Need advice/recommendation for filter

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 68
Need advice/recommendation for filter
« on: 1 Dec 2014, 01:51 am »
I’m looking to add a power conditioning device to add to my system. 

I live in a semi-rural area.  We have a 200 amp service in a 8 yr old home.  Our power is actually decent. Measuring with a multimeter and Kill-A Watt shows the voltage to be consistently about 122 volts/60Hz, even during the summer when air conditioning is used.  We have a whole house surge protector to guard against lightning strikes so it appears voltage regulating devices are unnecessary.

Where the problem comes is we have numerous digital devices and my wife’s home office in house- clocks, computers with ancillaries- printers, wifi, modems for cable and VPN, etc.

So which PLC might be suitable or my system? 100 watt integrated and amp CDP.   I can see an isolation transformer on the CDP might help to cancel noise in both directions, but not sure what to use on the amp.

Budget up to $2K.



Re: Need advice/recommendation for filter
« Reply #1 on: 1 Dec 2014, 02:02 am »
Perhaps look into a Bryston BIT or Torus PUI,both are the same thing,
just that the BIT has the Bryston face plate.
Been using Torus for yrs and I get no noise from our three computers,dimmers,fridge,furnace ect.
Nothing gets thru to the audio side.
they have them 2.5A all the way up to whole house.
I use a 20a and 60a and I would never part with them as I find they are that good and they protect,that's another story :thumb:.