Budget Integrated for 626 Ribbon Monitors?

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Budget Integrated for 626 Ribbon Monitors?
« on: 27 Oct 2005, 04:45 pm »
Anybody heard the Prima Luna ProLogue One integrated tube amp with 626 ribbon monitors?

Do they work together?  I don't have technical knowledge and worry about a mismatch with low powered tubes.

Any other opinions on a good budget amp (under $2K) for these ribbon monitors would be appreciated.

I am leaning towards tubes but am open to all opinions/experiences.


James Romeyn

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Budget Integrated for 626 Ribbon Monitors?
« Reply #1 on: 28 Oct 2005, 05:26 am »
I sold a little Cambride (England) 80WRMS/4-Ohm remote integrated, circa '02, I think around $450.  It was great value, musical, easy on the ears, minimum fatigue.  Setup with the RM1s (now discontinued) in a totally huge room.  I could have lived with it.  Let me know if you want me to check the model number.  

Also the circa '00 Audio Analog Puccini totally kicks but under $1000, unbelievably musical & detailed, non-fatiguing.

Above that the Austrailian Plinius integrateds simply are wonderful (if they are still around).  They beat more costly seperates and appear to be universally admired by all who hear them.  

If interested am happy to look up other models.  Can't remember off hand because it's been awhile.  Stereophile's Recommended Components list has been a good source for a short list of amps to consider.

If you are considering $2000 you could find a tube integrated with decent power, but I'd personally prefer SS.  

Happy searching!


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Budget Integrated for 626 Ribbon Monitors?
« Reply #2 on: 29 Oct 2005, 03:43 am »
I could only guess if one of the upscale tube integrateds would be enough, but you could still post what you listen to, how loudly and in how big and furnished a room...I think the KT88 one would work if you don't crank your music.

Otherwise, for those resolving speakers I would look at a Portal Panache if you can live without a remote or pre outs. List above 1600 but since there's no remote he finds ways to move them for around 1100 on audiogon once in awhile. Hard to know if it's a long term viable product in the marketplace with the remote question, so that's a risk. But it's wildly over-built for the money relative to its competition.

Failing that I'd look at the new Blue Circle integrated which is about 250 over your budget. No power worries with that one. They also make an older one which has very good parts specs at just over 1100 and 50 or so ss wpc.

A good third choice in your price range might be the vpc-2 passive pre and the d-100 monoblocks from Channel Island Audio for just under 2000.

(You can see I don't have a lot of experience with tube futzing/rolling from my suggestions.)


Budget Integrated for 626 Ribbon Monitors?
« Reply #3 on: 29 Oct 2005, 04:46 am »
Portal Panache runs a 100wpc and doubles into 4 ohms. No remote but is a very good integrated well within your budget.


Thanks guys!
« Reply #4 on: 31 Oct 2005, 12:35 pm »
A lot of good suggestions.  I was hoping to narrow my "short list" but I find it growing ever larger!   :?

I guess researching all the possible options is part of the fun though.

I should have mentioned I have a medium smallish listening environment with wall-to-wall carpeting and plenty of furnishings.  It tends to be slightly on the lively side.  

I don't normally listen at very high volumes and don't need to shake the rafters.

I listen to an eccentric mix of everything from Japanese trance music to opera but my regular diet consists of 70's rock; British invasion stuff; I am a huge Zeppelin fan.

I have a two channel system that will be used about 70% for tunes and 30% movies.  

I desire at least two inputs but four is ideal.  A remote is nice but not a deal breaker.

I am most interested in comments/opinions from those who have heard different amps with the 626 ribbons but welcome all suggestions.

Thanks again.



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Budget Integrated for 626 Ribbon Monitors?
« Reply #5 on: 31 Oct 2005, 02:23 pm »
If you want to stick with the tube route there are plenty of good int. amps out there used for under 2K.  The first one that comes to mind is the Cary SLI-80.  There's always atleast one on Agon though the newer ones fetch a little over 2k.  Tubes and ribbons go together very well.  I think the VMPS need atleast 50 watts especially if you listen to rock so I would avoid the Prima Luna series.  The Cary puts out 80watts, has a remote and 3 inputs with a sub out.  I'm real curious myself about this combination as I own the same speakers and would like a tube amp when finances allow it.


Budget Integrated for 626 Ribbon Monitors?
« Reply #6 on: 31 Oct 2005, 02:25 pm »
I've heard the 626's with digital amps compared to a DK integrated (tube preamp section and SS integrated) and the Eastern Electric M520 (All tube Integrated).  The M520 sounded the most 'real' of the 3.  However, the digital amps used were not bad at all.  I can't remember what the digital amp was... You'll have to search posts from 'BrunoB' and see what amps he was using. (The comparisons were at Bruno's place.)

The M520 is highly customizable (various switches and tube-rolling) and I think would be enough power for most people in a medium-to-small room with 90db+ speakers.  Bill at Morningstar Audio will usually provide demos and/or has a good return policy so you can give it a listen in your system.



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Budget Integrated for 626 Ribbon Monitors?
« Reply #7 on: 31 Oct 2005, 02:52 pm »
I have not tried any integrated but I have tried ARC VT100, eAR 1001, CJ MFC200, Innersound ESL  and Extreme Hurricanes on the 626's.  All the amps are rated at least 100ws.  Big power tubes love 626's.  The tube amps really get the harmonics right where guitar distortions are just right.  And of course the vocals are better -- takes away the sibilance.  Hurricanes with KT88s were better than ARC with 6650 tubes.  Plante's nasally voice "needs" tubes to sound good!