Essence AV-1 Kit Now Available

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Aether Audio

  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 775
Essence AV-1 Kit Now Available
« on: 14 Oct 2005, 01:31 am »

Guess what?  I had a stroke of genius!  Darn :banghead: I guess I can't fool anybody.  Oh well, I still think it's a pretty good idea anyway.

I figured that AC is made up of mostly DIY guys to begin with, so why not give them a chance to do something worthwhile?  The most worthwhile thing I can think of for A DIY'er is to build a pair (or more) of our Essence AV-1's.  You can do it pretty easy too - as long as we provide the essentials.'s the deal.  For $500.00 we'll provide the drivers, crossover parts, terminal cups and complete front panels with waveguides for one pair of Essence AV-1's.  You provide the box, stuffing and finish...and a little solder...and hopefully a little skill.  Add all that up and you'll have an unbelieveable little set of speakers.  OK, they're not really that little, but then they don't sound little either.  In fact, they sound a heck of a lot bigger than they are!

For $450.00 you can get the kit without the crossover parts and terminal cups.  You will get a schematic though and some basic instructions.  That way you can put whatever fancy-schmancy crossover parts you want in them.  The instructions will tell you what parts need to have certain parameters to work right, but as long as the parts you choose meet these basic criteria, you won't go wrong.

We're going to be coming out with our Presence AV-2 's pretty soon as well.  They're an MTM version of the Essence that uses the same drivers.  SET lovers will like them - we believe.  Sensitivity for them will be 96dB @ 2.83V @ 1 meter and 4-ohm load.  A kit will be available for them as well.

OK, you're not going to get SP Tech performance any cheaper than this!  I expect to give you guys some help if you need it too, so you won't be left out in the wilderness all alone.  All you have to do is send me an e-mail or PM and I'll get back with you if you have any problems during construction.

So...who will be the first brave soul?  You have to admit, we're trying real hard to get our performance out at affordable prices. If you're interested, we'll be standing by.
