AVC-1 Slagleformer Pre-amp Assembly Notes --- Online Now

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John Chapman

  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 825
    • http://www.bentaudio.com

The AVC-1 Pre-amp is a pretty easy project wiring wise - only 8 wires and one small jumper to install. Still I thought I'd best get some information online both for folks building one and also for folks wondering just what is involved in making one up.

I just added some assembly notes with lots of hi-rez pictures to the website. From the main menu you can now select 'AVC-1 Wiring Guide' for an online version with pics that cab be expanded to show lots of detail. Alternately you can download a pdf file from the downloads page.

If anyone has any questions about assembly of these units please feel free to post them in this thread.

