Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3

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Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« on: 25 Apr 2013, 08:41 pm »
Been dabbling in photography on and off since high school mainly using an old Nikkormat FTN for 'serious' stuff and cheap digital point and shoots for everything else. After nearly 10yrs of not using the FTN, I pull it out to get back into the hobby again - but the cheapest I can get a roll developed and printed is $20(!), throw in the cost of film and even this hobby is now too expensive to pursue.

So after a lot of research I decided to go digital and settled on a Sony NEX-C3 body. I was won over by the ability to still use my Nikkor lenses with an inexpensive adapter and the image quality of the NEX series is outstanding (better than what I got w/ my FTN? We'll see but I doubt it.)

Only had it for a day but so far I am very happy. I'm accustomed to using MF w/ my FTN so despite the awkward look of the lens on the NEX, the combo sits well in my hands and I have no problem so far managing shots.

Yeah, it's hot pink but who cares. The price was right and it makes the camera look cheap and hopefully not worth stealing, as well as more difficult to lose.

I'll post pics as I test and play around.

These pics were taken w/ my Sony WX9, an okay point and shoot.


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Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #1 on: 25 Apr 2013, 09:17 pm »

I have a Nex 5 and a few Canon mf lenses, 24/2.8, 50/1.4 and 90/1.8. Lots of fun...  :thumb:


Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #2 on: 26 Apr 2013, 01:42 am »
Obligatory flower pic. Nikkor 50mm/1.8. The raw looks much better of course. This was before turning off some Jpeg processing. So much to figure out w/ digital cameras vs. simplicity of the Nikkormat.


Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #3 on: 26 Apr 2013, 02:42 am »
The NEX will definitely give you some nice resolution. Paired up with older lenses, you're limited to manual focus. So how is that going? your Nikkormat had a focus aid in the viewfinder, does the NEX give you any focus confirmation via LCD screen indicators?

Have fun with your new cam!


Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #4 on: 26 Apr 2013, 09:12 pm »
The NEX will definitely give you some nice resolution. Paired up with older lenses, you're limited to manual focus. So how is that going? your Nikkormat had a focus aid in the viewfinder, does the NEX give you any focus confirmation via LCD screen indicators?

Have fun with your new cam!

The most helpful focusing function on the NEX so far has been the Manual Assist, which I found after taking the above picture. The MA magnifies a section of the image which is pretty darn helpful. So today's pics are looking better than yesterdays. It's really like starting over again w/ digital, so I know it will take me a while before I get the best out of this camera. I don't even know anything about converting .raw.  :scratch:


Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #5 on: 7 May 2013, 01:17 am »

  Congratulation on the C3. It is a big jump from a small sensor to a larger APS-C sensor.

  I was looking at the C3 when it first came out back than thinking of replacing my old P&S cam with it. But was turned away because of no built-in flash. Well, carrying the small external one that came with it make no sense since it makes the camera blukier. Yes, it sound silly but even with a small built-in flash can be a life saver if used right.

   Well, I still haven't replace my old P&S cam yet.... I still reach for my DSLR. But would be nice to have a smaller one to take with me everywhere though.

    The  current successor of the NEX C-3 is the NEX-3N it does have built-in flash but with power zoom kit lens of which ive never like. And it is on sale right now at B&H.

   Anyway, yes shooting RAW is better and can be a lifesaver if you have time to convert them and etc, those old lenses are oldie but still goodie for sure, enjoy.

Take care,
Buddy  :thumb:

Wind Chaser

Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #6 on: 22 May 2013, 06:25 am »
...does the NEX give you any focus confirmation via LCD screen indicators?

Focus peaking?  Works well with the NEX-5 and NEX-5N.


Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #7 on: 29 May 2013, 01:46 pm »
With the Nikon lenses and the adapter, does aperture-priority exposure mode work? Or is full manual (i.e. use a light meter and shoot-and-see) or something in between?

I'm looking at the Fujis and still unclear about exactly what is and is not enabled with the adapters.

I looked at the Sony website and see four models but apart from the sensor resolution in the 7 I'm not sure what the differences between the models are  :scratch: Need to dig deeper...


Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #8 on: 29 May 2013, 03:32 pm »
With the Nikon lenses and the adapter, does aperture-priority exposure mode work? Or is full manual (i.e. use a light meter and shoot-and-see) or something in between?

I'm looking at the Fujis and still unclear about exactly what is and is not enabled with the adapters.

I looked at the Sony website and see four models but apart from the sensor resolution in the 7 I'm not sure what the differences between the models are  :scratch: Need to dig deeper...


   John, I have been looking at them for a while thinking replacing my P&S with one but haven't done so yet.

   Anyway, I think the least expensive 3N is a striped down version without hotshoe, top panel dial and less res LCD screen... more striped down than previous F3 model, strange. The 6 is more substantial with better LCD, EVF, hotshoes and etc. So, I think the 6 is designed more of a photograph in mind and the 3N is more for those who want to step up from P&S cams. The 7 had been out for a while maybe it will be replace soon.

   Not sure how they work with MF lens via adapter but I'm sure wushuliu can answer you that one.

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:



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Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #9 on: 29 May 2013, 04:49 pm »
With the Nikon lenses and the adapter, does aperture-priority exposure mode work? Or is full manual (i.e. use a light meter and shoot-and-see) or something in between?

I'm looking at the Fujis and still unclear about exactly what is and is not enabled with the adapters.

I looked at the Sony website and see four models but apart from the sensor resolution in the 7 I'm not sure what the differences between the models are  :scratch: Need to dig deeper...

I use my Nex5 with an adapter for Canon mf lenses, I use A priority and it sets shutter speed. What you see on the LCD is exactly what the sensor is picking up.

I wish I had some Leica/Zeiss rangefinder lenses, they would work great with a Nex.


Re: Finally Gone Digital w/ NEX-C3
« Reply #10 on: 31 May 2013, 03:40 am »
Yes all the NEX models are confusing. Since I was buying used I ignored the newer ones. I just care about image quality, not so much the bells and whistles. Also I'm broke! That said I am enjoying the C3. I went through a bunch of new and vintage lenses until I found one that looked right to me. Amazing how each lens has a different character. I settled on an old Tokina RMC 35-105mm. Love its images.