Digital connections from source to DAC

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Digital connections from source to DAC
« on: 29 Jun 2021, 09:03 am »
With the upcoming AMG DAC likely following the DAC9SE and Alita in terms of digital inputs, meaning one each for coax and I2S (HDMI), and with the current NP source devices ,such as the new Stream 9 and CDT-8, 9 and 10 all having both coax and I2S digital outputs, then what would be the preferred digital signal choices for two sources, streaming and CDT, feeding into an AMG DAC?   Coax for one and I2S for the other, but which source benefits the best from a given digital connection?   


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Re: Digital connections from source to DAC
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jun 2021, 11:48 pm »
To elaborate on my initial question, I understand from earlier posts on this forum that I2S (HDMI) is the preferred linkage between a transport and DAC.  It would follow that the same would hold true for streaming devices, such as Stream 9.  If so, wouldn't it be best to have two I2S inputs for DACs, to allow the use of the (preferred) I2S connections from both streaming and CDT sources?  I ask this in advance of release of the AMG DAC, as I assume it will follow the DAC9SE and Alita format of a single coax and a single I2S input.  Based on the input configuration layout of these DACs, there appears to be sufficient space to have two I2S inputs.  Would this be a consideration for the new AMG DAC?  Otherwise, it would be necessary to choose which source utilizes the more desirable I2S linkage, relegating the other source to coax.  Having two IS2 inputs on the DAC would certainly seem to be an advantage.


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Re: Digital connections from source to DAC
« Reply #2 on: 4 Jul 2021, 10:22 pm »
We are trying to add two I2S inputs to newer high-end DACs. I2S is the preferred digital connection between source and DAC.


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Re: Digital connections from source to DAC
« Reply #3 on: 4 Jul 2021, 11:16 pm »
Thank you for your response.  Given the preference of the IS2 connection, having two I2S inputs would definitely increase the utility (and value) of the DAC to the end user.  I would hope that this is a consideration for the upcoming AMG DAC, as the current configuration on the back panel (using DAC9SE and Alita as examples) would certainly lend itself to doing so.