Taste of audio highlife with WyWire Platinum Interconnects

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Ive recently done several changes to my system, first was the switch to a USB based CAPS computer as source and secondly built a new Hypex UCD180 amplifier.
Both of these upgrades got me a lot closer to where I want to be in both weight and resolution of music, my digital rig has never sounded so good.

But the addition of a pair of WyWire Platinum interconnects between the DAC and preamp has taken things to a whole another level. While good separation of instruments is a trait of a resolving system and a good IC, I have never heard this kind articulation or separation in the lower bass content.
I have been enjoying Averisai Cohn’s new album Almah quite a bit, a little departure from his normal jazz stuff. This was recorded with a small orchestra and lots of double bass low end content. You can hear everything going on with the double bass completely separate from drums and other low content. Each pluck and note with decay naturally articulated, but what is even more astounding is the reverberation of the guitar. This reverb usually just gets blended into the mix but with the Platinum im getting such great separation in the bass that the reverb is clearly evident also. Im not just getting great separation in the mids and highs but I think the strength of the IC is its ability to convey bass content with the same articulation were used too in higher registers. I am enjoying the double bass much more than ever before and searching out all my recordings. Same holds true for drums, ive never heard drums convey in such an articulate natural fashion, kick drum sounds like a kick. Lower tom almost always just gets blended into the mix but I can distinguish each drum from the other with these IC’s. I mix live drums and 7 piece band weekly so I know what to listen for and this is the most “live sounding” I have ever heard.

I told Alex what I was hearing in the double bass with the reverb and drums, he said special attention was given to low end reproduction and reverberation.     Quote from Website:

“The Platinum series are the newest cables in the WyWires lineup (as of 2013.)  Platinum is a newly developed series that takes most of the elements of the Silver and adds additional conductor material of varying gauges of Litz wire to accomplish the goals of higher bandwidth and greater frequency extension especially at the low end of the spectrum with increased dynamic range and “slam”.  In addition, the Platinum adds greater dimensional information along with more separation of instruments and performers within the soundstage. Identified by brilliant white outer sheathing/sparkling silver underlayer.”

Overall I would describe the presentation as silkey smooth, delicate highs and very resolving and completely non-fatiguing sound.  If your running an expensive DAC these Platinums might be just the ticket to convey all your equipment has to offer especially if you’re a double bass and drum lover. :)  I know Fred aka Gopher and a few others run them after their Lampiztors.

Highly recommend if in your budget and use an expensive DAC, I have a pair here in Austin if would like to hear in your system. They open up a entirely new realm of critical listening with the lower bass articulation these display, im enjoying a great deal.
Keith (Nick77)


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Re: Taste of audio highlife with WyWire Platinum Interconnects
« Reply #1 on: 6 Jul 2014, 03:17 pm »
Nice write up. Thanks for sharing!