refrigerator magnet whiteboard, under CD player.....(improves sound)

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Have your ever considered cryogenics?


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Have your ever considered cryogenics?
no. Not interested.
added I will buy cryo'ed tubes. That is about it. I understand some cable companies cryo their cables but do nto say so. Doesn't matter either. Something as complex as a component no way.
« Last Edit: 4 Feb 2019, 03:51 am by Elizabeth »


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After a rather long delay, finally placed magnetic mat under Bryston BP-26. I had to 'lift' both the BP-26 and it's power supply using rope.. (after taking off the Rudistor headamp which was on to of both. cleaned the shelf, placed the mat. lowered the preamp.. all while it was still playing music! (If I designed a rack myself, it would include slick pulley system!! to lift equipment to clean shelves!!)
The refrigerator magnetic mat is 3/4" below bottom of BP-26. I have sorbothan half domes under the BP-26 feet. So they add to the height. The power supply is about 2" over the BP-26, with added size 10 butylrubber bottle stoppers (my #1 footer)

Instant opinion: slightly more bass (tiny) warmer overall presentation. more dynamic a bit. blacker background. More 'musical'. Bit more clarity all around. Treble is 'sparkling' Whole time playing Beethoven piano sonatas.. clarity.. more than tiny improvement.
I call it a success.

Added a day later. Well I am not as pleased. the device boosted the bass a little too much. I modified the distance from the mat to the bottom of my BP-26 to now 1.3 inches. Added some cut squares of butyl rubber I have laying around, added them under the feet. As I previously wrote, the distance of the mat to the bottom of the device seems to be a critical factor. (so would the power of the magnetic pad magnetic field. As a note of caution, one should read the comments on each pad sold on Amazon, as some complaints say that particular pad sticks poorly to a fridge. Mine jump at it. just mentioning. Sadly I have no way to measure the field to give a baseline, but the magnetic power of any particular brand is going to vary a LOT from other brands.)
« Last Edit: 4 Mar 2019, 08:12 pm by Elizabeth »


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After several days of debating the merits of the fridge dry erase magnet under the main Bryston BP-26 preamp, I have decided to swap the power supply and the preamp (they share identical sized chassis, usually the power supply recommended on top for best sound.)
So I moved the power supply to the bottom, NO SPACERS to mat (from the ARC Sp-15, the power supply also a separate similar box was fine right on the magnetic mat. The preamp not as good and needed spacers) and the Bryston preamp itself above on extra 1" tall butyl bottle stoppers. (I had an unused antistatic black, 1/4" foam cut to fit under the preamp in case I was placing it on top of the power supply. I added it back between. so it now rests at bottom of pramp feet, above butyl spacers.)
Music sounds good as before. What I need to do later is listen to some vocals.. added: (listening to Joni Mitchell, great, good clarity and good warmth, a winner)
The difficulty was a great clarity, but as usual some loss in the warmth. I had is so good just before this particular tweak I want it like it was, and greater clarity of vocals..
Very tiny difference. But After thinking of just removing he mat all together, I decided to try the power supply swap.
Just finished, and playing beethoven sonatas.. My usual Morning start to a day of listening.
I will report later if I like it better with this arrangement, or if I decided to remove the magnetic sheet totally.
So far, I have five 13" by 9" dry erase magnetic refrigerator bads under stuff. Tow under two CD changers. Sucesses. Two under ARC SP-15 preand power supply. Sucess. I tried one under Conrad Johnson ACT2, not good. to fa yaway perhaps, plus the CJ get HOT. so removed it. Under Marantz, SA-10, nothing, but note the SA-10 has a full copper chassis, so the field was not affecting the copper, thus perhaps too far away, removed. And finally under Bryston BP-26, hit and miss, swapped it to the Bryston power supply, better, seems a keeper.
This ends the experiment, with some success. Keeping them as it at this time.
« Last Edit: 7 Mar 2019, 06:57 pm by Elizabeth »


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i have tried so many tweaks over the years - footers - dots - watches - magnets - pens - pellets - cables off the floor - dehumidifiers - weighted bricks over and under components - and i am infatuated with them for about 3-4 months - then i could care less


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i have tried so many tweaks over the years - footers - dots - watches - magnets - pens - pellets - cables off the floor - dehumidifiers - weighted bricks over and under components - and i am infatuated with them for about 3-4 months - then i could care less
Yes! I was into baggies full of quartz chips, I have dozens. I still fiddle with them, but generally they are just curiosities now. I am sure i will ponder "what WAS I thinking"... On down the line.
The big plus is discovering for myself, from experimenting what a rather weak evenly distributed magnetic field does to audio equipment.

