Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!

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Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« on: 5 Apr 2005, 04:11 am »
Heya folks.
This is all kinda impromptu, but is a quick invite.
Gary from NY posted in my last thread on the Sonic Impact that he could bring his ClariT and Nixon dac when he came this way, this week, and has done so.  He is going to try to come to my house on Wednesday night, and we are gonna harness his stuff to my Altec 19 speakers to see how they sound.  
I for one am looking forward to hear what Vinnie has done to make this amp shine as well as the folks that have bought them have said.
I've got the speakers in my attic with a lot of stuff in the room, but the room IS 16 x 22 or so, and at least a half dozen can fit up there and not be on each other's laps.  
Anyone interested in hearing what's up with the ClariT, c'mon!
I know its a 'school night' and I live all the way in <gasp!> Illinois, but you are more than welcome.
And if you happen to have some high efficiency speakers you want to plug in.... I won't stop you!  :mrgreen:
Y'all gotta promise not to make fun of me for not being a perfect 'Nancy Homemaker'.  :wink:
But the wife is gone, the house is ours, and I paid the 'lectric bill!  
Lemme know if you need directions.  They are new and improved, Willie!  :D


Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #1 on: 5 Apr 2005, 02:46 pm »
Where bouts in Illinois are you located Deadfish? I'd like to come by but it's probably a little too far for me on a weeknight. :cry:

Vinnie R.

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Re: Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #2 on: 5 Apr 2005, 02:52 pm »
Quote from: DeadFish

But the wife is gone, the house is ours, and I paid the 'lectric bill!

Well, if you listen by candle light, you won't need to worry about electrcity because the Clari-T and custom SN Dac that Gary is bringing over is all battery  :lol:

Have a great time and many thanks to you and Gary for being so kind by offering to have others over for a listen.  Keep us posted and have fun! :P



Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #3 on: 5 Apr 2005, 04:41 pm »
Howdy Mark!
I'd be tickled to see you show, but know the miles are big for you.
I am 10 miles east of the Arch/Mississippi on I-55-70.
You'd get a chance to directly hear the difference between the ClariT and the ST-35 clone I've got here.
Vinnie, the pleasure will be mine.
This has been a 'merry chase' learning and hearing what this buzz has all been about.
Am looking forward to hearing 'that which Vinnie hath wrought!'


Mike D

Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #4 on: 5 Apr 2005, 08:18 pm »
I should be able to make it.  What time?
Can you PM me with you address again?  I'll do a mapquest.  It seems every time I come over, I take a different route.


Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #5 on: 5 Apr 2005, 08:33 pm »
I was thinking that 7:30pm would be a good time for me.
If somebody has another preference anything after 6 would be fine.



Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #6 on: 6 Apr 2005, 02:49 am »
Bill I will try and make it. I need directions also.


Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #7 on: 6 Apr 2005, 03:31 am »
Mike, you've got PM!
Sturgus, you've got email!
Gary, whatever works for you, I'll be here.
If any of y'all show and nobody is answering the door, will most likely be up the stairs towards the rear of the house, if you listen your way there. (well, c'mon in, first!)
Anyone else need anything from me, shout out.



Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #8 on: 7 Apr 2005, 10:40 pm »
Well, I finally got to hear the ClariT amp from Red Wine Audio and it was good.  Thanks go out to Gary from NY who was kind enough to pack his ClariT and Scott Nixon all the way from home to share and listen to thru my Altec 19s.
As I've said before, I was 'chuckling impressed' with what the Sonic Impact amp could sound thru my speakers, and the ClariT definitely kicks the ball a little higher!
Sturgus, Mike D. and Gary all came over last nite, to join me in my totally unfinished attic packed with boxes of anything I ever save worth keeping, and many things not worth keeping.  It is about a 16' x 22' room, with drywall and 'stuff', flakeboard floor (with some carpet scraps), and camping chairs.  Not the most ideal of conditions, but at least for my own purposes, having listened to my other gear up there, I was at least used to the sound (or lack of acoustics) already.
My current rig for listening most recently has been tubed amp and pre amp in the form of the ST-35 clone which comes from
It sports el-84 tubes, and has a lively, full sound, for me, especially in the midrange.
The preamp is the Hagerman Technology Clarinet I built last fall.  Although not there when I originally built it, I have developed a low level hum in it, and have not had time to chase it down.  It is a disagreeable hum for me because it is there, but it seems to disappear righteously once music is playing.  Synergistic Research aftermarket power cords make the tube amps sing nicely.

