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John Casler

« on: 11 Jan 2005, 05:06 am »
Hi all, just a quick note regarding THE SHOW at the St Tropez in Las Vegas.

IT WAS A GAS!!! :mrgreen:

I drove in on Friday (I'll spare the trip and weather details) and cruised over to the VMPS room first thing.

WOW!! a beautiful pair of Rosewood Brian Cheney Signature Editions and a Single Lightly Figured Maple smack in the center staring at me.

What a great job Mark Schifter does with our cabinets :inlove:

Midwall on the right side was a six foot high "BANK" of no less than 7 AMPzilla Chassis.

Three Son of Ampzillas were running each RM40 full range.  Only a single channel of each was used for a total of 100 watts to each.

I have to tell you this was the most potent 100 watts I have ever heard!!! :o  :o

Then a single Ampzilla 2000 was running a 215 Sub.

This was all driven by a Krell Transport, into a Wadia DAC and then to an incredible TRInaural Processor.

I opened my briefcase and pulled out a few Refernce Cuts...Now to be perfectly frank it didn't have the sonic splendor I was expecting.

Something seemed a little off, but I didn't get a chance to feel out exactly what it was.  Why?  Because it was a steady stream of people coming in and sitting down and asking for certain cuts.

It was great.

Sat Morning I got there early, and did a little listening.  Aha, the L&R leads were reversed.  Now unless you are totally familiar with a musical piece, or you play some symphonic cuts and find the violins on the wrong side this is very easy to do.

I had James reverse the leads.  Next I wanted to see what the Tri-Naural would do, but sitting in the sweet seat the soloist or center performer sounded too far away.

Got James to re-balance the channels a bit.  This brought up the center a bit and

BAM!!! we had a seamless soundstage from wall to wall with the performer in the center no matter where you were in the room.

Then I notices just a "hint" of reflective glare from the amplifier bank (but only when sitting in a single chair sweet seat), so I placed a tube trap slightly out in the room to block the reflection.

Then I closed the drapes at the rear of the room completley closed to reduce reflections off the glass sliding door back there.  

I opened the sliding glass door a bit to reduce some of the "pressurization" cause by the SIX 10" cones and TWO 15" Woofs and HOLY MOTHER OF ALL SOUND ROOMS!!!

It was assssssstounding. 8)

I had picked up a copy of the USHER demo mix which happened to have a DRUM solo (which is rather famous and well known) which I had heard earlier on another system at my friend MAD DOg's suggestion.

Well I fired this cut up.  AND I mean "fired".  I was playing this with SOA LEDs lighting up much of the time.

I have never heard a drum sound so real.  In the past I have heard some criticism of the "impact" and weight of drums when played on VMPS.

Well look out MaryBelle, those days are over.  If I had hair it would have stood on end.  From the metallic sheen of the cymbals, to the dry and powerful strikes to the snare and toms, to the thunderous and "knock you over and kick you in the gut" impact of the Kick Drum, this speaker is reincarnated.

Now in all fairness, I learned that BIG B, had once again donned his Sonic Sorcerer hat (like the one Mickey Mouse wears in Fantasia) and re-invented the Upper Bass Driver for the RM40.  It was now a whole new ballgame, and it was absolutley incredible that all this "CLEAN, CLEAN", sound was being produced by 100 wpc!!!!

So from that moment on, I was confident that anyone I was able to demo to, was likely hearing the best sound at the Show.

In fact, I heard that comment time after time, as people arrived and left, and others who stopped back in, simply to say that they had heard system after system, and not one thing had the top to bottom that we had here.

Talk about warm cockles (OK don't get funny)

I'll post more later, but I would also like to thank all those who stopped in to say hi.  It is really fun to put faces to the names and screen names.

To Chair Guy, Jon Gubman, and Blake, John Beavers, Mike Knapp, Noel, Romy the Cat (who did not insult me :nono: but had some great music)Shaukat, Ranjit, Dave, Roger Gordon, Jason Moody and many, many, many others, thanks for stopping in.

And to be sure this is just an "off the top of my head" reccollection, and the actual list is 3-4 times this big of those of you from AC who stopped in and "confessed" to lurking and not posting.

I always like it when the eyes, look at the name tag, a smile breaks out and they always say the same thing "Oh you're on Audio Circle!!"

And this is not to mention the 200-300 people whom I didn't know, who stopped in and left with their ears well treated.

We did have some fun!!!

I also have some VMPS related comments about the TriNaural Processor coming up.


