LOTR II (warning: spoilers inside!)

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LOTR II (warning: spoilers inside!)
« on: 28 Dec 2002, 05:21 pm »
I took myself down to see this last night. Err... the night before last. The review I read said it was sort of an interim movie waiting for the last one, and I have to say it was kinda slow at times. But overall I enjoyed the movie. My favorite character by far was the Ents, I'm still chuckling thinking about them! "Anything that is is worth saying.... is worth taking a loo--oong time to say." :lol:


LOTR II (warning: spoilers inside!)
« Reply #1 on: 28 Dec 2002, 05:57 pm »
Yeah the Ents were wonderfully depicted.  Gollum/Smeagal was wonderful as well.  Of course, you can always say that the 2nd story in a trilogy is an interim piece...hmm I guess that is what it is supposed to be :P   Hey, it was great fun though, now I just wish I had the Extended DVD version for the "R" rated version of the battle.  Which shows Gimli separating those exquisitely nasty orcs heads from their slimy bodies.  All in all, great fun.


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LOTR II (warning: spoilers inside!)
« Reply #2 on: 28 Dec 2002, 06:09 pm »
Interestingly, Tolkien didn't write a trilogy, he wrote a single (very long) book.  The publishers forced him to break it up in to 3 books, more or less arbitrarily.  That is why the 1st movie (and book) just sorta seems to stop w/out much of a satisfying ending, and why the 2nd feels like it is merely a bridge to the finale, because it is.


LOTR II (warning: spoilers inside!)
« Reply #3 on: 28 Dec 2002, 11:22 pm »
Interesting, I didn't know that! I read the books when I was a kid, and don't think I could ever read anything that long ever again! :lol:

I did learn to write in runes and that script (I forget the name, the curly one where you decorate the characters to add the vowels), though. Tolkien really had a whole world figured out, quite amazing.


LOTR II (warning: spoilers inside!)
« Reply #4 on: 29 Dec 2002, 12:28 am »
I read the whole Lord of the Rings in one volume last year. Then read "the Hobbit" for good measure. I never took the time to learn any of the language things though.


LOTR II (warning: spoilers inside!)
« Reply #5 on: 29 Dec 2002, 03:02 am »
Visually the whole thing was stunning, but the script was piss poor.  Characters and plotlines were far more mangled than in Fellowship.  It was a great movie, but the screenplay was highly suspect.  Any complaints I would have with the production itself would still come back to the fact that Jackson and Co. went way too far messing up the book this time.

Why do we have to wait a whole year to see the REAL movie is what I wanna know?  The Extended DVD of FOTR was a MUCH better film than the theatrical release, and so too with The Two Towers I would imagine, but to never get to see the 3.5 hour version in the cinema is sad.  Who the hell cares if it's an extra half hour?  I'd gladly stay for another whole hour if it meant more justice could be done to the story.  Have a freaking intermission if you want.  

But this time they can't blame cutting for length; they made phony scenes that ate up plenty of screen time.  Hey, the Warg battle was great and I enjoyed it, but "killing off" Aragorn was simply unnecessary and pandering to the audience.  If they wanted to have warg battle why not put one where there really IS one - as the Fellowship approaches Caradhras!  Sheesh!

Faramir's role was wrecked and taking Frodo and Sam to Osgilliath was just plain stupid and pointless.  But I'm more ticked at they way they handled Treebeard.  He's more of a cartoon than anything, and I don't mean the way he looks. (although his eyes should be green, not orange) That nonsensical meddling of the hobbits in getting the Ents to attack Isengard was B.S.  Treebeard was fully aware of Saruman's business and was pissed off at the Orcs, he didn't need to be told by two halflings fer crying out loud!  John Rhys Davies doing the voice was also a dunderheaded move as well.  Besides the fact that he also plays Gimli I just didn't like how he interpreted the character.  He played him as scary and grim rather than wise and bemusing, as Treebeard really is.  I also didn't like the fact that he killed the Orc either.  Visually the Ents totally kick ass, but the writing is damn awful this time.

I was really impressed with how accurate the first hour or so of the film was doing, but it kinda started to fall apart when Gandalf came to Theoden.  Holy over the top makeup!  Geez, he looks like he would turn to dust if you breathed on him!  That bit about him "magically" curing him of Saruman's spell was cheesy.  Wormtongue was responsible for that, not Saruman via some magic spell.  Hmph.  And Gimli and Legolas beating up the guards?  What the hell?  Crap!

Gollum was a total wonder, and the day may come sooner than I thought when they are able to make a believable digital human.  The voice was a bit too scratchy, I preffered the BBC radio actor's voice better.  But still, quite good.

The Extended DVD will have MANY ills to cure this time, and I'm not so sure it will end up as good of a repair as FOTR was.

I just finished reading The Silmarillion recently (hey, it only took me a year!) - now THAT would be a great movie!  That one's so dry and heavy that it could use some movie spicing up!  Lots of scenes could be invented given the more historical narrative nature of the book.  I'd love to see Morgoth and Fingolfin having at it.