More subs! First impressions ...

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Rich Carlson

More subs! First impressions ...
« on: 28 Jul 2005, 08:10 pm »
I have just added a Force sub to a system that already included two Titans, and thought I'd share my first impressions ...

First, the Force itself - not only is this thing cute, it is amazing in performance, especially for its size and price!  Easily capable of rattling windows all by itself, and goes very deep and clean in my room.

Second, why more subs? I have achieved very good bass with a stereo Titan setup, with a Titan approximately behind each main speaker and against the wall behind.  But I'd wondered for a long time about using more bass sources in my fairly large, open, irregularly shaped space (roughly L-shaped, 25' long, part 10' deep, part 18' deep, and open to a hallway, an adjoining space, and a stairwell.  And, I figured, if the Force didn't improve bass in the main audio system, I'd move it downstairs to the home theater ...  So I set up the Force at one end of the listening sofa.

Third, the effect of adding the Force to the existing system - with about an hour of setup and adjustment (and 3 subs allows for a lot of adjustment), I am getting bass quality that is less "thick" and has more impact.  In terms of quantity, there is actually a little less overall, except at the very low end (20-30 Hz).  With the 3 subs and my Behringer EQ, I've now got measured bass that is +2/-1 from 20 Hz on up.  There is also a hard-to-describe improvement in spatiality of the sound.  

It is obviously early in the tweaking and listening process, but it is clear that the home theater is going to have to wait for a new sub.  Thought I'd post these first impressions now, partly to see if anybody else has experience with using more than 2 subwoofers in a stereo setup.  Thoughts or suggestions?

Harry P

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  • Posts: 220
More subs! First impressions ...
« Reply #1 on: 2 Aug 2005, 01:07 am »
Rich, do you have all three subs given a mono signal? Or are two stereo? Where are you crossing over? I found definite improvements doing stereo Force subs vs. stacked Force in mono, for two-channel. It did take quite a bit more playing around to get the stereo subs to work best but the results were worth it.  I've read the HK stuff about multiple subs and it makes sense.

The Lexicon base enhance mode calls for a single main sub and "side subs". I think the Lexicon folks have a great white paper on it. I believe at least one member here has that setup with ACI subs.

Rich Carlson

More subs! First impressions ...
« Reply #2 on: 2 Aug 2005, 10:24 am »
Harry, I have the front subs receiving a stereo signal, while the rear sub is mono.  Fronts are crossed over at 50 hz, rear at 70.  For the time being, I have taken the EQ out in order to work on tuning as best I can without it; then will put it back in.  I think the main thing the rear sub has done is fill in a 40-Hz dip that could not be effectively addressed by EQ.  Unfortunately, work - which often cuts into my audio time  :) - has been busy lately, but I will post a longer followup at some point.