Pachanko Reference SATA Cables

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Pachanko Reference SATA Cables
« on: 6 Dec 2017, 02:01 am »
The Pachanko Reference SATA Cables

I’ve been a big fan of Audiophil, the inventor of the famous AudiophileOptimizer, for several years. The AudiophileOptimizer      software optimizes one of three Windows operating systems, Windows 10, WSY2K12v2, and WSY2K16. If you haven’t tried the AudiophileOptimizer walk don’t run and download it now. It is the simplest and best way I know to make a substantial, incredible difference on your PC Audio playback system. With the Windows 10 operating system installed and the AudiophileOptimizer enhancing the  output to your DAC, the listener can own a CD transport that easily equals even my $10K Mark Levinson 31.5 CD transport. Plus the 31.5 could never do tricks like playing 24/96 and higher resolution files, play DSD, or controlled by a tablet from the comfort of your chair.

The AudiophileOptimizer can even improve the sound quality of your system if you are using network devices from the Sonore Rendu family, the UpTone Audio Regen family, and the SotM products. Using the AudiophileOptimizer will make even these vaunted hardware options sound even better.

I’ve contacted AudioPhil by email several times asking questions about PC hardware optimization and builds, USB cards, SATA cables, USB cables, reclockers and a myriad of other products I’ve read about. Phil has experience with many different PC builds and and products and publishes his own computer systems he’s built and optimized on his website.

Eventually his interest and expertise in PC hardware configurations led him to expand his website and become a vendor for SOtM, Mutec, Vovox, jCat, Pachanko Studios, and of course the AudiophileOptimizer.

Pachanko Philosophy and History

I wrote AudioPhil to discover more information about the Pachanko company and its founders. He forwarded my request and I received  the following email which from the Pachanko team. I’ve included it here as I think many readers would find it interesting.
“Who am i ?
When I was about 8, I was already interested in music.  I don't know why, but I was just drawn to the beauty of it; My father bought me a piano at my tender age, and I started teaching myself how to play. At 23 years old, after finishing grad school as a computer engineer, I decided to leave my native land, Madagascar, and go to La Réunion island and was employed in an interesting job doing computer science.
         Circa. 2010 I met 2 guys, Pascal and Miko, who are purist audiophile enthusiasts. We spent a lot of time together and we learned a great deal from each other.  Then we decided to focus our spare time on studying audio signal paths with the goal of understanding how a cable can change the sound of audio system. Three years were dedicated in the development of our first prototype power cable which gave fantastic results on non-high-end audio systems. Mid-2013 rolls in and I refocused my efforts on computer audio as a full-time venture; then decided to leave my regular employment to create what is now known as Pachanko brand of high-end cables.
         The Pachanko brand was derived from the acronym of Pascal, Chan and Miko.
I will continue to keep developing and improving the brand for years to come. I'm glad to share with you my great passion and love for music and let you discover my handcrafted products. I also thank all of my friends and family for their support.”

System - SteVe’s V System

Legacy Audio Vs with WaVelet Processor W/ 500 watt bass amp and 1000 watt subwoofer amps
 JL Audio F-113 v2 Six Pack
CODA Technologies, Inc. (2) CODA 15.5 Stereo Amplifiers
Tube Research Labs, The Dude
 Lampizator: The Pacific

Custom Audio PC
Custom Server
Both built with Linear Power Supplies ( Hdplex, UpTone), no fans,                    Elfidelity tweaks, Paul Pang USB,
Software: WSY2K12v2, Windows 10, AudiophileOptimizer, Fidelizer, ROON Lifetime, HQPlayer, Process Lasso
USB Chain: Fiber Cable connecting Server and Audio PC, 3 UpToneAudio LPS-1s and ISO Regen, Sonore UltraRendu, Curious USB cable
Electrical Power
21 dedicated 10 gauge lines, (2) PurePower 3000 Power Supplies,
PS Audio: Quattro, (2) Power Bases, (3) Ultimate Outlets, (4) High Fidelity H-5
Western Electric speaker cables, Western Electric Power Cords,                                             Belden 8402 Interconnects, Signal Cable, TRL Power Cords, Transparent PC, Cardas PC, Running Springs HZ Crown Joule PC

The Panchanko Reference SATA Cable and Installation

Since I have two computers in my audio system I ordered two SATA cables. Why two? The Pachanko SATA cables are usually installed first to power the solid state drives that host your computer’s operating system. It’s not that installing a great SATA cable on each drive in your system, wouldn’t sound great (I’m sure it would!) but most folks upgrade the operating systems drives first to  (I have 10 drives for music files and the operating systems altogether in my computer playback system. That’s a lot of pocket change at $251.00 per cable.

One of the first things I noticed was the feel of the cables. They were much heavier than other SATA cables I’ve used. They had that feel of “weight” that audiophiles like. The cables were sheathed in the black webbed sheath common to many other cables. The cables also had the customary shrink wrap attached before each SATA connector. The connectors themselves looked different than others I’ve experienced. They are made so they push on and lock onto the male SATA plug. Removing the cables requires your thumb pressure to push in and hold the locking tab. Then the cable will slide right off. Since the connectors were a bit wider than usual so make sure when removing or installing the cable you don’t accidentally loosen the cable that powers the drive. Also measure your cables before ordering then add on 30 cm or more as the Pachanko Reference cables are somewhat stiff which can make bending them around the computer chassis a little tricky. One of my cables was impossible to attach securely as it needed to be longer. I solved the problem by searching for a SATA extension cable on Amazon, which I found, ordered and received in two days. It made the connection a snap and I’ve discovered that like IEC power cords the last 3 feet in the chain are the most important. (I’ve found the same phenomena to be true with expensive interconnects. If you have a long run buy a lesser quality cable from the same family and then connect the best interconnect you can afford and use it for the last 3 feet. Maybe it doesn’t sound quite as good as using long lengths the most expensive cable, but it doesn’t hurt your pocket book quite so much.) I do treat all connections in the PC with Caig Pro Gold contact enhancer. It makes quite a difference as well. Just be sure to wipe off any excess before connecting.

Not to upset anyone more, but Pachanko Reference SATA cables need some “break in” to sound their best. Not that they don’t sound good from the start but after 20 hours they really start coming in to their own. Just like speaker wire, interconnects, capacitors, resistors, power cords, and their like do. As I never turn my computer off it doesn’t take them long to settle. It was interesting to turn off the computer substitute the Pachanko cables for the OEM SATA cables and hear the instant changes to the sound. Of course which one you’d like best is your prerogative. But I’ll bet you’ll choose the Pachanko.

The first thing I noticed as I entered the room after installing the Pachanko SATA cables was the bass. It sounded more powerful, not boomy of course, but tighter with a more pronounced rhythmic pulse. Over the course of a couple of days the bass became tighter (not dryer). My system is very resolving and accurate. It’s able to sort bass information out and deliver. I had really thought it couldn’t get much better in this regard but it sure did. Small, previously hidden percussion details appear, then vanish back to the background then appear again.

This was a little harder to ascertain. In my system the weight of mid bass and bass instruments is right on. But it was there with the Pachanko just not quite as detectable as other cables. I’ve recently gone back to listen for this again using the old warhorse Dark Side of the Moon, side one from start to finish with the Pachanko Reference SATA installed and without. Perhaps the cables needed a little more break in because after the second trial its easy to give the nod to the Pachanko.


Dynamics also increased. The Pachanko Reference SATA cable increased both micro and macro dynamics. They contributed to the illusion that the performance was live in your room. Listening to Nancy Griffith’s “Love at the Five and Dime” featuring Nancy’s youthful voice and guitar became a real treat. The delicate pluck of her guitar in contrast to a hard strum were equally impressive. Ditto for her voice.

Midrange and Treble.
I’ll use the Love at the Five and Dime again. There is a point in the performance that Ms. Griffith plucks her guitar string to mimic the sound a Woolworth store’s elevator when it arrives at the floor. I use that little sound when tuning my system. The more the little “ping” sounds like the elevators I heard when a boy the better the system sounds. The Pachanko Reference SATA cable brought my closer to that sonic memory.

Depth and Imaging.
I’ve found the illusion of depth and imaging and how they help reconstruct the soundstage an important factor in the realistic reconstruction of the musical event. The CD “From the Caves of the Iron Mountain”, by Tony Levin, David Merotta, and Steve Gorn was recorded in 1997. It was recorded inside the Widow Jane Mine in the Catskill Mountains. It’s an uncanny recording that I believe most would like to add to their collection. The sound of the instruments as they echo and resonate in the cavern played back in a darkened room is uncanny. Any component in an already great playback system that that transforms your room into the cave itself or catapults you inside the cave making this recording more fun to listen to and believable is worth acquiring.

This aspect of music played through the Pachanko Reference SATA was like listening to nothing. It seemed like there was nothing left between the speakers besides the music. Without the Pachanko the sound was still good, but just a little more opaque.

Rhythm and Pace
This is another area where I could detect a difference. On the Chieftain’s CD Tears of Stone, “I Know My Love” the drums are just a bit more pronounced and easy to tap your foot to with the Pachanko Reference SATA cables installed. But it was very close. If this was the only difference I heard between the cables I’d probably not recommend the purchase. But taken altogether with all the other easily heard benefits its a no brainer to purchase the cable.

If one adds all the attributes discussed above the sense of realism raises to another level. There is no doubt the Pachanko Reference SATA contributes to this phenomena. Realism is one of the attributes we strive to enhance in our systems. For a modest amount of money the Pachanko Reference SATA cable gets us just a little more closer to the performance. Another recording that sounds quite remarkable is “Caverna Magica” by Andreas Vollenweider.  The drips of the water into the pool’s cave and how they echo and resonate become just a little hair raising. The Pachanko Reference SATA cable is clearly the winner here.


It was interesting to turn off the computer, substitute the Pachanko, or the generic SATA cable, restart, and listen. One could always hear the difference between the two. The amount of musicality the Pachanko Reference SATA cable provided to the sound of the system was always apparent. Did it transform the system into something new? No. But it easily provided at least a 5% difference. I’m busy collecting soda bottles for their deposits so I can buy more. The goal: a Pachanko SATA Cable to connect each drive! Maybe the Men from Pachanko could provide a wiring harness for the entire PC?

Keep up the great work Pachanko!

I’ve written and posted this review just for others information and enjoyment. Pachanko Audio builds great products and their inclusion just might enhance the performance of your computer based system.

You could enquire about purchase here.