Added and yeah I own three VPI magic bricks. Got them for like $10 each used. They are around... somewhere...  LOL
« Last Edit: 7 Mar 2019, 06:52 pm by Elizabeth »


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They are around... somewhere...  LOL

Good to see you laughing out loud!


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With the slight improvements in clarity, the Magnepan 20.7 echo effectwas getting stronger. Like I am in the back of a big hall..
I have heavy lined folded drapes on the back corner. I closed them in another four inches. On the side walls in back I have DVDs in slim pack (1/2 thickness) cases floor to ceiling both sides. So I 'adjusted' the DVDs to be either up or laying sideways, alternate clumps.. With some pulled out a little from back etc. To break up the smooth surfaces.
Well it helped!
I know I should start looking into some sort of diffusers.. making them. Something for the ends of the shelving. and below the big window/and either above the radiator, or free standing...
Being lazy, it may take years to get around to it. maybe not. no telling.

Added after all day listening yes the under the BP-26 power supply magnetic pad is a keeper. Slightly greater clarity in Rock vocals (my current thing I am chasing), with no loss of midrange wamth. I am listening at mid 60's dBs..
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2019, 02:12 am by Elizabeth »


I sold those VPI bricks back in the 80's. I thought I could hear a difference. One day I had one of my daughters lift those up while blindfolded. I never heard a difference, so I quit selling them.


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After a week, I took the refrigerator magnet mat away from under the BP-26 power supply.
Some minor irritation. mostly like the edges of notes too etched. Not a lot, just enough to make it seem slightly 'wrong' (so much clarity it was bothersome is another way to put it.). Too late at night to play anything now. So tomorrow I will see if it was the right call. Easier to take out than install. I do not think slightly more distance would have mattered?? Could have, but I just want to go back to no mat there for now.
The one positive of the test was moving the power supply to under the preamp with ectra spacers between. The power supply runs cooler, the preamp seem to run cooler.
(now it is possible the mat was making the power supply run cooler, if so, and tomorrow the power supply is warmer.. i will add a comment to this post
Added next day. Well yes, the sound is really good without any maget pad under the BP-26 power supply. Less clarity. Suffice to say I am trying again. Easiest is to place mat under glass from below. This adds to the distance 1/4" or so. and I swapped 1/* washers to 1/4" thicker pads.
What I want is the more liquid sound without mat, combined with clarity added with mat. Some magic distance to find.
« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2019, 07:31 pm by Elizabeth »

Mojo Warrior

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I"ll put my 2 cents in here. I have put a magnetic sheet 1 1/2" underneath the laptop (the computer is sitting on top of a 3/4" bamboo board) streaming Tidal to a Peachtree Grand Integrated powering a pair of JSE Infinite Slope Model 2s. I did immediately perceive an overall improvement in the sound......Interesting. Perhaps more experimentation seems warranted. YMMV


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Today I took off the (about 5mm) extra footers under the Toslink connected CD player, and placed 2mm ones. The increase in vocal clarity replaying the same CD as three minutes before.. Tighter bass attack. I am really surprised just how important experimenting with the distance below the device really is. I doubt anyone could use my distances, for a different device.
I am using "fender washers" average 2mm thick large round rubber washers from a hardware store. (i bought pile of those at least eight years ago...) The 5mm devices were just a hard rubber pad I cut up.
I kind  if want to quit messing around with the stuff and just listen. but here I realized it was just not perfect, and was better when the CD changer had no extra lift. (but then the bass was a bit lacking)  So I tried the 2mm.
Again, the amazing part is just the vocals, now, same CD (Depeche Mode Speak and Spell) vocals clearer (particularly on track 4 where the whole song is lower in amplitude, and murkier than most of the rest). where before they were a bit fuzzier, harder to understand. (kind of like changing IC difference, or tube rolling)


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This site has no circle for the far out/outer space zone tweaks.  :roll:

Then I took some of the piles of small quartz crystals in baggies I keep for tweak emergencies,!! (treated with automotive dielectric grease) .

yes Elizabeth your right, long long long over due, and we have you to thank for changing that vacuum of creative freedom, thank you
so very much as this is blessed relief for many.   


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Just as a note to everyone, In the past the entity who writes as grace ruby and I had some private discussions.. In which it had seemed we agreed not to post at each other, whether due to illness or old age, grace seems to have forgotten this. And since grace has blocked me from messaging, I will remind grace of that fact. Your drivel is not welcome. :thumb:


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I will remind everyone that members are not in charge of threads they start, members do not moderate who posts or what they post, facilitators and admins do.  If you don't want to hear from everyone, within site guidelines, don't start the thread.  Thanks for your kind attention.


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, don't start the thread.

Good point. don't start any threads...
sadly I have to agree.
No more threads from me... I said all I have to say anyway. Last years upgrades are pretty much finished, and time to move on.