VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?

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Kenneth Patchen

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VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« on: 9 Oct 2014, 09:49 pm »

Here's the situation. I listen to a few hours of vinyl each day on my sturdy Rega P2 or upstairs on my trusty Dual 1249 ... quiet, reliable gear but not exactly high end stuff. My brother has a Denon DP-62L in excellent condition that is currently in storage but he would probably sell it to me for a very reasonable price. (It would be nice if he just gave it to me, his beloved brother, but pigs haven't flown yet)

A friend from Chicago has a VPI Traveler V2, excellent - mint condition, that he's considering selling, again at a very reasonable price.

I've heard the Denon many times and I was impressed. I think the Denon  is better than then the Rega or the Dual. I haven't heard the VPI. I'm guessing that the Denon, as good as it is, is no match for the VPI. 

My question is: is the VPI significantly better than the Denon or just slightly better?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Oct 2014, 10:41 pm »
I own 2 Denons (DP-60s) and owned a VPI scoutmaster.  While I think the scoutmaster is a nicer turntable than the Denon, I don't think that the Traveler would be significantly better.  I have not heard the traveler.  The Denon does have a couple features that the VPI does not including lifting the arm at the end of the record.  I don't know if this is of value to you.  Also, if you are on a limited budget you could get a nicer cartridge with the Denon (since I am assuming it would be cheaper than the Traveler).

I love my Denons.  They are solid and very good sounding turntables. 


Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #2 on: 9 Oct 2014, 10:51 pm »
I have a different angle on this. I have a Linn Sondek and a VPI HW-19. I have messed with a Denon direct drive, a B&O, Marantz 6100 and a few others, mainly setting them up for the kids. But you should just buy one, play it, enjoy it, not worry about "this vs. that" and trade it out or add to it in the future. Personally I like having two, one allows a central/peripheral clamp for warped record, the other is suspended and does not.

So go ahead, pick one, if you don't like it, trade it out later. Or do like Wayner and have five or six hooked up!

Good luck,



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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #3 on: 9 Oct 2014, 11:15 pm »
I love VPI tables and have owned them before.  I also like the company very much and have met both Harry and Matt.  But I haven't warmed up to the Traveler.  Albeit I've only heard it under show conditions, but it's always sounded a bit flat and ordinary to me.  This is in rooms where other VPI tables sounded wonderful, so it wasn't the room or the companion components.  I would buy a used Scout before a new Traveler, or even a HW19Jr with a good arm and upgraded platter.  As always YMMV.


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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #4 on: 10 Oct 2014, 02:14 am »
Hi Kenneth,
"My question is: is the VPI significantly better than the Denon or just slightly better?"

I think you've already made up your mind, and now want justification?   The Traveler is rather new and all the comparisons I've read are to entry level tables.  One guy said it just edged out a P3 ($900).  Faint praise for a $1500 table IMO.
I think some of it depends on the music you favor.  If you listen to a lot of acoustic and piano, the 59L will have better speed stability.  It's an older table and that might be something to consider, but one in good shape wouldn't embarrass itself against a Traveler.  It would probably be the other way around.  The 59L is a decent table.

I suspect your decision has something to do with resentment for your brother.  Like Paul said, just get one and don't look back, or sell the others and get a used Classic.   :wink:

Edit:  I don't know why I was thinking 59L, maybe because I was looking through the vintage knob. 

I think you're making a mistake, cutting off your nose to spite your face, so to speak.  A Traveler is no Scout and a Scout isn't a Scoutmaster.  I would need an SDS with any of these tables, but that's me.   Here's another point of view:


« Last Edit: 10 Oct 2014, 02:05 pm by neobop »


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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #5 on: 10 Oct 2014, 01:11 pm »

Kenneth Patchen

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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #6 on: 10 Oct 2014, 06:32 pm »

Thanks very much everyone. No, neobob, I don't have my mind made-up yet, (and in fact my brother and I are on very good terms, he's smarter and richer but I'm younger, better looking and modest). Actually, I've been leaning towards the Denon. I like the sound BUT it is getting-on in years. I've heard the Traveler V1 as well the Scout and thought they sounded deeper (darker?) and richer, but then they were in different systems in different rooms with different carts ... so very hard to compare. Neobob, I've read about the Clearaudio Solution but other than that I know zilch about them... I've never heard one play. Thanks for sending and I'll check out the reviews. It's interesting that the comments so far have been more in favor of the Denon or another VPI, not the Traveler V2. I've talked with two people who have been very happy with their V2s.
Thanks very much again, everyone. Much to think about.


Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #7 on: 11 Oct 2014, 04:45 am »
Hi Kenneth, I’m afraid I have no experience with the Denon turntable but I do own the
VPI Scout for a few years now and it does have a rich sound as you described. I like it
enough to keep me off of the upgrade merry go round. Good luck with your final choice.



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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #8 on: 12 Oct 2014, 10:58 pm »
Just saw this table on Agon:

The table weighs 46 lbs and the platter is more than 8 lbs.  Mikey gave it a good write-up:

Looks nice.

Kenneth Patchen

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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ? no, DP-80!
« Reply #9 on: 14 Oct 2014, 10:21 pm »

I'd like to let you know the outcome of my VPI vs. Vintage Denon search, just to assure you that I just wasn't just blowing smoke with needless daydreaming questions. I took my time researching the professional literature, hearing as many tables as I could, reading online reviews for others and communicating with owners via email and phone. What surprised me was that the VPI Traveler V2, in excellent condition - mint condition, was no one's preferred table and that everyone preferred the Denons, or, if funds permitted, the VPI Scoutmaster and VPI Classic. You Denon owners are certainly a committed bunch and your enthusiasm is infectious. A VPI Scoutmaster or Classic may one day be in my future but for now, I'm a proud owner of the elusive Denon DP-80, in mint condition, with the Step-down transformer and a custom dust cover. It came with a Grace tonearm and a brand new Grado Silver, to be upgraded later. And durn does it sing! (And durn is it heavy, the plinth has obviously been weighted). It's a beautiful, immaculate table and plays like a gem. Before buying I asked an extremely skilled local audio technician to inspect it and he gave it 5 out of 5 stars. And certainly one of the best parts of the transaction was that all this happened locally, so no shipping. Am I happy? Does a bear wear a funny hat? Completely happy. Thanks again to all for their input, much appreciated. Now, back to the vinyl.



Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #10 on: 14 Oct 2014, 10:40 pm »
Congrats.  Was this DP-80 from your brother or a private sale?  I don't normally see 80s for sale.  Nice grab!


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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #11 on: 14 Oct 2014, 11:14 pm »
Good One!!!
Here's a historic view of the table:

Free download of the service manual:



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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #12 on: 15 Oct 2014, 02:44 am »
Congratulations Kenneth.  It would take a whole lot more than a Traveler to make me let my DP-62L go.  The DP-80 seems to have the same motor system, but different base.  The Grace tonearm is a good one and is a keeper.  Before you discard the Grado cartridge and move on, consider just ordering an 8MZ stylus from NeedleDoctor which will take that cartridge to an entirely different level.  Grado cartridges are a good compliance fit for most Grace tonearms. 

Kenneth Patchen

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Re: VPI Traveler V2 vs. the venerable Denon Dp-62L ?
« Reply #13 on: 15 Oct 2014, 11:04 pm »
DM, this table isn't from my brother, who's saving his for his son, as it should be. I was on my way to drive 1.5 hrs. to look at a 62l, in excellent condition, and I stopped by to see a friend. He told me about his friend who was considering selling his DP 80 so I jumped at the chance and we came to a deal, a very good deal.
Neobop, thanks for sending those links and JackD, thanks for the suggestion about the 8mz stylus. I'm extremely happy with the way things are now but I'll pick-up the 8mz anyway and hold until I need it.

Now, back to the vinyl. What fun!