For what it's worth, I did have the pleasure of comparing a stereo Stratos with the monoblocks in my system (both fully broken in) for over a week. I eventually decided to ship the stereo Stratos back to Klaus and keep the monos.
The monos exerted far better control over my Legatos speakers than the stereo, the soundstage was wider and deeper. As Marbles said, the bottom end was definitely better with the monos. As a matter of fact, that was the first noticeable difference. I had the stereo Stratos for over a year and was quite happy with it, but the monos were simply steps ahead and were well worth the price difference to me. So, I went with it. With the monos, I got much better dynamics and as a mostly classical music listener, I felt there was more presence around the instruments with better separation. Comparatively speaking, after the monos in the system, the upper end didn't seem as lean with them as the stereo now seemed. That's not to say that that was a leanness I ever complained about with the stereo Stratos.
Hope this helps.