My never ending quest for the perfect balance control

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Since you are working on the next generation of your board, here is something I would like to see.  When one adjusts the balance to one side, the other channel drops the corresponding amount necessary to keep the overall sound level the same.  After all, Morten, I have come to see you as some kind of electronics wizard, so this should be doable.  :roll:


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Re: My never ending quest for the perfect balance control
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jul 2016, 01:50 pm »
Since you are working on the next generation of your board, here is something I would like to see.  When one adjusts the balance to one side, the other channel drops the corresponding amount necessary to keep the overall sound level the same.  After all, Morten, I have come to see you as some kind of electronics wizard, so this should be doable.  :roll:

Yes, the current balance adjustment is done by adding a step to the preferred channel while leaving the other constant. The net effect is the total volume level increases rather than staying constant.

Within the current design this could be accomplished via a firmware tweak by alternating the balance steps. For example, to shift bias towards the right channel, the first step would increase the right side volume which is only a ~0.8 dB increase in one side (roughly 0.4 dB increased averaged). The next step could be to lower the left side which would bring shift the balance yet return the unit to the same total volume level. These could alternate back and forth.

I think that's very doable. I'll put that on the wish list!

Thanks Glynn!

Mark Korda

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Re: My never ending quest for the perfect balance control
« Reply #2 on: 29 Jul 2016, 03:09 pm »
Hi Glynnw, I don't mean to butt in but your subject made me think all day about your question. I built my own passive preamp 15 years ago and used 2 volume controls and eliminated the balance control. Everyone has a different furniture layout where they listen so I did need balance.
   I kept asking myself what was the difference between Glynns question and what I had set up. I don't mean to be mean but it reminded me of a certain Seinfeld episode when Jerry asked Elaine if shaking up a Snapple was that difficult as he glared at her lightly jostling the juice.
   I think every audio nut must like to fiddle with the volume control.
Glynn, I am using a 8 watt little stereo tube Heathkit  amp. The AA-32 integrated amp. It has no balance control but instead has a dual volume control. A little tiny knob inside the regular sized knob. When I turn the big knob, say left channel, the little knob goes right with it, the right channel. Same thing when I turn it down. They can both be turned independently also by holding one knob and turning the other, 1964. It came out before but Heathkit called this a dual concentric clutch type 1 megaohm volume control. Mine works great but when I looked into the Tortuga site my volume control is like something on a Model T used in the last Daytona 500. It is a cheap carbon pot but I think it does what your looking for.
    Glynn , I was unaware of the Tortuga stuff. I checked the site and it's beautiful! It must sound incredible.
   So sorry for blabbing away to you and Morten but here's your response  from the peanut gallery.....sincerely Mark Korda.


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Re: My never ending quest for the perfect balance control
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jul 2016, 05:46 pm »
Hi Glynnw, I don't mean to butt in but your subject made me think all day about your question. I built my own passive preamp 15 years ago and used 2 volume controls and eliminated the balance control. Everyone has a different furniture layout where they listen so I did need balance.
   I kept asking myself what was the difference between Glynns question and what I had set up. I don't mean to be mean but it reminded me of a certain Seinfeld episode when Jerry asked Elaine if shaking up a Snapple was that difficult as he glared at her lightly jostling the juice.
   I think every audio nut must like to fiddle with the volume control.
Glynn, I am using a 8 watt little stereo tube Heathkit  amp. The AA-32 integrated amp. It has no balance control but instead has a dual volume control. A little tiny knob inside the regular sized knob. When I turn the big knob, say left channel, the little knob goes right with it, the right channel. Same thing when I turn it down. They can both be turned independently also by holding one knob and turning the other, 1964. It came out before but Heathkit called this a dual concentric clutch type 1 megaohm volume control. Mine works great but when I looked into the Tortuga site my volume control is like something on a Model T used in the last Daytona 500. It is a cheap carbon pot but I think it does what your looking for.
    Glynn , I was unaware of the Tortuga stuff. I checked the site and it's beautiful! It must sound incredible.
   So sorry for blabbing away to you and Morten but here's your response  from the peanut gallery.....sincerely Mark Korda.

Ah the joys of simple analog gear. All that digitally controlled analog gear in our preamps is there specifically to avoid using any pot(s) or conventional resistors for volume control. Instead we use a quirky bit of analog gear knows as a light dependent resistor (LDR). Why all the bother? Because the net result is a better sounding attenuator. Controllable via remote too! With our digitally controlled analog gear tweaking the channel balance is done in discrete steps of around 0.8 dB. Adding a manual pot (or dual pots) to this puppy might be retro-cool looking on the outside but would serve not useful purpose.

Mark Korda

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Re: My never ending quest for the perfect balance control
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jul 2016, 01:33 am »
Hi, I'm sorry you guys. I didn't know you were talking about electronic volume controls of which I know nothing about. I've been a subscriber to Absolute Sound and I guess I missed Tortugars review. I was blown back by the reviews on their web site which were outstanding.
   About 15 years ago I became interested in this passive called the Placette. It was something that was reviewed in Listener then Stereophile. Since then I guess I strayed off. I mentioned Listener because they reviewed more smaller companys that Stereophile and Absolute Sound might omit. I think they wandered off the importance of the volume control and so did I....sorry, but looking forward to hear a Tortuga someday....Mark Korda