I know prices are high for gear...but this is just CRAZY!!! 50K subwoofer

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I thought $5-10k for a single subwoofer was pricey...but oh no!!

Check out this McIntosh sub that will set you back $50k!!!!   :slap:


I'll pass!!



    Well, if you're one of those people with money that could easily afford those subs, than that wouldn't be crazy at all!

    I remembered telling my coworker who is a non audiophile that I just got a new cart for my turntable that cost $475, at first he thought I meant a whole new turntable. When I told him that is just for the cart, he look at me with a surprised face and then he asked me how much my turntable cost? I told him and he was totally shocked! :lol: And my turntable is not crazy expensive like those you see at the audio show reports.

   Anyway, talking about price... I do take comfort in the fact that I've heard some expensive systems that don't sound right to me and only a handful that actually sound great and worth the high price tag. Well, to each their own right?