Sapphire XL yesterday....

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Sapphire XL yesterday....
« on: 27 Feb 2005, 08:11 pm »
Hi Gang,

 I was the co-host of a mostly GTG (get together, to the uninitiated) yesterday, out in the suburbs of Chicago. As it so happened, Mike was kind enough to lend Bob (Hectic1) a demo pair of the new Sapphire XL's to bring along for a listen. The only competitor in attendance was the Onix Ref 1.
 Although the Sapphires were brand spanking new outta the box, and had had no break-in time whatsoever, I was mightily impressed by what I saw and heard...very solid construction, absolutely beautiful finish, VERY superb drivers, extremely reasonable price, and most importantly, verrry nice sound(time WELL-spent on that xover)...all par for the ACI course. :)

Of course, I'll have to wait to listen to them in a nice, quiet environment, and compare them to one or two other favorites(Ref 1's of course, and perhaps some Quads) before forming any final conclusions, but as far as first impressions are concerned, these seem to be some verrry well executed, exceedingly HIGH value speakers.*

Congrat's on the new family member, Mike



ps- for those who are curious to know how the Sapphires compared to the Refs, it's waay too premature to comment yet, but I promise I'll keep y'all updated...Bob too.

* Qualifier: "HIGH value" is of course, a relative term. I have industry access to several distributors of regular retail channel stuff, so for me, I tend to compare the direct sales model prices to retail distributor cost in order to get a better "feel" for the value of a particular exceedingly harsh and perhaps unfair apples to oranges exercise, and definitely something not available to consumers.


Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #1 on: 28 Feb 2005, 01:00 am »
Hey Randy,

You echo'ed my thoughts exactly...I did have an opportunity to spend about an hour with them today. My very early thoughts comparing these to the Ref 1's and what I remember from the 25th Anniversary editions is that Mike has really nailed it with these...the cabinets are absolutely beautiful, the voicing of the speaker is sooo smooth, detailed, and clean...I will post more thoughts as time goes on but initial impressions are good.

I'm going to host a mini G2G at my house on March 12th where we will be able to compare the Sapphire XL's to the Onix Reference 1's and Quad 12's...I'll look forward to seeing you and Kendrid there... 8)

Harry P

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Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #2 on: 28 Feb 2005, 12:38 pm »
Sounds like you lucky guys are the first to be able to hear these since the Ces show. It would be awesome if you could do some detailed comparisons with some welll known competitors like B&W, Revel, Thiel, Von Schweikert etc. I will certainly look forward to your continuing impressions.


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Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #3 on: 28 Feb 2005, 03:08 pm »

 I'm trying to tap a resource to get the new Quad 12L studio Pro-Actives, but am having somewhat of a difficult time...we may have to settle for the regular 12L's.
I have a pair of Von Schweikert LCR-15's in the house, but I got the impression that Bob and another friend of his weren't particularly interested in using them for the comparison..sigh.
 One thing that would be nice to have at the comparo would be a decent switcher..which nobody ever seems to bring along. It's nice to hook stuff up, listen, then switch all the cables, but everyone knows that auditory memory is exceedingly short. It's much easier and makes the comparison more valid if a switcher is used, even though Bob feels it degrades the signal. I do not.
 Also, when comparing bookshelf sized speakers, I prefer to filter out the below 80hz information so as not to skew the comparo in favor of the speaker with the greatest bass capability. One can make judgements about all-around balance and bass capability AFTER listening with them crossed over, but it's better to level the playing field for the first round.
 This is just the methodology "I" would use. It's really up to the host of the event.....

I'm looking forward to this shootout.



Harry P

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Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #4 on: 1 Mar 2005, 12:30 pm »
Ran and Bob, I for one am looking forward to your continued impressions, opinions. And I'd like to see your longer term feellings if you can just listen to them for a couple of weeks. I've found that quick impressions are sometimes false. I'm looking for long term listening satisfaction. A lack of listening fatigue is very important to me. I have a friend who loves my 25th Anniversary Sapphires almost as much as I do. He'll probably buy them if I decide to go for the XL.

Mike Dzurko

Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #5 on: 1 Mar 2005, 02:40 pm »
Bob and Randy:

Thank you for posting your initial impressions. I'm very much looking forward to what you have to say after you've had some real quality time with them.

