Has anyone experienced the Pass XP12 or newer family preamps?

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Big Red Machine

I'm always trying to go that next inch and I read that the power supply of the new Pass preamps are extremely quiet. I really love my Ayre K-5xe MP. It's a little long in the tooth but so easy to use and it is built like a tank. I use the balanced connections throughout the routes so the Pass would work there as well. I use a newer Maker amp.

Just thought I'd throw out the question to see if anyone has tried one.


FWIW, I owned the XP-20 for less than 6 months.  Sold it because it was lifeless, for lack of a better term.  Are you adverse to running a tubed preamp into your Maker?  I have had incredible results running a tubed pre and SS amp.

Currently using a Audio Experience A2 Gold fully balanced tube pre into a Pass X-350.5.  With Pass Labs the amps are awesome, the preamps not so much.  IMO but have heard of others that mirror my experience.