Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever

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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« on: 2 Jul 2005, 02:55 am »
Following the post series that have to do with BEST and WORST movies ever....

The BEST SciFi mini series ever (top 5)

Babylon 5
SG 1
Prey(about 8-10 episodes from SciFi Channel, left unfinished)
Tombstone(7 episodes also from SciFi Channel, better than one can expect)


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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #1 on: 2 Jul 2005, 03:09 am »
The Prisoner (edit: oops, sorry, this is a series, not mini-series).  
Delete if necessary.


John Ashman

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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #2 on: 2 Jul 2005, 04:05 am »
Those are series, not mini-series.  There's a difference.  Dune was an excellent mini-series though.  Way better than the movie.

Rob Babcock

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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #3 on: 2 Jul 2005, 04:28 am »
The BSG miniseries was fantastic, as has been the new series.  The Farscape miniseries "The Peacekeeper Wars" was phenomonal, too.


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #4 on: 2 Jul 2005, 04:33 am »
There was a mini series about 14 years ago called something like "Heaven and Earth"  it dealt with marines landing in a different planet, facing enemies that were to destroy them and Earth.  It used to be played on the worst times, Sunday morning, but for what I remember, that mini series had some serious story telling and decent graphic effects.

Of them all, I believe that Babylon 5 was the one with the most interesting story line and effects.  In comparison with the really bad movies produces, some of these mini series or Series, have really decent production and entertainment values.


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #5 on: 2 Jul 2005, 05:43 am »
One letter says it all: V.


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #6 on: 8 Jul 2005, 09:56 pm »
I'm all in for one (and only one) as the VERY BEST (at this point in time);

IMHO it's the new Battlestar Gallactica series!

- Better acting than most (some lead actors that are from A rated award winning films!) :o

- Best in class special effects, filming, editing and locations.

- Outstanding character development and deep/dark sometimes very adult story lines.

- Many a character has been "off'd" by real death! This gives the storyline and series a feeling that no one is really safe ( :idea: somehow it's just not the same when you know there is no way the characters will really die).

- Ties to many different belief systems and philisophical ideas that can be related to past and current issues that humanity has struggled with and still question to this day.

- Many excellent hour long episodes, that taken on their own actually have their own "design" of story/plot, which serve that particular episode and it's storyline delivery. Yet this series has a cohesive glue to it that you can actually see each character grow and change over time.  :nono: How many series have you seen where you cannot tell the difference of a character year over year!

- Huge budgets, stage set designs, effects, etc...For instance, there are some shots (to serve the story correctly as written) that may only be 40 seconds in length  that must have took days to set up with tens of thousands of dollars where that particular location is never to been used for another storyline, episode again. WOW :o

At this point I still cannot believe they brought this series to TV in the format it exists (as of last season). It's created with such dark undertones, with it's mood/ & storylines, that it would never suit the typical masses (or many typical young A.D.D. viewers for that matter). There really has been nothing like in these terms of HUGE budget T.V.

This series was truly a risky venture by having such subject matter presented the way it has been delivered. It's no wonder some of the critics are beside themselves about this series actually existing in this format. It's not necessarily the best business move and is actually meant for more of "the thinkers that watch T.V"! (i.e. NOT the 85th percentile). All I can hope for is they don't start worring about how to make more money by catering to a larger audience. If they choose that typcial route, this series will go to snot overnight :!:


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #7 on: 8 Jul 2005, 10:27 pm »
Quote from: ehider
I'm all in for one (and only one) as the VERY BEST (at this point in time);

IMHO it's the new Battlestar Gallactica series!

Is this a mini-series?  I thought it was a regular series...


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #8 on: 9 Jul 2005, 02:31 am »
Oops! I guess I didn't answer the thread correctly as to best "mini-series". So sorry for not answering this thread's question correctly  :?
My mistake came due to reading the other's posts which many also called out "regular" series' as their favorites.

