My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!

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My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!
« on: 2 Dec 2005, 04:11 am »
But no smoke!  :lol:
I got this puppy done and chained it right up to the IRIAA unit and my cd player on repeat.  I'm just past 200 hours on the burn and have listened to 3 albums so far.  Absolutely intimate!  Best phono stage I have owned, to date, and that goes back a ways.
Oh, there were puzzles along the way, like any good adventure has, and some I've already forgotten the solution to.  Well, so much for more adventure on the next gear I build!  :wink:   (Have gotten the LED backwards on both the Clarinet and Cornet 2 so far!)  IF that is gonna be the worst, bring it on!  Using strands of plenum Cat5 cable seems to have worked well for the upgraded RCA's, but I haven't got anything to compare that to.  I figured sizewise, it wasn't any smaller than the trace the signal came out of...
    So far, 'American Beauty', Stephen Graphelli, and my Deutch Gramaphon recording of Tocata and Fugue have been breathtaking and definitely a step beyond what my digital rig was doing, and I was pretty happy with that.
I know with my Rega P3 I don't have the ultimate in resolution, but I figure in the world of analog and tubes, it really isn't about ultimate resolution but the happy warm fuzzies I get while listening.  Dunno why, but I'll take a few tabs of this stuff on a regular basis.
(Can we tell I've been jonesing for my vinyl for a couple of years???)
And I haven't started rolling NOS tubes in it yet!

Ultimately, thanks to one and all for your participations and shared experiences that helped my assembly be as pain-free as possible, and once again, thanks Jim for your creation that you share with us.

Best Regards,


My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!
« Reply #1 on: 14 Dec 2005, 10:10 pm »
Congrats on the Cornet, it's good to hear about your satisfaction.  I can't wait to fire mine up.  Here's a shot of my board that I hope to complete this weekend.  Stock exept for auricaps, RCA's and kiwame resistors:

I forgot to get the 5 watt resistor :( , that could delay things a bit if I can't get one locally.

You're right about Jim's kits, they offer great value, flexibility and perform very well.  I, too, feel fortunate to have this option.


My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!
« Reply #2 on: 15 Dec 2005, 03:48 am »
Looks great Henry!
I resisted the exotic resistors (for now) but just cannot complain.
The one thing building these kits reminds me is how patience is a virtue.
(damnit!)  :-)  



My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!
« Reply #3 on: 18 Dec 2005, 11:33 pm »
Christmas came early!  I finished the Cornet today and it's a wonderful phono preamp for reasonable cash.  Jim's designs are great and the kits are quality.  Maybe Santa will bring a better camera.:oops:

At home with it's sister and the Willie creation...


My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!
« Reply #4 on: 19 Dec 2005, 12:19 am »
I have *got* to get me some of those handles!
Hope it all sounds as great as it looks Henry!

I have also got to get Willie to build me an amp!

Enjoy the tunes!

Best Regards,


My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!
« Reply #5 on: 19 Dec 2005, 03:29 am »
The handles are a great idea!  Why didn't I think of that?  The label on the tranny has to go, though...

jh :)


My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!
« Reply #6 on: 19 Dec 2005, 03:41 am »
Quote from: hagtech
The handles are a great idea!  Why didn't I think of that?  The label on the tranny has to go, though...

jh :)

Hey Jim,
The label is history.  Thanks for the great kits.  I found those handles at if anyone is interested.  Also, they have other cool chassis parts such as tube shields.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 10
Great pictures!
« Reply #7 on: 20 Dec 2005, 12:43 am »
While on the subject of Cornet2, can I eliminate the mono/stereo switch? It's optional in the kit which I gather the circuit will work without it.  Is this correct?


tom w


My Cornet 2 is on FIRE!
« Reply #8 on: 20 Dec 2005, 04:10 am »
Mono optional.  Just leave switch off.  The handles, though, I should specify those as mandatory! 8)

jh :)