Louis O

6" hemp drivers
« Reply #8 on: 30 Mar 2006, 02:20 am »
Hi vinyl will,

They are being made and I haven’t heard the yet as it’s still under development. Looks like no wizzer on this one too. So far I hear it’s really good. It will find it’s way into the line. The 8’s are all there right now and they are totally different the DIY versions on the web. Parameters and features are OEM, they just look very similar.

As far are the comparisons between the hemps and the B200s, Dan really nailed it down on this, Thanks Dan. I am cutting the boards for a XRS type cabinet that will handle the B200s They are 32 x 15 x 10 and will have a mass loaded chamber and fitted spiked platform. Overall height would be about 36+ inches.

The Montreal show was amazing. I really like this show a lot and the turnout is always very high. The only thing I didn’t like was the move from the Delta to the Sheraton Hotel. The Delta had the best rooms and the are pretty large too. The new hotel room is a box and just slightly larger than the Hilton in N.Y. were they have the Stereophile show.

We had a pretty difficult time getting the room right and tried the long wall then the short wall and finally settled in with a 22.5 degree caddy corner setup with Goo systems treatments in the corners. The system was on a low Salamander rack and includes the Scheu TT with 2 Morch arms. A DP-6 and a UP-4 with a 12” arm wand. The DP-6 had an Allaerts cartridge and the UP-4 had a $380 Dynavector. The whole analogue rig was battery powered. The TT motor and the Black Cube was converted. Vinnie does this mod and the phono stage sounds great this way.

We had the Olive running and me being as old fashioned as I am I had to switch to an Opera 2.2 CDP. The Imod was hooked up and amazed everyone who heard it.

The amp was Vinnie’s new Signature 30 and this is his best amp I have heard and the sound is excellent and a great match with the speakers. We had great gain and no worries at all about the volume. It’s also super sweet in the midrange and has great control in the bass. The sound is similar to the Clarity, but on a higher level. The new chassis is very nice too. Tommy at Hudson Audio cabled the whole system. Mostly silver and it wasn’t bright at all.  Noel from skylan set me up with the stands for the Superhemps.

Vinie took some great pictures and hopefully I can post them.

Klaus from Odyssey was right next to me and we had a system so we wouldn’t have too much bleed through. He also measured the wall voltage and it was all over the place. Batteries make a big difference here.

Overall the sound was great and we had many people come in 2 and three times. This year was the best turnout as the room was packed all the time. I couldn’t venture out much at all to see other rooms.

More soon and hopefully pictures.

Thanks again,


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6" hemp drivers
« Reply #9 on: 31 Mar 2006, 09:55 pm »
great news, i've been wanting to purchase some OMEGA'S for a month or so but waiting for this new hemp 6 incher. hopefully it will be available very soon so i can place my order haha. well keep up the great work.
