An RM/x review, forwarded to me from Brad Montana

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John Casler

An RM/x review, forwarded to me from Brad Montana
« on: 17 Jan 2006, 04:39 am »
Hi all, here is an RM/x review (we don't get many of those) many of you might find interesting.  

Review from Brad (Montana):

(In general I do not post on any forum, would rather read and take notes).

To start off, Scott is a very accommodating individual.  I happened to be
in the Boston area working and noticed one night while reading Audio
Circle that an outfit called Obsession Audio has the same area code as the
one that I am working in.  Humm, Obsession Audio has VMPS speakers; I have
been wanting to take them for a test drive.  I called Scott on a Wednesday
or Thursday and setup an appointment for Saturday.

VMPS should be happy; Scott has put together a room for one purpose,
listening to audio.  He has a very nice sized dedicated room, complete
with acoustic treatments.  The room is also set up for Home Theater.
Bottom line, very comfortable environment to audition audio equipment/HT


The VMPS RM/x were the only speaker that I could listen to at the time.
This is not a bad situation to be in!

I am not capable of penning several paragraphs of lurid salacious over the
top adjectives to describe what I heard/felt/observed.  Hopefully my
review/descriptions are concise.

My first observation of the VMPS product was that its "sweet spot" is not
small.  A common comment of people who have listened to VMPS products is
that the sweet spot is very small.  This common comment is consistent
across all audio forums.  There is definitely a sweet spot but I do not
view it a smallish when compared to other system that I have listened too.

The RM/x is a stunning piece of audio equipment to listen to.  The sound
stage or 3-D acoustical projection just puts a smile on your face.
Listening to a speaker that can project instrument/voices with such
separation is just way cool (good work Brian Cheney and crew).  The music
is clear and the speakers are transparent, one does not realize they are
in the room.  Detail from high to low frequency is present even at lower
volume levels.  Male and female vocals were natural, no sibilance.  At
higher volume levels the high frequency content of the music did not
shrill or pierce one's ears, great detail without being bright (bright is
a term I would associate with listening fatigue).  Scott had some CD's
that I own; I was able to play some tracks from CD's that I am familiar
with.   I heard stuff that I have not heard before, new sounds.  I
listened to a verity of music for close to 3 hours, all critical
listening.  I was looking for something annoying or unnatural, nothing to
report.  On my way home to the hotel I also realized no listening fatigue.
 These speakers are instruments, they are very clean.

The only non positive, the RM/x is jussst north of my price points for
speakers.  Scott has since gotten some RM30's; I plan on being in the
Boston area in near future.  I hope to audition the RM30 for they are on
my short list of possible speakers to purchase.

As for appearance, nothing to report.  The RM/x is a well built speaker,
great finish work.  Obviously a 10K+ speaker should have an excellent

Room Treatments, Acoustic improvements:

I clicked through to Scott's Web site (Obsession Audio) after reading some
of his comments in the Audio Circle VMPS thread.  On several subjects
regarding audio his opinions are similar to mine.  Looking at his
equipment setup (cables, amps, type of equipment, etc) and room treatment,
Scott actually does what he says!

Scott presents/discusses room treatment from a common sense vantage, no
snake oil, no magic quantum stabilizers, etc.  I heard evidence enough
that he is capable of delivering an acoustic room treatment solution.

Scott does not suffer from Audiophile Elitist Syndrome.  He is open to new
ideas or comments and realizes there are probably multiple solutions to
create a best listening environment.

In closing; I have come to the conclusion that all of the best listening
experiences that I have had there is one commonality, room treatment.  I
have listen to many audio facilities in North America and Asia.  Room
treatment are not flashy or techie.  From all the reading that I have done
over the last three years, acoustic room treatment is the least understood
and discussed (I spent up to 40 weeks a year on the road so I get a lot of
time to research a question).  Bang for the buck room treatment offers the
best value to enhance one listening experience, 2 channel and HT.  When I
have enough free time I will contract Obsession Audio to help me with my
room's audio improvements.

I had promised Scott a review three months ago.  My delinquency also
proves he is a patient person.  I did find the time here in Beijing to
finish the review, and have asked him to pass it along.  Hope it reads
well and is informative.
