Hello, Chris.
Tonight, the Bryston DB reached 100%. I ran it again later just to see if it would reach 100% again, and it did.
I was in the Dashboard interface when I clicked "Update".
What's different is that, both times, there was something called a "Folder build", and it's that update that didn't finish. It stopped at 94%.
I think I saw the "Folder build" yesterday after clicking the "X" on the "Bryston DB" dialogue box and, like this evening, the "Folder build" didn't reach 100%.
I didn't notice the word "crash" anywhere in the system log, but in the "Web Server" log (I think that's what is is), I did see the word crash near the top of the log, and somewhere near the end of the log there was something about not being able to find something (one of the "albums" I have for which the album art doesn't show up).
I ripped two CDs this evening, but only for one of them does the album art show up. It's not irritating, but ever since the icons with the album art stared being indicated (within the last year or so, I think), it's hard not to notice when something does not show up.
Maybe it's part of the "folder build" thing going on.
Not sure any of this information helps. My problem isn't critical. It would just be nice for things to work a wee bit better.