And now for something completely different...

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Passive Chappy

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 52
And now for something completely different...
« on: 9 Mar 2006, 04:09 am »
Hello John.  Long time no speak.  I'm sure like everyone else I contact you from time to time privately about your preamp.  I'm glad to see that you're getting close to getting back in the game, so to speak.

I've also asked about the FAL drivers in the past, which is what I'm going  to do now.  What's the status of these?  Can you still get them?  Do you still have the speakers you built with them?  If you do, what's your current thoughts on them?.  If you don't have these speakers or drivers anymore, what was your thoughts on them?  

This inquiring mind would like to know.

Thanks for you time on this matter and keep us posted about the preamp.

John Chapman

  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 825
And now for something completely different...
« Reply #1 on: 9 Mar 2006, 06:27 pm »

First the pre-amp update. I am travelling most of next week and desparately wanted to get pics online before I left. I 'should' have all parts in hand mid day tomorrow (final front plates and back plates, etc) but I fear that will be awfully tight to get a completed unit and photo's, etc.... I expect that it'll be after I return that I'll have pics and a web site update with the final info, etc... First unit or two should ship this month but first large batch (well - large for me anyway....) will ship in April / May.  I am really happy with the way they have turned out.  

The first one done is the one box two channel unit - since that is what fits most users. Very soon after I'll have the two box unit with separate controller, expansion units (transformer or resistor based) for multichannel, and the diy / OEM boards along with two versions of diy chassis - one for a passive diy unit and one with room for active circuits as well.  All this will be done by this summer - since so much of it is the same throughout the line of products and since I have finally hooked up with reliable suppliers for chassis parts, etc it will go smoother from here.

I still have the FAL's here. I am testing some other drivers right this minute using the deqx digital crossover but expect when that is done I'll put the fal's back in the shop here. This test is really for a large line array project that will get completed after I have finished the pre-amp stuff. I wanted to try the mid drivers before getting woodwork done.  

I was always quite happy with the FAL's. They have made some improvements since and have a new driver out now. Also a neat speaker with one driver and one tweeter per side that I'll bet would be great and was priced not too bad.  At one point last year I understood I'd need to buy in larger qty's and with the price of FAL's that would be difficult! I expect I'd be able to still get them for anyone interested.  I had a spare pair around I sold a while back  to a fellow here in Canada. See his post here:

I have not heard from him recently so I don't know his latest thoughts. He was getting some Fertins in to play with too - those should be fun as well.

Back to work on the pre-amp now.....