« Reply #1 on: 11 Jan 2005, 05:24 pm »
Quote from: John Casler
IT WAS A GAS!!! :mrgreen:

With RM40s in Trinaural I'm sure it was, John. Hopefully I'll also have a pleasure to attend at some future Las Vegas show. Are there any photos of VMPS room to be seen?


« Reply #2 on: 11 Jan 2005, 06:30 pm »
Is this new woofer going to be an upgrade option in the *near* future?


« Reply #3 on: 11 Jan 2005, 06:41 pm »

good to meet you, and I'm glad to hear the RM-40s had a bass driver upgrade. I left that room feeling like I must be totally incompetent, because I could never, ever get that quality of bass out of my RM-40s. Blake and I were talking about the bass in your room for the rest of the day...

Looking forward to hearing some more details about this upgrade.


  • Full Member
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« Reply #4 on: 11 Jan 2005, 07:03 pm »
Yeah, what Josh said!


« Reply #5 on: 11 Jan 2005, 07:18 pm »
Quote from: JoshK
in the new future?

Is that redundant??

What about the old future???

Now, when do you spill the beans on the woofers John (or BC)?

John Casler

« Reply #6 on: 11 Jan 2005, 08:47 pm »
Quote from: dubravko
Quote from: John Casler
IT WAS A GAS!!! :mrgreen:

With RM40s in Trinaural I'm sure it was, John. Hopefully I'll also have a pleasure to attend at some future Las Vegas show. Are there any photos of VMPS room to be seen?

I saw a picture in the CES thread Mac took.

Look here:


Many thanks to Mac for posting these :D

John Casler

« Reply #7 on: 11 Jan 2005, 09:01 pm »
Quote from: JoshK
Is this new woofer going to be an upgrade option in the new future?

Looks like it.

I have a post into B, to get more accurate details, like cost and installation.

What I do know is this.  The RM40 has two WCF woofers, but they actually are different. (even though they look the same)

Be has developed a "process" of magnetization (is that a word?) that allows hime to use the exact same woofer, with a different process.

This makes for a smoother transition and blending of the two woofs.  It also makes the upper woofer much more effective, dynamic and impactful.

The bugaboo for an upgrade is that it requires a x-over change (soldering) to 200Hz.

I will solidify what B, will be offering this for and post ASAP.

All I know is that in the Sheffield Drum cut (an insanely loud levels) the impact and sound of the snare, cymbals and Kick Drum was realistic.

And this was "without" any sonic director tweak!

Will post as soon as B, gives me the "exact" facts, procedure and pricing.

John Casler

« Reply #8 on: 11 Jan 2005, 11:04 pm »
Quote from: jgubman

good to meet you, and I'm glad to hear the RM-40s had a bass driver upgrade. I left that room feeling like I must be totally incompetent, because I could never, ever get that quality of bass out of my RM-40s. Blake and I were talking about the bass in your room for the rest of the day...

Looking forward to hearing some more details about this upgrade.

Hey Jon,  do  you know if you listened "before" or after my "tweaking" session? (Sat morning)?

If before then you missed the real performance of the system.

Now also do know that the 215 Sub was being used some of the time, in the bass dept.  In fact Brian probably had some of the best bass there from the feedback I was getting.

Funny thing about bass in a room that small though, if you move 6" it can totally change.

Many times I was running to "turn the sub down" and by the time I got to the control knob, the change in room position made it sound just right.

Next year we'll place another sub on the rear wall and run it (OOP) out of phase.

John Casler

« Reply #9 on: 11 Jan 2005, 11:05 pm »
Quote from: Tyson
Yeah, what Josh said!

Hi Tyson,

I will post a seperate thread for info on this upgrade.

Link to follow


« Reply #10 on: 12 Jan 2005, 01:17 am »
Hi John,

no idea if you'd done your bass tweaking or not, my guess is not since you didn't mention it. We were there pretty early Sat. (10am?). Also, when we were there the sub was off. At least the LEDs were only blinking on 3 of the Ampzillas!!!

Hard to imagine the bass getting even better than what I heard...

You guys definately didn't have the loudest, lowest bass of THE Show however. That honor goes to the ridiculous display at Cabasse's suite. They had some weird eyeball shaped stand-mounts playing about 20 dbs lower than the ENORMOUS 21" driver subwoofer pumping to some gangster rap at about 130dbs. They definately got the award for the lowest and loudest bass. No distortion either, which was saying something. Now, if they only had some midrange and treble to go w/ the bass...

It was a little surreal walking into their room (you could hear it from 2 buildings away) and watching a bunch of middle-aged German men in fancy clothes and eyeglasses giggling over rap...