I would suggest comparing both filtered and full-range . . . after all, bass quality and capability are part of the whole equation.  I'm sure that many folks will run these with subs, but many will also run them full-range. It was part of our design intent that they provide a very satisfying and accurate bass response. In that respect, the goal was actually to provide the ultimate bass quality possible from this size enclosure. Subs are optional, not mandatory :)

Like I mentioned to you yesterday Bob, push them hard, they can take it!


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Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #6 on: 1 Mar 2005, 03:56 pm »
>>push them hard, they can take it.<<

 Ya mean that tiny little Revelator is capable of significant output?
*wink* *wink*.

 Mike, don't be silly...of course we'll listen to them full range. I just don't believe that opinions should be biased from the outset based on a minimonitor's deep bass capability or lack thereof. As you've pointed out, supplementation with a sub is the common rememdy, but it's sweet indeed if you don't feel the need. :)  
 It should nonetheless be pointed out that because manufacturers KNOW that folks are easily impressed by tiny speakers producing BIG bass, this has led many of them to artifically bump up the response in this region. The problem with THAT, of course, is that it makes it exceedingly difficult to blend in a sub. This is also why many manufacturers don't ever display a frequency response chart...hel-lo smiley face. :)

Fortunately, that Revelator driver is indeed capable of prodigious output capability, so the various shenanigans that other manufacturers are frequently forced to resort to aren't really necessary. The Atohm driver in the Onix Ref's is pretty respectable as well. Should be fun.


 Unfortunately, Bob's the boy with the wonder toys, so an extended listening experience writeup won't really be possible for me...humblest apologies. :(

We're also working on trying to get some Quad 12L active speakers ($2000), but to date, the Wharfdale distributor has been unresponsive...we'll see. Perhaps I'll bring some Von Schweikert LCR-15's($1500) in case the guys feel like "slumming it". :)
I wish I still had my old ACI Emeralds($750) for comparison sake, but alas, they were sold about a year YEARS of good use out of them, though. :)

Ooops, almost forgot to ask...

Mike, is it possible to shield those Revelator drivers for some form of center channel use? I don't think so, but perhaps you can build a cup of some kind? Or are you committed to strictly 2 channel for these new babies?



Harry P

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Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #7 on: 11 Apr 2005, 11:16 pm »
Hey, you fellows ever get together for round 2? I was hoping to hear a lot more!


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Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #8 on: 20 Apr 2005, 03:46 am »

 I had a chance to listen to the Sapphires for an hour or two this last weekend for the 3rd time. I also got to compare it to the Onix Ref 1's and Quad 12L Active monitors (which never made it to market). I'll write up a few of my thoughts after I've had a little more time to listen to them in my living room over the next couple of days....stay tuned.


Harry P

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Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #9 on: 20 Apr 2005, 12:06 pm »
Quote from: theranman

 I had a chance to listen to the Sapphires for an hour or two this last weekend for the 3rd time. I also got to compare it to the Onix Ref 1's and Quad 12L Active monitors (which never made it to market). I'll write up a few of my thoughts after I've had a little more time to listen to them in my living room over the next couple of days....stay tuned.


Randy, I'm staying tuned :)


Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #10 on: 25 May 2005, 02:55 am »
Quote from: Mike Dzurko
Bob and Randy:

Thank you for posting your initial impressions. I'm very much looking forward to what you have to say after you've had some real quality time with them.

I would suggest comparing both filtered and full-range . . . after all, bass quality and capability are part of the whole equation.  I'm sure that many folks will run these with subs, but many will also run them full-range. It was part of our design intent that they provide a very satisfying and accurate bass response. In that respect, ...
Hey Mike...I know I owe a review on the XL's here...I have been traveling for work pretty much the last month and a half...building a new house...while trying to sell my old one...that hasn't left much time for audio of late. To all those that have pre-ordered the XL's rest easily...the speaker is definitely worth the wait...heck...I'm on the waiting list for a pair too!  :)

Mike Dzurko

Sapphire XL yesterday....
« Reply #11 on: 26 May 2005, 05:43 pm »
Quote from: hectic1
To all those that have pre-ordered the XL's rest easily...the speaker is definitely worth the wait...heck...I'm on the waiting list for a pair too!  :)


I guess that says it all doesn't it!  I certainly understand that you've been buried up to your ears. Thanks for stopping by, we look forward to your comments when you can come up for air :)