Synching Roon Core?

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Synching Roon Core?
« on: 9 Jul 2023, 01:25 pm »
Hi, All.
I have a NAD M50.2 digital player/vault connected via ethernet to a NUC Roon Core running ROCK. The M50.2 contains two 2TB drives in RAID configuration, so when I add new music I typically download it to a laptop, then copy it to the M50.2, which shows up as as a network drive.
I've had no problems getting music into the M50.2, which appropriately adds and indexes it. It appears immediately after running a reindex on BluOS, NAD's music management software (on either my phone or laptop), and is immediately playable via BluOS (which, of course, does not involve the NUC).
However, it sometimes takes quite a while for ROCK to figure out that there's something new on the M50.2 and add it to my Roon library. In fact, it hasn't always discovered new content even after rebooting the NUC. All software is up to date.
Does anyone have any suggestions?


Re: Synching Roon Core?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Jul 2023, 01:58 pm »
Hmmmm, that is strange. I have Roon server running on a Windows 11 Intel NUC. I have two mapped locations in Roon for my files. One for CD rips and another for high-rez downloads. It never takes more than a second for Roon to identify files that I add to either location, no matter how many rips I add. I wish I could provide a better answer, but Roon should recognize and catalog new files very quickly. Maybe there is a mismatch between the way BluOS indexes the data and the way Roon recognizes it?


Re: Synching Roon Core?
« Reply #2 on: 9 Jul 2023, 02:03 pm »
Roon's been aware of syncing failures for years and hasn't tried to fix the issue. They added remote playback that tries to automatically break your network security by hacking your firewall, and they removed the capacity for Roon to work with your local files when your internet goes down, but getting new music to show up is apparently beyond them. End of rant.

The workaround is in Settings-->Storage in the Roon app. This will show you the location(s) where music files are stored and connected to Roon. There are three dots to right of each location. Click the three dots and a hidden menu appears with an option to "Force Rescan" This sounds ominous, but it just checks for new files and adds them to Roon. It typically takes less than 60 seconds, and I have more than 40,000 tracks in Roon.

So, not only do they not address the problem, they place the only solution in a hidden menu and give it a worrisome name.

The obvious solution would be to give the user a "Check for new files" button right below the "Settings" button in the main menu. An even better solution would be to fix their dysfunctional capacity to see when new files have been added to a folder. I've never used software that has a "watch folder" feature that so perfectly failed to detect new files. But Roon is special that way.

If there were something that could fully compete with the functionality of Roon, I would switch in an instant.

I hope this cranky reply helped, but it may be that I misapprehended the nature of the issue you're experiencing.


Re: Synching Roon Core?
« Reply #3 on: 9 Jul 2023, 02:17 pm »
There could be confounding issues that prevent newly added music from getting added. Roon provides some info in their FAQ on the topic. In the past they also stated they are aware of systemic issues with Roon not seeing new files added to a NAS, but they have removed that admission (and have not fixed the problem):

Also, there is another hidden option in the hidden 3-dot menu: "Edit"

Under "Edit" you can set Roon to check a file location as often as every hour. If you don't want to Force Rescan each time you add music, this might help.

Finally, the new version of the Roon app appears to allow you to drag and drop new music into onto the Roon app and it will copy the files to the location you've setup to store music. Since Roon is handling the copying, the files are immediately available to play. I haven't tried this since I like to keep my music in folders organized by artist, and I don't know how Roon would organize the files when copying them.


Re: Synching Roon Core?
« Reply #4 on: 9 Jul 2023, 02:24 pm »
There could be confounding issues that prevent newly added music from getting added. Roon provides some info in their FAQ on the topic. In the past they also stated they are aware of systemic issues with Roon not seeing new files added to a NAS, but they have removed that admission (and have not fixed the problem):

Also, there is another hidden option in the hidden 3-dot menu: "Edit"

Under "Edit" you can set Roon to check a file location as often as every hour. If you don't want to Force Rescan each time you add music, this might help.

Finally, the new version of the Roon app appears to allow you to drag and drop new music into onto the Roon app and it will copy the files to the location you've setup to store music. Since Roon is handling the copying, the files are immediately available to play. I haven't tried this since I like to keep my music in folders organized by artist, and I don't know how Roon would organize the files when copying them.

I never had an issue with Roon syncing new files, but that is good to know. Thanks!


Re: Synching Roon Core?
« Reply #5 on: 9 Jul 2023, 09:24 pm »
Thanks, All. That did it!


Re: Synching Roon Core?
« Reply #6 on: 10 Jul 2023, 11:30 am »
Thanks, All. That did it!

Awesome! We both learned something!