Kinda Off Topic: Quad 303 Power Amps (quasi-long)

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JD From LA

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Kinda Off Topic: Quad 303 Power Amps (quasi-long)
« on: 25 Aug 2004, 08:07 am »
Hey all,

I'm using Linn KANs with the very same Hiquphon tweeters found in Ellis Audio products.  Right now, I'm using an old Quad 303 power amp which sounds very nice with the Linns.  I have another Quad 303 that sounds quite a bit grainier than the one I'm using.  Here's my query:

1.  Are there any tweaks for this amp?  Replacement caps, transistor rebiasing, etc?  I have a feeling the components have drifted since this amp was built 25 or 30 years ago.

2.  Does anyone have any experience with the Net Audio upgrade boards?  Their "upgrades" are more like "total redesign."  Are there any other companies or maybe communities you can point me towards?

3.  How about Net Audio's upgrades for the Quad 33 preamp, which looks great but sounds like 1968 (and not in a good way).

I'm asking the Ellis Audio community for these answers because we share the same discriminating taste in tweeters and you guys are more hands-on (or in) than the other audio circles.  Also, I know you're not running your 1801s with hamsters and you have a few opinions about amplification.  Or your Hiquphons have opinions about amplifiers and they like to share them, if you get my drift.   Besides, this board has a nice vibe and everyone is so helpful.

I hate to leave a very nice Quad 303 on the bench because it's not perfectly up to snuff.  I would like to put it to good use.  Thank you in advance.

JD From LA

David Ellis

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General Comments
« Reply #1 on: 25 Aug 2004, 10:08 pm »
I have some general comments,  but they will not cover the entire scope of potential issues with your old amplifier.

First, replacing old capacitors with new capacitors will make a huge impact in coupling circuits.  This is the very best "boon" in hifi I have encountered.  Good coupling caps (sonicaps for me) have a monumental impact for very few $ invested.

Second, all electrolytic capacitors have a fluid internally.  Over time this fluid will dry and the etching material becomes frail.  Electrolytic capacitors will "age" with time.  Given the age of your amplifier, all of your electrolytic capacitors should probably be replaced.  Fortunately, there probably aren't many of them in the old Quad amp.

Third, while amps are not my area of expertise, there is a guy that knows this stuff.  Sheldon Stokes is a major bucket-o-brains on this material.  He remains fairly busy, so don't expect a quick response to an email.  However, his response will be honest & informed.  I suggest you email sheldon with your query.  I am certain Sheldon will know something about your issues.

While most folks aren't "running 1801s with hamsters"   :lol: they probably don't know much about your specific application.  Quad made some good gear back-in-the-day that is used quite often.   I am sure there is hope for your old amp.  I am not certain you will find the answer here.

JD From LA

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Kinda Off Topic: Quad 303 Power Amps (quasi-long)
« Reply #2 on: 28 Aug 2004, 12:24 am »
I knew this was a longshot.  I just figured it would be a good place to start since most people reading this board are DIYers of some sort.  A lot of them are from across the Big Water too, where Quad has more market penetration.  I'm trying some other forums as well.  There is no Quad forum unlike Dynaco or Bottlehead or even Bryston.  Therefore, information about improvements is sketchy.  Also QS&D, Quad's American service arm, charges a fortune for refurbishing work.

I've bugged Sheldon Stokes about other issues already.  He works with Quad ESL's mostly.  Don't know how involved he is with their electronics.  Besides, last I checked he was in the process of moving and I don't know if he caught up with his backlog.

Thank you for the general comments.  I haven't even cracked these amps open yet so I don't know what is involved.  I do know Net Audio of England sells a built power supply board for the power amp that connects with two solder joints.  The quad 33 preamp has a bunch of plug-in modules so that one is easy but the modified new modules are $$$.  Before I plunk down the ducats for their gear, I want some corroberation from an independent source.  Someone on the planet somewhere has the info I need.....



quad amps
« Reply #3 on: 28 Aug 2004, 02:04 am »

How much do the modifications cost?  Are there any reviews of the modifications?  Sometimes magazines like 'What Hifi" review these types of upgrades.

Can you contact a customer to ascertain if they thought the upgrade was worth it?