On the digital side, I have my trusty Rega Planet and Theta DSPro Basic IIIa for a dac.  This is the only dac I have ever owned, but never before have I heard another one, more or less side by side.  The quick version is that there were no quick swaps of them, and they both 'did their job' really well.  I'd hope to spend more time with a Scott Nixon dac again, before willing to plunk down cash for one to replace the Theta. But then again, the original price of the Theta was over $2k if I remember right, and the Nixon dac had big shoes to fill. WIthout listening closely to them, I'd find either one easy to live with coupled up to the Planet.
ANYway, Gary graciously brought his amp over while in town on business, and it was a delight to hear something 'new' again, coupled up to the Altec 19s.  I'm still getting used to these speakers, which I hope to 'renew' in the spring/summer, though I have no real complaints about them, save their size and their lack of cooperation with my solidstate Bryston gear.
IN the previous arrangement of my listening gear, it has been in my living room measuring 13' square.  Basically, it was real nearfield for the Altecs.
In the new arrangement piling everything into the attic while I worked on other areas of the house, this long room has allowed new distances and a new way of listening for me.  Last nite, we sat between 12-15' away from the speakers, and it really broadens the soundstage, something I thought I would never have in my home.  The speakers sit about 3' off the walls to side and rear, but there is a lot of stuff piled up between.
Gary put his amp and dac in at the same time, and we cranked it up.
Listened to music he knew, or Sturgus knew, or me.  
My biggest impression of the ClariT and the Sonic Impact I started playing with were that everything the SI brought, the ClariT fulffilled.  The 'dark background' from which the music played gets a new coat of unreflecting pitch with the ClariT. !! :!:   I've messed with cords and deadicated circuits, a PowerWedge, JR Power doohickey...and never gotten as fully blackened as this gave up.
Listening for 'obscura' I guess I'd call it, I was finding them as well.
We probably all have favorites that we have listened to over the years and found renewed interest with new gear when there is a different soundstage painted, and some things not even heard before, show up.  ayup!  Towards the end of 'Spirtual' on the "Beyond the Missouri Sky' album by Pat Metheny/Charlie Haden, there are critter noises in the form of crickets, and then doves that when I first bought the album, I couldn't even hear, so I use that album a lot for such things.
I would say that on the ClariT, the crickets came in earlier than I remember them coming in.  (I listened to this cut again on the tubes when everyone else left.)  There's another good mark for the ClariT!  I don't always know where to put this capacity, though I have always thought of it as a good thing.  I realized though, as I talked to Gary about it that with some recordings, it is almost like one were listening to a different mix, like finally getting a MoFI recording of an old favorite.  It is just amazing sometimes when you can find new information you haven't heard before.
We listened to the ClariT for about 2 hours, I guess, and it was a lot of fun hearing something so completely unknown.  The music had a lot of energy, clarity and freshness.  I don't think that we got the volume up past 10 o'clock much, and at least one time Gary noted it at 9.  That still astounds me how much comes out of those Altecs with battery power!
Eventually, we returned my gear back in place and listened to the tubes for about an hour or so.  After everyone left at that point, I went back up and listened for another hour and thought about things.
I feel like I got a good taste of what the tripath amps can offer, though admitedly, not under the best circumstances, given the room, and for me, given that I spent tuesday and this (thursday) morning having a root canal.
I wish I would have had a clearer mind, but that is asking a lot for someone like me.  :wink:
I'd like to hear the ClariT some more.  There are many things I liked that it brougt to the performances.  The nits I could pick with it could mostly be because my gray matter hasn't quite figured out how to perceive it and I might need more break-in time than the gear.  I went through the same sort of thing going from solid state to tube stuff.
I have further opinions, but I'd like to keep my mouth shut a little longer to sort it all out and let others perhaps comment on what they heard.
My thanks go out to Gary for bringing his gear half way across the country for letting me hear something I don't know how I'd hear, any other way.  Your kindness abounds, sir!  Sturgus and Mike D. for showing up, sharing thoughts and helping to make the beer go away.  Vinni and Scott Nixon for laying on us these crazy battery powered delights that I think can run alongside about anyone's gear, if they have speakers willing to be sensitive enough.
I sure had a good time.
Here's some pictures, I think, couched in another album of the old room:;area=browse;album=542

Best Regards,


Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #9 on: 8 Apr 2005, 03:20 am »
Thanks for having me over, DeadFish, it was great fun. Great beer too, I'll definitely be stopping by that brewpub the next time I'm in town.

I thought the monster Altecs were some pretty interesting speakers, although they weren't the best match for the Clari-T. Some things sounded great, like the Leo Kottke song & the Pat metheny, but on female vocals and trumpet (i think) things sounded harsh and I had to turn the amp down on a couple of occasions. I'm not sure where the problem was, maybe just chalk it up to bad synergy. I'd like to hear it drive your Vandy's though, maybe next time I'm in St. Louis you'll have dragged them upstairs - heck, it's gotta be easier than it was to get the AL's up there :)



Probable ClariiT/Nixon dac listen THIS WEDNESDAY!
« Reply #10 on: 8 Apr 2005, 05:16 am »
You are welcome, anytime, Gary!
Seems if I remember right, the Vandies are like 87db efficient, so one might have to squeeze to get music from the ClariT out of them.
I'd be happy to give it  a whirl though!  Heck, by then, I (or someone else) might have one around here and we can try monoblocking them!
   Heck, you heard me last nite.  It was really easy getting the Altecs upstairs:  I let the wife, son and step daughter move them! All I had to do was worry! hehehehe
Actually, in the boxes, the Vandies ought to tie to a hand truck real ez.
That which made you turn the sound down is/was a common complaint with the Altecs, which is one of the reason I would like to break them down and rebuild the parts I can.  You saw the putty on the horns.
Had we had the chance to give you a closer look at my living room, you would see a full Room Pack of Eighth Nerve products, that when I placed them in there had a lot to do with taming the Altecs.  The brightness really calmed down in a full way, if not overly overt in doing so.  Although you suggested the attic room might not be as bad as I feared, I think that is part of what you were hearing.  Even the tubegear can take shrill to that bleeding edge, almost, up there.
Another part I'd be sure to change for next time would be those bits of small guage wire used for the speakers.  I'm going to shorten my cat 5  runs I was using and reinsert them as well, since I can get small connectors on them.
Your amp sounded pretty darned good!

Best Regards,