I will say this though, Battlestar actually did actually start out as a "test" mini-series before the new "regular" weekly series was given the "go ahead monies" for the weekly varient. That particular test mini-series also ranks near the top in my book too!  :wink:  :P


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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #9 on: 9 Jul 2005, 02:43 am »
V rocked. It was suspenseful, with good actors and a cool story. The special effects werent terrible for the time period.


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #10 on: 9 Jul 2005, 03:36 am »
Gongos said:

One letter says it all: V.

That was a while back!  I saw it with a Spanish dub.  Wasn't that the one about Reptile like aliens that came as friends, that looked human, but inside they were cold blooded?  If that is the one, I remember they eat humans.  That was back in 1984...Now, if they ate Americans our days....They would suffer from BAD Cholerestol, Diabetes, Mad Cows and I do not know what else!

Who needs Wof the Worlds, when they would eat Fat Americans?   :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #11 on: 9 Jul 2005, 04:36 am »
That's the one, and they try to dee-freeze the entire human race, when they could just farm livestock much easier. :lol:


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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #12 on: 9 Jul 2005, 04:56 am »
How about Space 1999 or was it Space 9999???  

It was wierd, farout, dark, unpredictable, no glitz, no stars, just good scifi.  Anyone else remember?


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #13 on: 9 Jul 2005, 05:15 am »
How about the WORST?

I called it  LEXX...

Bad Canadian/German/SciFi channel job....terrible, tried to be Sexual and Quirky.....BOO. :tempted:


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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #14 on: 9 Jul 2005, 05:34 am »
You are probably right.  I think I was about 7 when it was on TV.

What about Lost in Space?  or In search of?  Not sure if the latter counts.


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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #15 on: 9 Jul 2005, 06:13 am »
HOW could you fans have missed 'Taken'?  With Dakota Fanning, it was GREAT, as are the DVDs.


Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #16 on: 9 Jul 2005, 06:32 am »
Quote from: Bemopti123
There was a mini series about 14 years ago called something like "Heaven and Earth"  it dealt with marines landing in a different planet, facing enemies that were to destroy them and Earth.  It used to be played on the worst times, Sunday morning, but for what I remember, that mini series had some serious story telling and decent graphic effects.

Uhm.. about 5-6yrs ago, anyone remember Space: Above and Beyond?  ...sorry it was a single season, not really a mini-series, but sounds darn close.

Farscape:  The miniseries was REEEAALLY good.  Know why they made it? SciFi could have their internet forum back.  I looked once, before the mini-series and every topic in every section was flooded "BRING BACK AND FINISH FARSCAPE, YOU AS$#OLES"... Thought, darn those guys sure are immature... wait... they are right, they really do need to finish Farscape up...  So I flooded a couple of the most recent posts.  ...when in rome.



Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #17 on: 9 Jul 2005, 06:57 am »
BillyM, that sounds about right.  Space: Above and Beyond.  The scenes I saw were bloody Awesome.

It seems to me that it is the fate of all things that are good, to be superceded by pathically bad stuff.  Blame it all on corporate mentality that says, "Need to make something Fresh, Fresh, Fresh....our viewership has gone up by just .1%"  Etc....

Claimont the Cat, what I said above explains why TV stations and cable stations are going bust.  They mess around with the viewers sooo much that we simply get turned off.  

Another good series, eventhough not quite SciFi, was Millenium....the ideas there were awesome.  

Do not see, I do not WATCH tv anymore because I felt the cable bills were not worth the money, especially when 1/2 of the channels were empty or the few good ones were filling themselves up with Ca-Ca...(shit.)



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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #18 on: 9 Jul 2005, 04:17 pm »
TV is just plain bad these days.  I only watch DVD's.  I like the old Scifi movies like Forbidden Planet.

Speaking of ideas, did you see What the $^%*# do we know?  



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Best 5 SciFi miniseries ever
« Reply #19 on: 9 Jul 2005, 06:23 pm »
Then, of course, the best sci-non-fi miniseries ever....HBO's From the Earth To The Moon.
