I found a wonderful IEM for $17.99 - ROCK Zircon

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I found a wonderful IEM for $17.99 - ROCK Zircon
« on: 23 Nov 2016, 01:43 pm »
I don't usually post these types of things but after spending a bit of time listening to these little IEMs I thought why not. I found them on the Massdrop site in a discussion about the HiFiMan RE00 IEMs. One of the posters was touting them and of course putting down the RE00 at the same time. He posted an Amazon link (always a good idea) so I checked them out.
After reading a few reviews I ordered a pair. I mean for $17.99 what the heck. Two days after ordering with Amazon Prime they showed up. Not much in the box other than the IEMs along with three different size inserts. About what you expect for the money. I hooked them up to my 5th gen ipod with a 256 SD card full of AIFFs and started listening. First thought was wow, these things resolve nicely and have more bass than expected. I let them play for about 8 hours and returned for a listen.

I also got out my trusty Shure SE115 IEMs for comparison. I should first say something about the SE115s. A few years ago I was trying to find just the right sounding IEMs and went through a few different models comparing as I went. The list includes Shure SE210, Klipsch X10, Etymotic ER4P and a couple others that escape me. After thorough vetting I found the lowly SE115 to have the most natural sound. I loved the full warmth they provided over all other challengers. Of course these things are purely subjective, and my preference is MY preference.

Ok, so now we go back to the Zircons. I was switching back and forth and was finding the cheap Chinese IEMs to provide excellent sound in every aspect. Low, mids, and highs all were excellent. If I had to find a sonic complaint it would be a bit of a closed in feeling in comparison to the SE115s, but these are IEMS and you can't expect much in the way of soundstage.

Another positive for the Zircons is comfort. The ear inserts were perfect for my ears, after about 45 minutes I still had no discomfort. As for build quality, nothing too special, or about what you expect for the money. The cable has just a tiny bit of microphonics, I've heard worse.

I would love to see someone else try these and tell me I'm crazy here. But for now, these cheap little IEMs are my go to.




Re: I found a wonderful IEM for $17.99 - ROCK Zircon
« Reply #1 on: 23 Nov 2016, 03:35 pm »
Cheap enough that I'll give them a whirl.

I needed something for the gym.