Latest addition - Mitsubishi HC5

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HT cOz

Latest addition - Mitsubishi HC5
« on: 10 Aug 2013, 02:13 pm »
Well after almost 10 years of service my Optoma H77 is being replaced, with a Mitsubishi HC5.  I'm pretty excited as it's not everyday that I get to select my next projector for the next 10 years.  I know you guys are insane with changing gear but some of us are actually able to shake off upgradeitis. 

A little background on the HC5, apparently Mitsubishi had some extra chassis from the HC9000 and they re-branded the exact same projector (+ a few fixes and tweaks) into the HC5 and are selling it at a much lower price.  It uses the Sony's most up to date 1080P SXRD panels. 

I'm currently designing and building a new house so I will get to optimally place this beast when the time is right. 

I'll be sure to start a thread on the build when the time is right.  It should out do my last build by a fair margin. 

John Casler

Re: Latest addition - Mitsubishi HC5
« Reply #1 on: 10 Aug 2013, 02:21 pm »
I have used the HC5 since Jan 1, and it has performed exceptionally well.  Hard to beat for the price. :thumb: