The recent UPGRADES to the EVOLUTION SERIES have some dealers with "trade' ins

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John Casler

Here is another thing to know, if you are looking for used NuPRIME gear.

Many participating dealers have been taking in NuPRIME Trades for the new EVOLUTION SERIES Components.

Check with your dealer to see if they have the slightly used gear you're looking for.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 360
John, I’m sitting here listening to my Evolution DAC in awe!  I’m still waiting on my Innuous streamer and hope to try mqa soon, with Roon.  :thumb:

John Casler

John, I’m sitting here listening to my Evolution DAC in awe!  I’m still waiting on my Innuous streamer and hope to try mqa soon, with Roon.  :thumb:

Enjoy. . . you were one of those who I mentioned "traded UP". but your DAC10 is already adopted  :thumb:


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 360
Somebody got a perfect 10!  Thanks for your help. I just got my Innuous zen mini, and with help from another fellow here got mqa working. This is a lovely DAC, and to the mqa detractors, all I can say is Il love it, placebo effect or not.

John, please advise potential buyers that mqa, via usb, appears to work and the Evo liquid sound and sound stage are magnificent.

Now, I have a Bluesound node 2 to sell.  :thumb: