Let's talk about some interesting music you've never heard of in 2014!

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Is this on LP good -> Needle Drop Jungle - Deep Listening Band


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For my latest acquisitions, I've gone and picked up a number of titles in a completely different and somewhat unlikely format. These are all CDRs self-assembled, self-released by the artist himself.

While I havent had time to listen to all of these yet, the material by The Kitchen Cynics is much easier to whole-heartedly recommend to others than the previous titles I've talked about here so far. The Kitchen Cynics is the chosen name of an extremely prolific Scottish musician by the name of Alan Davidson. And when I say prolific- here is an artist who in 2007 decided to write one song every single day for the entire year, and make it all available on a monthly basis to anyone wanting a copy as subscription series. A look at his page on discogs shows upwards of around 50 full length releases, mostly cassettes and CDRs and mostly unavailable:


The music can often be described as acid-folk, lots of acoustic guitar, flutes, violins, mandolins, piano, and often hushed dreamy vocals. When I was listening to some of this the other night my wife asked me why I was listening to Medieval music, and I guess that's an apt comparison. But there is something quite modern in his arrangements as well, as he doesnt shy away from hazy electronic washes of sound and some downright strange experimental electronic interludes between tunes as well. If you are familiar with early acid-folk artists such as Pearls Before Swine, The Incredible String Band, COB, or maybe even contemporary musician Robyn Hitchcock, you might have a jumping off point for this type of music.

I dont have a lot to say about each specific one yet, but I found these recently for about 4-5 bucks each!

The Kitchen Cynics - Dust CDR (Les Enfants Du Paradiddle)

The Kitchen Cynics - Hoodie Craw CDR (Les Enfants Du Paradiddle)

The Kitchen Cynics - Gyroscoping CDR (Les Enfants Du Paradiddle)

The Kitchen Cynics - The 'Tune-A-Day' Covers CDR (Les Enfants Du Paradiddle)

The Kitchen Cynics - A Selection From A Tune-A-Day Vol. 2 CDR (Les Enfants Du Paradiddle)

Edit: There are a handful of tunes by the Kitchen Cynics on youtube. Here's a nice one I've actually heard before:


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On a bit of an acid-folk kick lately. Got this one in the mail today and listening to it as I write this.

Pearls Before Swine - One Nation Underground LP (ESP)

This is a reissue of the first Pearls Before Swine LP originally released in 1967. My recent interest in The Kitchen Cynics got me re-interested in filling some of the holes in my PBS collection (I guess mostly because The Kitchen Cynics do a fantastic cover of Stardancer that I've heard several times recently). Pearls Before Swine is one of those bands from the 60s-70s that should really be more well known. I wouldnt consider them overly obscure, after all there have even been collections of covers of PBW songs. But with the high-caliper songwriting skills of Tom Rapp, they just seem like the sort of band that should have been much more recognized. It seems you can't find a write-up about this band without the mention of Tom Rapp's prominent lisp, so perhaps that's why. I'm not bothered by it, and in fact find some charm in it.

Recommended if you like: The Incredible String Band, Donovan, Nick Drake, Bob Dylan

Here's the opening track from this LP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqLa42texfI


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Next up I've once again deviated from my typical vinyl-norm with another CDR set:

MV & EE - Home Comfort Sound System 9 x CDR (Child of Microtones)

Coming from one of the most prolific artists I have ever come across, Matthew Valentine has been making music for quote some time now under numerous names and with a revolving cast of performers helping out. 122 releases on this page alone:  http://www.discogs.com/artist/378089-MVEE-Medicine-Show-The

The music of Matt Valentine & Erika Elder is truly some of the HEADIEST music out there and always a treat to me. Known for extensive touring, it seems they take a nod from the Grateful Dead and tape nearly every show. Many of the performances get released in various formats, and the cream of the crop tends to get packaged into box sets like this one and released in hand-made editions like the one here. Actually, more often than not, the packaging of MV & EE releases are little art editions themselves, hand assembled and often including little booklets, pictures, stamps and stickers. I think I've amassed 5 or 6 of these sets already and a huge chunk of the rest of his catalog. And no matter how many times I think I've collected enough of it, it has always proved to be worth while. I've gotten about half way through this particular set, which is a document of their tour of Europe in 2012, and it really is a mind-blower!

What does it sound like? Hard to describe for me, but maybe take the Grateful Dead's Darkstar as a starting point, and then launch it to the stratosphere. Long, extensive tracks. Occasional grooves, and they are capable of rocking out, but it's mostly about the atmosphere here. For some with not so much patience, this can become a bit meandering perhaps. And Matt's vocals can be a little strange at first. But the vocals take a far second to the music. Most of the tracks are done over and over on various nights of the tour (I probably have dozens of versions on other releases as well), but the thing is, this music lends itself to an incredible amount of improvisation. On any given night, there are different performers playing along with them so the versions always sound fresh and new.

Actually, once again I cant say it better than David Keenan, reviewer for The Wire magazine and owner of Volcanic Tongue music shop:

Massive/deluxe 9xCD-R set in an edition of only 99 copies: Home Comfort Sound System is a stunning document of the major shows they played across the UK and Europe in 2012 when they travelled with their own hand built PA sound system and analog visual environment. This is the full live Spectrasound experience for the first time ever and the results are dazzling, with massively extended shows that range from far-out navigations of the apex of the country-punk duo incarnation through almost orchestral psychedelic trio settings with Mick Flower of Flower-Corsano/Vibracathedral Orchestra et al on electric bass. Single and double disc full shows from Madrid, Manchester, Gerlesborg, Amsterdam, Campsea Ashe and Leeds. The set comes packaged in handmade fold out art packaging with every disc with its own sleeve and a beautiful 20 page book filled with interviews, photos, track notes etc. A massive labour of love and a stunning instalment in the on-going COM saga, still one of the key private/artist run imprints of the modern age. Highest possible recommendation!

This set might be a little harder to find, but check out one of the 'studio' LPs on Child of Microtones, Three Lobed Recordings, or Woodsists for more concise packages and see what you think.


I can tell you what I want to listen to. I caught a live recording of the first track


Still waiting for the John Escreet to finally do a proper recording of it on an album. Have never heard such a beautiful blend of contemporary classical and jazz. His work without the quarter is pretty special too, but, to me, it's a very exciting direction that I've been waiting for someone to exploit for a long time.


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The latest order I received. Gonna keep it short as I'm not really sure how much interest there has been in this anyway.

Primitive Motion - Worlds Floating By (Bedroom Suck Records) LP

Brand new release from an Australian duo using primitive electronics/keyboards, vocals. Has a DIY 80s sound.

Half High - Suspension (RIP Society) LP

Another duo. This one from Belgium. More primitive electronics, this time without vocals. This one has a more slow moving, creepy mood surrounding it.

Dan Melchior - Excerpts & Half Speeds (Kye) LP

Dan Melchior may be a bit more 'well-known' than the others I'm posting today. He has been on a creative streak recently releasing numerous Lps for the past few years. Many of his releases could get categorized in a garage-rock like fashion. I call this one more like 'bedroom folk' with lots of experimental snipets and sounds using acoustic guitar, piano, tape loops and field recordings. Despite being a bit abstract it holds together surprisingly well.

Part Wild Horses Mane on Both Sides - Low Fired Clay Escape LP

A duo of spare, improvised music using percussion and flute. Subtle and nuanced yet very psychedelic.


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If you want something rather different, how about the album I downloaded tonight, Tze Kanek - Palo Santo?

I can't say I'm sure what it sounds like to me.  From his Soundcloud page, he describes his music as fusing "subtropical trance-inducing rhythmic traditions with the aesthetics and syntax of the Psytrance genre".  Can't say I agree with this description, but it is melodic electronic music w/ a Mexican/Central American flavor.  Different but rather fun, IMO.


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My latest pickups- Two brand new LPs from a couple of my favorite heavy psyche bands/artists currently making music. One is a group thats been around for over 2 decades now creating some incredible and super-heavy, sludgey blues/psychedelic rock with dual guitar, bass, drums, female vocal/flute. The other is a newer artist with some very out-there ideas using guitar and all sorts of electronics/effects/programming.

Is anyone familiar with either of these guys?

Bardo Pond - Peace on Venus (Fire Recordings) LP

Sun Araw - Belomancie (Sun Ark) 2LP


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Picked up another Pearls Before Swine LP to fill in another hole in the acid-folk category. Not going to say much about them, as I described them a bit a few posts earlier. Other than to say this one is their 4th LP from 1970 and certainly one of their best.

Pearls Before Swine - The Use of Ashes (4 Men With Beards) LP