Any protective oil / cleaner to protect the finish of the Omega Super 8?

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I have a pair of Macassar Ebony Super 8 Alnico's.  They are the matte finish version and my dual omega Deephemps are the glossy Macassary Ebony finish.
I have just relocated the speakers into a different room to use in a second setup with an Almarro 205mkii (an amp I had foolishly sold and just now repurchased).

In the new location, there is a time in the day where there is sunlight that hits the speakers.  I was wondering what is the best way to protect against this?  Is there some kind of cleaning product or something I can use to protect the speaker from possible sunlight damage?

Louis, any ideas?

I just purchased a set of Marten Design Bird 2 speakers that are now in the main listening room.  However, I am rekindling my love for the Omega speakers in a second setup.  I really still enjoy their sound, though they have been outclassed (rightfully as I picked very carefully).


  • Jr. Member
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Good old way of covering up with thick bedsheets or better a blanket to start with and may be you can get a custom cover to replace the sheet / blanket. That's what I do with mine. :)

Peter J

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No furniture wax or polish I'm aware of have UV inhibitors in them. Ultra-Violet light is the by far the most harmful element in sunlight. Aside from moving the speakers, you might consider treating the window somehow. Either a shade or perhaps a UV film would work.


Thanks for some good answers guys...unfortunately, positioning can't be moved as putting the speakers outside of the listening room, they fall into the wifes jurisdiction now :)  Thankfully, the finish is beautiful so the wife is ok with putting them into the formal living room.

Now I just need to deal with the sunlight issue.

Canada Rob

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Both Peter J and rajesh give good advice in my opinion.  I have the same situation and cover my window.


Leather treatments often have UV block in them. You could experiment with them- or with high SPF suntan lotion, for that matter. It will make the finish a little shinier, but if all else fails....


There are several furniture polishes with a UV protectant in them from Guardsman, Howard and others.  I have no idea how much effectiveness if any they have in reducing sun bleaching, but such formulations do exist.


Canada Rob

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If you are considering putting some kind of finish on your Omegas then I think it would be a good idea to contact Louis at Omega for his advice.


Pretty much all modern wood finishes are impermeable, no oil or cleaner is going to penetrate any finish unless it's a rubbed oil finish. Basically you have two ways to stop sun bleaching, either cover the speakers when not in use or apply a UV barrier film to your windows. I've applied UV blocking film to all exterior windows in our home to protect our furniture, art, carpets, etc. and to reduce solar energy transfer into the home. It has really noticeably helped cool the home when the sun is shining and I no longer have to worry about sun bleach damage. The only negatives are that it was a time consuming DIY job and if you have rooms lacking light, the film's reduction in light transmission wouldn't be welcome.



thank you so much for the quick replies.  I am going to temporarily use the new speaker covers I have till I get around to getting some UV film for the offending windows.  Probably best way to do this since there are no polishes etc. that can protect the speakers with direct application.


Shaizada, I did find this product information which pertains to the sort of product you asked about. It can't hurt, but I wouldn't count on it as a first line, reliable defense against the sun bleaching your wood veneers. Some of my professional work in the visual arts involves concerns regarding archival stability and protection against uv degradation of works of art on paper and in my experience it takes a film thickness much greater than that of furniture polish to provide substantive, long term protection against UV. Lacquer spray films for protecting works of art on paper from UV claim to improve longevity of pigments 100%. While that is worthwhile, it still allows a statistically significant amount of UV damage to degrade the pigments. A furniture polish film is going to be even thinner than a lacquer spray film, so draw your own conclusions about the long term effectiveness.

Louis O

Hi shaizada,

Thanks for your post and I saw great answers as well Thanks you everyone.

The finish on the ebony is very very robust and they won't fade that much at all. The Guardsman that Photon46 is a good protector and you should be fine.

Thanks again,


Isn't Treefrog veneer a standard? It should be a recon then. tech data might be helpful.

Louis O

Hi pslate,

Thanks and Treefrog is similar and I use a different brand veneer. They are both ultra high quality and very expensive. Treefrog data would be helpful though.

Thanks again,