Ultra Extreme interconnects

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Ultra Extreme interconnects
« on: 24 May 2013, 11:28 am »
MasterBuilt Ultra interconnect audition

When I attended the Chicago Axpona Audio Fest in March 2013, I was fortunate enough to be offered a pair of new MasterBuilt "Ultra" two meter balanced XLR interconnects from Delphi Aerospace to audition.  When pressed for details on the Ultras, the only comment I could get from the gentleman from Delphi was "they're something special we've been working on".  So, I don't have details on their composition, configuration, or manufacturing process.  My comments will necessarily be limited to my listening impressions.

As background, I began my system's conversion to the MasterBuilt series two years ago.  I'm currently running a full set of MasterBuilt Signature interconnects, speaker cables, and power cords.  The result has been improved timbre of musical instruments and voices; an ability to maintain individual instruments' identity in complex passages; coherence of transients with mid and lower frequencies; and an extremely deep bass extension.  Given that I was coming from a perspective of being very satisfied with my system's cabling, I had no expectations of what the Ultras might bring to the table.

I inserted the cables at the amplifier input and, well, the change was dramatic.  The already large sound stage to which I was accustomed grew wider, deeper, and more transparent.  Throughout the audio range there was more detail, more going on.  It took me a while to realize that many of the improvements were all attributes resulting from an additional degree of micro-dynamics.  Some examples...

On piano recordings you can now hear that felt hammers are being thrown against the piano wire.  That the piano is a percussive instrument is certainly more obvious now.  More of the sounds from the keyboard mechanism are also now audible.

Guitars have clearer resolution of plucked strings and a better sense of the acoustic character of different instruments and playing styles.  You sense the quality of the wood resonating, even to a better sense of the relative thinness of the guitar body.

The bite of horns is another area where the Ultras excel.  In recordings ranging from jazz groups to full orchestras, all the different types of horns and playing techniques were more easily identified.

Vocals now include more nuances and sound more relaxed on everything from Callas to Sinatra.  The qualities of a voice as it matures over the years in recordings become more obvious, for better or worse with the strain accompanying the older performer exposed.  On the plus side, the quality of a singer in their prime is all the more magical.

Recordings that I always thought were muddy now have bass to mid-bass that resolves to a rich, yet transparent hall ambiance.  The first stereo recording of the Wagner Ring cycle (the 1955 recording on Testament) is a poster child for this improvement.

The top end of the audio spectrum now has an extra degree of openness as I’ve only heard before on plasma tweeters.  Cymbals now have more complexity from the initial strike to the shimmering decay which now has a longer duration and can be heard at lower levels.  This is not a brightness in the higher registers, but a sense of airiness and delicacy.

Buena Vista Social Club "Live at Carnegie Hall" demonstrated something I hadn't previously experienced.  I found that as I reduced the volume level, it had the effect of placing my listening position further back from the stage, even to the point where the volume was at a level corresponding to being in a room away from the main venue.  However, and to me this illustrates the crux of improved low level resolution, the sense of realism of the performance was still there.  On any other system I've heard, at low volume settings, the sense of aliveness diminishes.  My suspicion is that this is another result of maintaining the signal integrity at very low voltages.  By the way, live performances also take on a much more "you are there" quality with the Ultra's increased resolution and spatiality when you set the volume to what would be natural at the event, right up to a setting for front-row-center.

Where a recording session continues between performance sections, considerably more latent hall sound is audible.  This includes ventilation systems, furniture creaks, movement of audience members, and, when nothing else is going on, the latent acoustic ambiance of the recording venue.  These are just more examples of low level detail being preserved.

Regarding ambiance retrieval, in a recording of a piano recital there was a long pause between performance sections during which the recording continued.  I was able to hear the various ambient sounds I mentioned above.  Then, just before the continuation of the performance, I heard a distinct change in the acoustic field, where a portion of the reflected hall sound appeared more localized and closer to the microphones.  Immediately after that the music began.  It would be unlikely that a person would have been passing close to the piano at that point, but the change in ambiance was definitely near field to the microphones.  I'm convinced that what I heard was the change in the sound field as the pianist leaned forward into the keyboard to articulate the first notes.

To summarize, the Ultras recover more information from the signal.  Immediately you hear a myriad of details that illuminate the essential character of instruments and voices.  This effect isn't achieved by making the cables brighter.  On the contrary they sound very neutral.  Instruments just sound more like what you remember from live events.  Then, once you've had your fill of noting how specific instruments now sound "completed", you notice that there is significantly more low level information and hall ambiance.  Finally, when you focus on the overall performance, you hear wider dynamics (think "jump factor"), a sense of effortlessness, and fully fleshed out detail.

If you audition just one pair, my recommendation is to try them first at the input of the power amp(s).  This is because at that point the signal has been attenuated by your volume control and much important information is then at a very low voltage which the Ultras will deliver.  Of course, using the Ultras throughout the interconnect chain would be preferred.

I've now disconnected the Ultras and sent them back to their creators at Delphi.  After using them long enough to become accustomed to the “new normal” they brought to my system, their contributions, now absent, are made all the more obvious.  When the Ultras are released and you consider an audition, be forewarned that the longer you have them, the more difficult it will be to remove them.  As my samples were prototypes, pricing was not available.


Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2013, 12:58 pm »
I'll be doing some Beta testing on these in a few weeks. I'll check back in then.


Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2013, 03:04 pm »
Just replaced my Analysis Plus IC that was between my McIntosh Amp and Integra Reciever with the VSA Masterbuilt IC and have noticed a huge difference in my soundstage, all though they are still breaking in, simply remarkable what a good quality cable can do to your system! By the way, what are the prices for the Ultra's.



Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #3 on: 24 May 2013, 04:14 pm »
No prices set yet Henry. I'm pretty sure it will be higher than the Signatures. Unfortunately, since I run 12m runs from pre to mono blocks, I won't be able to try the Ultras between them as I'm being sent only a 2.5m pair of single endeds. I'll be trying them between phonostage and pre and DAC and pre.


Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #4 on: 24 May 2013, 11:24 pm »
Thanks Jack,

12 meter runs is a lot of cable! I'm sure when they become available, they will elevate your system to another level! The past two years, I've added the VSA Masterbuild bi-wires and just got the VSA Signature IC's and are truely the surprise product available today! Looking forward to reading your review on the Ultra's.

Take care,


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Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #5 on: 25 May 2013, 12:48 am »
Jack, when you get the Masterbuilt Ultras to audition, I strongly suggest that you at least for the purpose of the audition try moving your source/preamp close enough to the amps to use the interconnects to feed the amps.  The improvements using the Ultras were way beyond what I thought possible.  When I said "the longer you have them, the more difficult it will be to remove them", this wasn't hyperbole.  These things are way beyond even the Masterbuilt Signature interconnects.


Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #6 on: 25 May 2013, 12:18 pm »
That'll be a major operation requiring the dismantling one of the racks. Besides a pre-amp won't be too happy between a pair of 1kW subs. In any case, it will be interesting to see what differences I'll be able to pick up on from the phonostage and DAC. My pre can push up crazy voltage thanks to the ecc99 2nd stage and microfarad storage more than some amplifiers. Long runs have never been a problem for it whether I used M-B Signatures or even ordinary AP Blue. One can surmise that if it makes a big difference there it means it would be even better where you recommend. 12m though. UGH!!!!!! What's that gonna cost?  :duh:

With the changes in sources (Airforce One + Lamm LP2 with the new built in SUTs I'm Beta testing, Light Harmonic DaVinci), I'm already getting ridiculous resolution and spatial projection using a full M-B Signature loom. I'm curious what more can be transmitted as well as how the music is allowed to be presented.


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Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #7 on: 25 May 2013, 01:32 pm »
Hi Jack,

I know it's heresy and I don't normally run my system this way, but just for grins, if you can just put a DAC with a built in volume control between your power amps, you could try the Ultras there.  If you have long enough Signature ICs, you could A/B them there also.  I'm only suggesting this based on my experience when I did that to isolate the two types of cables.  This way there's no mixture of cable types in the signal path.  Again, this is just as an experiment without requiring fully dismantling your system.  You might even have a spare DAC that you could press into service for this test.

I have no doubt that you've got tremendous resolution and dynamic range already, but I also have a complete MB Signature system, and the Ultras knocked my socks off.

Have fun and keep us posted.  Thanks,


Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #8 on: 25 May 2013, 02:26 pm »
Hmmmmm. Actually I do have a couple of DACs with variable analog outputs. I'm not that familiar with them in my main system anymore though so that might take some getting used too. I have a better solution. Have Albert send me a 12m run!  :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #9 on: 12 Sep 2013, 01:44 pm »
Been using a pair of Ultras from DAC to pre in the second system as the main system's room is undergoing repair and renovation.

I'm doing near/midfield listening with Unifield 3s, KR VA910s, Lamm L2 Reference and a TechDAS D7.

Why oh why did I take this assignment on?  :banghead:


Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #10 on: 12 Sep 2013, 08:29 pm »
hi jack

that's one headbangging appetizer for things to come from vsa- Delphi land.........any pics of the ultrawhite particle accelerator  cable!!

have you guzumpted ....... the vr11se mark 2 ....pics of the new setup would be ideal for now......winter is creeping in !



Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #11 on: 12 Sep 2013, 10:25 pm »

Any prices set on these cables yet? Thanks!



Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #12 on: 13 Sep 2013, 09:45 am »
No prices yet Henry.

I need more time with these cables. I don't want to rush judgement and give my comments right away. Not a very smart thing to do if you are experiencing something like a teenage crush.

I'll post pics in a bit.

Sam, no 11s yet, doing repairs and renovation to the room now. Geez, Now I wanna try the speaker cables.


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Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #13 on: 13 Sep 2013, 03:00 pm »
ultrawhite particle accelerator cable....seriously?


Re: Ultra Extreme interconnects
« Reply #14 on: 13 Sep 2013, 06:45 pm »
I don't know exactly what it is but Albert says it's an alloy of sorts. Whatever it is, the first thing I noticed was the increase in gain without tell tale additions to odd order distortions that would make thing "seem" louder. This isn't a qualitative assessment per se, I'm not ready for that at this point. My geek side is still dominant even if I am faced with a conundrum ast to the reasons why. Well, this (I'm assuming gains in transmission efficiency accross the spectrum) translates to the feeling of completeness at lower levels whereas even the MS Sig  needs a bit more juice to really open up. I came across this in first listen and verified when I tried my best to level match. Two clicks on the  Lamm and a bit more fine tuning from the source, using a basic Phonic.

There is one darned thing I have against it and that is that the indications are they will not be cheap and my budget is shot due to the flooding. I can happily live with the MB sigs....very easily, but hot damn, I have to seriously get my audio greed under control. This loom looks to be out of my budget for the forseeable future. In any case, I may have to do with just source ICs since the benefits are already quite evident there. 2 runs of 12m is out of the question given my limits.  Sadly, my projection is that I may never know what a complete loom will do in my system. I have a family after all.

For those with software, rooms and systems that can fully benefit from them and their owners who can afford them, congratulations.......with some envy thrown in.